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| |  | |  __/  _| | | | |  | | |_| \__ \ | (__ 
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rock and/or roll


I took Mary Poppins' classic "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" and mixed it with Andy Rehfeldt's metal version. The original song was downtuned a few semitones; and a few snips were made for the sync to be maintained. And I added a slight channel separation so it wasn't a flat mash of noise.

posted by not_on_display on Mar 11, 2024 at 10:45 PM


posted by terrapin at 5:37 AM


Well fuck. This is gorgeous. I'm going to ask a question: are you guys bored by music, or your own mastery? Or is it a mix around the band? Or do you just wish we'd all catch up?
posted by es_de_bah at 8:56 AM


A: No; no; yes; and did you say ketchup, where's the ketchup? I didn't get that
posted by not_on_display at 10:23 PM
