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get out. meet people.

Proposed: Southeast Asian Market at FDR Park in Philly

Hi folks! The Southeast Asian Market is opening for the season on Saturday, March 30th. Would anyone be interested in a picnic in FDR park by the SEA market?
I figure we could set up some picnic blankets and folks can grab snacks/drinks at the market as needed. Check out the SEA market website for more info. If you haven't been, I highly suggest checking it out; I'm a big fan. Any interest? Any preferences for dates/times? The market is open Saturdays and Sundays from 10 - 6, so I figure we could target like 1 - 4 and folks could swing by whenever. The venue is outdoors, so this meetup would be weather-dependent - if it rains we can just push it to the next weekend.
posted by catcafe on Mar 20, 2024 at 11:24 AM


Their Instagram is saying opening day has been delayed for unforeseen circumstances sea market fdr Instagram FYI. And i've never been, but it sounds interesting, i'll have to track any updates here.
posted by TheAdamist at 5:27 AM


Oh hell yeah -- I've been looking forward to the reopening of the market all winter, and will be moving down closer to FDR Park in the next month or so. Sign me up! Date/time: Earlier in the season it shouldn't be too crowded, but the lines do start getting longer around noonish -- manageably so; just something to keep in mind. Don't know what's up with the unforeseen delay, but I'm down for homemade sausage and som tam 24/7/365.
posted by bokane at 5:44 AM


I've never been as well but I would like to check it out!
posted by nolnacs at 8:40 AM


inquirer has an article on the postponement, but requires a subscription to read, which i dont have.
posted by TheAdamist at 12:48 PM


Oh my god I'm so salty about the postponement. I will keep tabs on it and update this thread once they announce when it will actually open. I wonder if they forgot to bribe someone??
posted by catcafe at 1:10 PM


Sounds like it got too big and public, and they might be required to cook everything in an offsite licensed and health certified kitchen, which kinda defeats the point. Some article excerpts got posted to reddit Philadelphia.
posted by TheAdamist at 4:30 PM


Fuck yeah, I love this market and will come for a meet up if at all possible.
posted by ActionPopulated at 6:04 PM


Hi it has been ages since I've hung out with MeFites but I'm all for it and what a keen event as well. I will keep my eyes on this event.
posted by Deathalicious at 7:45 PM


Oh my god a Philly meetup! I am there! But either it needs to be end of April which is the postponed opening date, or we need to find another venue for 3/30.
posted by biblioPHL at 8:57 AM


End of april is the latest word, philly voice
posted by TheAdamist at 2:45 PM


Alright new opening date is Saturday, May 4th! Could that work for folks? If not, I could also do May 18th or 19th.
posted by catcafe at 4:18 PM
