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community weblog	

Do not try at home. Do not trust all deer wizards.

Found by a friend, 12 years old but still fun in an inexplicable kind of way: a deer wizard explains how to build an owl theremin (2 minutes), then demonstrates playing it (1m). (Note: the owls are wooden. No real owls are promised, nor harmed.)
posted by JHarris on Jun 30, 2024 at 9:18 AM


A time capsule from a more innocent age of YouTube - I love it!
posted by DSime at 10:04 AM


I approve of any deer that uses the word 'thrice.'
posted by mittens at 10:26 AM


*install might be a more accurate description; playing rocks more than another theremin build though :-)
posted by HearHere at 10:57 AM


I bought a cheap "AliExpress theremin". It's a fun gadget, although not a true theremin. Rather than having a proper analog circuit, it uses the antennae as inputs to a tiny computer, which synthesizes the audio. The upside is that it has different voices and effects, and a neat display. Not a great instrument because the scale of hand movement needed to control pitch is too small to really be controllable, but synth geeks will enjoy it.
posted by qxntpqbbbqxl at 11:34 AM


Yeah, but was it made by a deer wizard, and does it come with delicious innards?
posted by JHarris at 11:39 AM


does it come with delicious innards?
*nibbles theremin* mmm, chacun son goût
posted by HearHere at 1:24 PM


Deer Wizard, Reader People
posted by taquito sunrise at 2:14 PM


I am astonished by this - was convinced that my friend Scott owned the world's only owl theremin, and yet now I find out that THEY ARE LEGION. Here is his.
posted by muggsy1079 at 1:07 AM



My only problem with that video muggsy1079 is that it's in someone's basement, and not out on display somewhere where everyone can play with it forever. It is a private sort of majesty, and wonderful.
posted by JHarris at 4:37 AM


[[For whooomever is interested, this post and muggsy1079's friend Scott have been added to the sidebar and Best Of blog.]]
posted by taz at 2:22 AM


I just noticed that muggsy1079's friend's video has a URL on the end off it, www.nervoussquirrel.com. I half expected it to 404 or lead to a scammy website where cartoon characters would try to get me to play video slots, because it'd be far from the first time. But no, it's still up, and pretty awesome itself!
posted by JHarris at 6:08 AM
