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all work and no play

Translate a short flyer to invite Spanish-speakers to join Artisans.coop

I'm posting this as a volunteer activity, but I might be able to pay a ridiculously small amount if necessary. Really, though, it's volunteer, and it's totally fine if nobody volunteers :)

That said, if you're fluent, it may take you less than three minutes. The flyer is mainly graphics, URIs, and a scannable code.


The request is to translate the text on one flyer, accurately but keeping the spirit of the original. I'm not sure if I'll try to make one bilingual flyer or separate Spanish and English flyers.

The text is:
"We are building a handmade co-op alternative to Etsy!";
"Join our community!";
"Follow @COOPARTISANS on [links/icons]";
"Designed by Miss Thera"


I'm part of the grassroots campaign to built founding membership for Artisans.coop. There are many artisans and many Spanish speakers living near me in the North Carolina Triangle, and I've met spanish-speaking artisans, and I want to help get some diversity into the group ASAP. If someone will help me make a Spanish-language flyer, I can start getting it out into the world, at least here, possibly elsewhere.

If you give me your e-mail address I can forward you an original, but the above text is all the text there is. If you are more comfortably staying a MeMail contact, I can send you a link to the folder where the original is, plus the file name.

I asked the co-op about it, and no Spanish speaker has volunteered to translate anything so far. The site itself has a machine translation plugin, so a Spanish speaker could navigate it.

A co-op is not a nonprofit entity. It is member owned, and anyone can join (even if they do not have cash to make the initial investment, in this co-op). I'd love to get some multicultural voices in immediately so they are heard early and often.

Thanks a bunch!
posted by amtho on Jul 12, 2023 at 8:28 PM
