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get out. meet people.

Presentation: Tell Me Everything, Now Shut Up (w/Misha Glouberman)

Hey Mefites, let's meetup at this event before it begins, and attend this workshop together. The more, the merrier! Misha Glouberman earns his money as a business communications guy, but he's also geeky & fun. From the Eventbrite description of the event: "You can get to know someone in 12 minutes." This is the insane thesis behind "Tell Me Everything, Now Stop Talking", a participatory show where we'll speedrun getting to know each other and embrace the beautiful, heart-opening awkwardness of group intimacy.
I first heard Misha Glouberman on the podcast "You Are Not So Smart," and then subsequently attended one of his online workshops on interpersonal communication skills, which was unexpectedly fun & helpful. Now he's doing this event, which really has my curiosity piqued. (I already checked the weather forecast, and it's not going to rain, so let's do this!) Tickets are available on Eventbrite, sliding scale $15 - $35 each. 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Part 1: A Show: "Get to know this human" A person is chosen from the audience. Anybody can ask them any question, but they can refuse to answer if they want. The goal is to get to know this person fully, to the core of their humanity. We have 12 minutes per person, which is probably enough. 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Part 2: An activity: Same thing, but with each other We put people into small groups and each and do that same activity. 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM Part 3: A hangout Hang out in a room with a bunch of people who just did this thing together.
posted by honey badger on Mar 06, 2024 at 1:39 PM


I've never heard of this guy but I'm expecting a house guest this weekend whose alley this might conceivably be up.
posted by tangerine at 8:33 PM


I looked MG up. A couple hours later I crawl out of that rabbit hole - a worthwhile one, mind you. Wish I lived closer and could attend, and would love to hear how it went. Have a blast!
posted by concinnity at 5:34 AM
