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get out. meet people.

Online: How MeFites Helped Turn My Book into a Musical

Join author and Mefite Don Merrill on his journey taking his doorstop to the stage - with help from MetaFilter! This event is free to attend.
It's Week 4 of MetaFilter Events! Attend this event for free - just go to our EventBrite page and click on the big red button to get your ticket. "Pledge Drives driving me crazy" was Don Merrill's motivation to start writing a book about them in 2014. He finished and published it in 2019, and it is a doorstop. After creating an audiobook and an e-book, his wife thought the story could be told better onstage. This presentation is about that progression and where things stand right now.
posted by tavegyl on Dec 12, 2022 at 8:07 AM
