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get out. meet people.

Proposed: Salt Lake City & PyCon

I'll be in Salt Lake City, Utah for PyCon US this month. I'll be available parts of Wednesday, April 19th-Monday, April 24th, and would enjoy meeting other MeFites who live in SLC or who are visiting for the convention! An outdoor beverage near the Salt Palace would be ideal. Tentative suggestion: 5pm Saturday, April 22nd.
COVID risk mitigation: We'll either talk masked indoors, or (weather permitting) outdoors, probably unmasked. I'd prefer outdoors. I'm happy to eat meals and drink beverages together outdoors. I plan to self-test with rapid antigen tests every morning at PyCon, and will of course cancel my attendance and notify the thread if I test positive or show symptoms.
posted by brainwane on Apr 12, 2023 at 8:34 AM
