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community weblog	

Flushed with nuisance and trespass

When MegaCorps collide, the UKSC must decide. Judgment today finds [11m of elderly gent reading a script] that the Manchester Ship Canal is not obliged to accept "trespass and nuisance" in the discharge of untreated sewage from United Utilities simply on the grounds that it has no standing in law.
I'm quite the fan of the UK Supreme Court channel. The judgments of this final court of appeal are meant to be open and accessible to everyone. Accordingly each case results in a Long Judgment and a Press Release and a YouTube performance. "However, United Utilities argues that the Canal Company has no cause of action because then only way to avoid the discharges of foul water into the canal would be to construct new sewerage infrastructure."
posted by BobTheScientist on Jul 02, 2024 at 6:44 AM


unanimously allows the Canal Company's appeal. It holds that the 1991 Act does not prevent the Canal Company from bringing a claim in nuisance or trespass when the canal is polluted by discharges of foul water
that's the [explicative/expletive]
posted by HearHere at 12:55 PM


This is being discussed at the moment on Paul Powlesland's (UK enviro lawyer) twitter "Water companies *can* be sued by riparian owners for damages in trespass & nuisance for sewage spills!"
posted by unearthed at 1:32 PM
