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community weblog	

shine on, pink glitter diamond

at document scale. I took the 8.5-by-11-inch FBI pages, which were heavily redacted and punctuated with officious markings and handwritten margin notes, and splashed them with bright pink spray paint and pastel rhinestones. The spray paint points to graffiti and "tagging" (an act of reclamation), to my own lexicon of redactions and the unknowable. The crystal adornment is an impossible and tiny act of healing. I also figured pink glitter would be a kind of kryptonite to J. Edgar Hoover's tortured ghost. [Sadie Barnette]
posted by HearHere on Jun 29, 2024 at 3:22 PM


Did you use Swarovski rhinestones or Czech quality ones?
posted by Czjewel at 3:56 PM


This is some pure pink gold, this is. Come for the neons & pastel speakers, stay to watch the FBI get schooled on the Black Panthers & Rodney Barnette.

It's all good but I particularly like this & the rest of the "how to" series
posted by chavenet at 4:24 PM


posted by HearHere at 5:25 PM
