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all work and no play

NYC : Root some cuttings in water and grow avocado pits in water

I'm looking for someone in NYC who will grow some plant cuttings and avocado pits in water for me, for a trade show in August.

I'll be exhibiting at a trade show in NYC in mid-August. One of our products is a little tool/display for water propagation of cuttings, succulents or pits such as avocado or mango pits.
Normally I grow my own display cuttings and pits for this purpose, and it looks awesome at trade shows local to me (europe). However, I can't fly with live plants to the USA.
So, I'd like to hire someone in NYC to root cuttings in water and grow a few avocados and mango pits, so they'll be pretty and leafy by mid-August.
I need that someone to be super reliable, so I can be assured to have those plants ready to pick up for the show. They don't need to be a professional, but it'd be great if they've plenty of experience and access to sufficient space on a sunny windowsill to grow these.

I would pick up the plants from you on August 11th or 12th.

So, if you're already growing cuttings at home, and are interested in this job, memail me and we can discuss details and compensation.
posted by PardonMyFrench on May 20, 2023 at 12:43 AM
