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get out. meet people.

Proposed: NYC Meetup in January?

Just thinking it might be nice to have an NYC Meetup, sometime after the busy holiday party season... Perhaps Thursday, January 11? Sunday January 14?
I have never done one of these before, but i am mefi meetup curious! Perhaps someplace in Manhattan like Essex Market (has all kinds of F+B options, and a big public space) or The Magician (a bar that is very chill about ordering delivered food) or some other place we come up with?
posted by wowenthusiast on Nov 01, 2023 at 3:58 PM


Sure! I haven't been to a meetup in ages.
posted by cowlick at 6:29 PM


I'm down. I haven't been to a meetup in a long time.
posted by KingEdRa at 2:26 PM
