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community weblog	

Free Browser-Based After Effects Alternative

Pikimov is a new free, browser-based alternative to After Effects. Maybe you might find it useful!
posted by DoctorFedora on Jul 01, 2024 at 1:46 AM


Haven't tried it yet but here's the Reddit thread at r/vfx where the creator announced it and answers questions. And from the FAQ:

Pikimov uses several key features that only exist in Chrome, Edge, and maybe Opera, and maybe, maybe, Brave. That's why Pikimov cannot currently work on Firefox (as of today: v127), there's nothing I can do to fix this, it is just not possible.
posted by mediareport at 3:23 AM


Pikimov uses several key features that only exist in Chrome, Edge, and maybe Opera, and maybe, maybe, Brave. That's why Pikimov cannot currently work on Firefox (as of today: v127), there's nothing I can do to fix this, it is just not possible.

While unfortunate that it doesn't work in Firefox, a big thumbs up for it working in Ungoogled Chromium and (after brief testing) other open source chromium browsers.

No sign-up, no AI, works in open source browsers, and works with ublock origin active? I'd say sign me up, but
posted by Dee Grim at 3:42 AM


On that note: from less than a month ago, the latest version of XdanielArt's famous list of Adobe alternatives.
posted by BiggerJ at 3:50 AM


Yeah, I came in to mention the not-working-in-Firefox part too. Which gives me IE/Netscape vibes all over again.
posted by JHarris at 4:27 AM


On that note: from less than a month ago, the latest version of XdanielArt's famous list of Adobe alternatives.

Paint Shop Pro and Quark Xpress are still around! I would never have guessed.
posted by Termite at 4:29 AM


This isn't really a big deal and lack of AI or really what they mean is algorithms
off loaded to the GPU and lack of cloud storage is a huge drawback for anything team based. I know people who swear by Gimp. Davinci recently released a container version of their OS so really this is Google's answer to keep sticking with the browser instead of taking advantage component virtualization. I don't feel it is the way to go. Collaboration, style guides and saving it to the cloud doesn't mean evil it is working as a team. Subject masking, generative fills, comments are huge when combined with a style guide.

Lack of Lottie is huge, he just wrote a UI over native APIs, which isn't easy but not as ground breaking as Photoshop for the web. Google never has "got" design or UX which is why people tend to regard everything but gmail as second class citizens.

This might work for people who need some quick home videos but it's like git without user names/ssh being passed around like zip files.

Davincii down samples 8 4K live feeds and uses AI to center shots on subjects, among other things.

Adobe lets you store on a private cloud (we used to call them network servers) and authenticate and track telemetry. Like anything else it can be used poorly or it could say hey for kerning people jump out of Photoshop to Illustrator just to make minor edits let's see why and improve Photoshop.

Plus user tracking helps in litigation. Inam making this up but of someone licenses a photo of the Eiffel Tower, color corrects it, removes tourists and it is now looking like a Getty image do they pay licensing rights or do you have an authenticated workflow showing they never looked at a Getty image and it was just coincidence?

Plus take an app that's working put it in a container, virtualized everything, maybe even use VDI with a high quality protocol (XCP?) and I think that's the way to go for anything beyond sharing family videos.

I am just pointing out Linux has had a native UI issue forever but are beginning to realize X11 just needs to go. Google took a different route and loaded Debian with chrome being the windows composition x11/gnome replacement.
posted by geoff. at 4:31 AM


It would be neat if this post or one of the comments could explain what "After Effects" is. It sounds like something to assemble a film after all your effects shots have wrapped?
posted by rum-soaked space hobo at 1:58 AM


It's a video editing program from Adobe that's widely used by a variety of people who do all kinds of motion graphics editing work, not just effects shots. Adobe is a much-disliked company in many circles; check the "Criticisms" section of its Wikipedia page. The Justice Dept sued it last month for deceptive practices, and there was a huge stink, also last month, when Adobe updated its terms of service in obnoxiously broad and stupid ways, which it still hasn't fixed, leading many folks to look for alternatives.
posted by mediareport at 4:55 AM


(The FTC, not the Justice Dept, sorry)
posted by mediareport at 5:01 AM
