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all work and no play

UX/UI Design Intern (Sep-Dec 2022)

About the job
The Perch Design Team is looking for a UX/UI intern to join us in creating an efficient and engaging user experience for our client facing website and tools. You must have a strong interest in user research and a passion for design. You will be assisting in tool redesigns for the Perch website. You must be self motivated and have a desire to learn and grow in a fast paced environment.

What You'll Be Doing

- Assisting and conducting user and market research.
- Ability to understand customer needs, motivations and behavior.
- Interpret and synthesize the research finding into design requirements
- Work closely with the team to design user flows, wireframes & prototypes.
- Create visual aids as and when required.
- Effectively communicate research findings, conceptual ideas and detailed design rationale

What you need to have

- Currently enrolled in a degree in design or equivalent education / training. You must be graduating in Dec 2022 or later.
- Experience with design and prototyping tools, preferably Figma
- Ability to absorb information and requirements and be able to translate them into designs.
- Ability to capture ideas and communicate effectively.
- Self motivated and resourceful, while being a contributing member to the design team.
- Familiar with the latest patterns and trends in web and mobile design.
- An online portfolio showcasing sample projects or past work experience.
- Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal.
- Can legally work in Canada by way of being a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

Nice to Have

- Knowledge of how mortgages and real estate work.
- Previous design experience is an asset.
posted by jchan on Jul 15, 2022 at 10:39 AM
