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get out. meet people.

Meetup: Minneapolis: Park Meetup

Anyone up for a meetup next Saturday (5/11)? I'm thinking 3-5 pm but am flexible. Also willing to be swayed by a preponderance of votes for Sunday, but am guessing Mother's Day will forestall that option.
A fairly central location with convenient of free parking is Lowry Park, 900 Douglas Ave S, Minneapolis 55403. We might even be lucky enough to find the crab apples still in bloom enough that we can pretend to be at a Japanese Hanami picnic/party. Feel free to invite others. For planning future events, what interests you? Parks okay? Meal outings? Activities/events in addition to socializing?
posted by concinnity on May 05, 2024 at 7:43 AM


I'd normally be all for it but I have a friend visiting from out of town this weekend!
posted by BZArcher at 5:51 AM


Thanks for wanting this and trying to get this spark going! Parks have these awesome aspects: - optional activities (ball / disc catch, music, card games) - optional eating (that fits in my meal plan) - kid friendliness - lots of "moving around" space. Logistic: An fb event, or ics / Gcal Calendar invite makes it easy to remember.
posted by gregglind at 8:13 AM


BZArcher, a friend of yours is sure to be a MeFi-adjacent-or-even-overlapping kind of person...! (hint, hint) gregglind, I'm not sure how such in invite operation would work. I haven't made use of that technology/functionality on any of those platforms. Call me a dinosaur, maybe, but I guess I'm hoping people will want to come enough to manually enter an event in their preferred scheduling app. ;-)
posted by concinnity at 12:52 PM


The map is not showing the correct location; I've contacted the mods because the system also won't let me edit the post. Thomas Lowry Park is not far from the Walker Art Center -- if this map works, it's here (google maps link).
posted by concinnity at 10:40 PM


Hooray! I'm late to the checkin but I'd love to come. All those ideas sound great as far as activities. I don't have anything specific to add at the moment but I'll think on it a bit and post any ideas and/or discuss them this weekend. Also, irl.metafilter.com automatically generates iCal and Google Calendar events once there's a time, date, and location set. The links are just below the headline "Minneapolis: Park Meetup" and just above the map on the event page. Thanks very much!
posted by tellumo at 10:57 AM


I will check back here tomorrow at 2pm and am willing to show up if at least one other person is listed in the Attending list. If y'all want to take a rain check, please let me know asap so I don't drive there for just the crickets. For the same reason, please post your expected arrival time if other than 3:00. Feel free to memail me if you want to exchange phone numbers for coordination. PS: Bring a lawn chair and feel free to bring any food/drink you like. (I'd do a sharing table if more had chimed in, but next time.)
posted by concinnity at 11:57 AM


sorry, totally spaced on this. Did it end up happening? If not, I'd be down for a rain-checked meetup!
posted by yunhua at 5:50 AM
