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get out. meet people.

Proposed: Pittsburgh Revival

Not the religious kind, but the "this meetup contingent appears to be sleeping, shall we awaken it?" kind. While the weather is (more or less) on our side, what do folks think about some type of low-key meetup in September or October?
A mere 4-and-a-half years since I moved here, I'm finally sending up the flare to try and meet some Pittsburgh MeFites. I thought I'd field suggestions / preferences, (broad or specific,) and then parlay that into a scheduled event. I'll go first: For me, the only no-no dates in the near future are Sept 16, and Sept 30–Oct 8. I'm a flexible-schedule freelancer, but assume that many of you work more standard hours. (Though let me know if that's not the case.) I'd be most interested in a low-noise, no-purchases-required, outdoor situation with some small activity to ostensibly be there to do. Could be a BYO picnic, could be a "here's what media I'm consuming" chat (like a live FanFare!), could be a work-on-a-creative-project-on-a-blanket thing... or if there's a preexisting outdoor event that we could piggyback onto / hang out nearby, that's great too. I live in the East End, but could travel up to 30 minutes by car. My brain is defaulting to the Aspinwall riverfront park because it's right off of 28, is easy to park at, is rarely crowded, has purchasable food there and nearby, and I believe has restrooms. But first thought isn't necessarily best thought. And I've no particular accessibility needs, but definitely want to take that into consideration for anyone else. (Feel free to MeMail if that's a factor that you're okay sharing with one person but prefer not to broadcast.) Any interest?
posted by D.Billy on Sep 02, 2023 at 1:23 PM


Would be up for this. In Sept, can do 15th (Sat) or following weekend of 23rd-24th. Happy to talk October, too. Thanks so much for reaching out. Aspinwall Park sounds great. Will also throw out Schenley Plaza in Oakland as a secondary option, just because it is city-central, there are also on-site food options. Plus pre/post places to go like the museum, library, park, etc. But I have no preference! Happy to do anywhere within a 30 minute drive, too.
posted by buffalo at 6:34 AM


I'm open to this, if I can work it in around my kiddo's sport schedule. As in, figure out a date and if I can show up I will come. As I was not born or raised in Pittsburgh, I have no fear of tunnels or bridges and am willing to travel. I've never been to Aspinwall riverfront park either, so the option intrigues me.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 1:49 PM


My schedule is insanity for the next two months, but if it's a Monday, Tuesday, or Friday I might be able to make it.
posted by bfranklin at 3:02 PM


As I was not born or raised in Pittsburgh, I have no fear of tunnels or bridges Our fear is wholly justified! I'd be up for this if my schedule allows - right now the weekends of 9/16 and 10/7 are booked. Thanks for taking the initiative, and please accept a late welcome to Pittsburgh!
posted by punchtothehead at 9:43 AM


I would love to meet up with everyone!
posted by amicamentis at 2:41 PM


Bridges and tunnels and yinzers, oh my! Seriously, though - it would be great to meet up with area MeFites. It has finally calmed down work-wise and on the personal front, so I'm wide open. Let me know where and when! -john
posted by theseventhstranger at 6:30 AM


Whoops ... realized I wrote 15th/Saturday above. Both wrong. Doh. 17th/Sunday is correct. Everything else still goes.
posted by buffalo at 6:45 PM


I'm zeroing in on either Sept. 22–24 or Oct. 13–15. I know Fridays are better for bfranklin — is that the case for anyone else? Or are Saturdays / Sundays the prevailing preference?
posted by D.Billy at 10:26 AM


What do we think about Friday / Saturday / Sunday, Oct. 13–15?
posted by D.Billy at 9:07 AM
