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get out. meet people.

Online: The Sweet Spot: Content Moderation, User Engagement

How do we build online communities at scale? Hear from Chris Gray, policy activist and former content moderator, about the challenges around content moderation
It's Week 4 of MetaFilter Events! Go to our EventBrite page and click on the big red button to get your ticket - $10, or apply for a randomly allocated sponsored ticket. As well as needing to balance freedom of speech with public safety concerns, community and social media has another challenge when it comes to content moderation: how do we build engaging communities and create welcoming spaces for disparate constituencies? How do we find the right balance between intentional community-building and organic growth, how much should we regulate in pursuit of growth, and how do we reconcile the needs of those communities with the needs of wider society? Join Chris Gray - former content moderator and now policy activist - in exploring these questions.
posted by tavegyl on Dec 12, 2022 at 8:03 AM
