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get out. meet people.

Meetup: DragonCon 2023

In the past I've tried doing meetups at DragonCon, at specific times and places there, and I only ever met one person that way. So I gave up. Now I'm doing it again, but differently. I'm going to be at DragonCon this year. If you're also going to be there, let me know and we can communicate and try to say hi in person over Labor Day Weekend. Nothing huge, just a chance to bump into interesting people and maybe go to related panels or get in board games or the like. I'm going alone and it'd be nice to actually see people that I know (even if just in the MeFi online kind of way).
posted by JHarris on Jul 31, 2023 at 3:38 PM


Hiya - I will be at DragonCon again this year too, staying at the Hilton. While I have a few friends at con, I'm mostly on my own throughout the day, maybe we can meet up at a panel or food spot sometime.
posted by oh yeah! at 4:54 PM


That'd be really cool!
posted by JHarris at 5:07 PM
