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all work and no play

Rent me your RV for Burning Man

Hi, I'm looking for an RV to rent for Burning Man, hopefully within a ~10hr drive of Black Rock City. I would need it from Thursday, August 24 through Thursday, September 5.

Required: refrigerator, shower, capable of extended boondocking
Appreciated: solar, large grey water capacity

I'm an experienced burner, an avid consumer of information, and a mom. I'm planning to treat your RV as gently as possible and return it in the condition I receive it in, and I have a plan for how I'm going to do that. Happy to discuss further.

I'm willing to pay, but I'm hoping for a reasonable rate - preferably less than $4k out the door. I am willing to get additional insurance.
posted by woodvine on Mar 10, 2023 at 10:45 AM
