__  __      _____ _   __  __           _      
|  \/  | ___|  ___(_) |  \/  |_   _ ___(_) ___ 
| |\/| |/ _ \ |_  | | | |\/| | | | / __| |/ __|
| |  | |  __/  _| | | | |  | | |_| \__ \ | (__ 
|_|  |_|\___|_|   |_| |_|  |_|\__,_|___/_|\___|
rock and/or roll

02 - unidentified spiritual object - vampire deer

song 2 - more dogpaddling in space

i'm an unidentified spirit flowing above this sea of shame i no longer care who wins - and i refuse to dole out blame the fields are endless in their burning - the forests glow in the night i look within and i look out - and something just isn't right i'm an unidentified spirit because identity can be a curse one person calls me something - the next says i'm even worse i can't be none of the above - no, not even in my grave and i often wonder - just who it is you're trying to save
posted by pyramid termite on Jan 31, 2024 at 6:01 AM


Feels like there's three different tempos going at once, which is really effectively disorienting. I like this strange floating.
posted by ignignokt at 6:56 PM
