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get out. meet people.

Performance: Turn, Turn, Turn - a new play

Far in the future, another planet is dying. The next great migration is happening; thousands of people racing from one world to the next. On an old freighter, destined to become their future home, four individuals are thrown together. Struggling with nostalgia for Earth Seven, the crew must decide how much they will risk to get to the next world first. For two weeks at Theatre Works from Sept 13 to Sept 23.
I wrote this play in 2021, during one of our many lockdowns, so a show about people being confined to a single room hoping for better when they arrive at the next world is... well, hopefully not too on the nose. I'm excited for people to see it after this long development and gestation. It's queer, it's funny, it's tense and claustrophobic and it's going to look amazing. Full press release here
posted by crossoverman on Aug 31, 2023 at 1:13 AM


Interesting. I shall consider my schedule.
posted by prismatic7 at 12:08 AM


hmmm - going to myra in space at 45 downstairs next week. seems to be a bit of a space theme happening...
posted by goshling at 12:45 AM


Myra in Space is written by a good friend of mine. Space theme double-bill!
posted by crossoverman at 4:05 PM
