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get out. meet people.

Meetup: Halcyon Trivia

(straight up copied from ShooBoo's last post, because I am very lazy) Let's meet for Tuesday trivia night at Halcyon Brewing in Greenwood. Trivia starts at 7:30pm. Let's meet up at 7pm.
Trivia is held in the room without the bar. The room may be empty at 7pm, but fills up as 7:30pm approaches. All ages. Maximum number of team members is 6, but we can split if there are more. No entry fee. Check Halcyon's Facebook page for category hints. Brush up on the latest news (regular, pop culture, and sports) beforehand, or not and we'll make our best guesses.
posted by ChrisR on Apr 23, 2024 at 11:01 PM


It's worth noting that I'll be late; I've got a book club that runs til close to 7:30, so I'll come up somewhere in the first round.
posted by ChrisR at 9:01 AM


Poisonous plants & famous Canadians, this week
posted by CrystalDave at 4:33 PM


We'll leave the Canadians blank until Chris shows up.
posted by skyscraper at 6:19 PM
