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where self-links rule                |__/

Bottlecap Mountain - "I Guess It's Christmas" - Official Music Video

Bottlecap Mountain - "I Guess It's Christmas" - Official Music Video
I made this animated video for my band's new Christmas song - "I Guess It's Christmas." I also played bass.
Old timers with good memories might recall I used to make kind of odd animated advent calendars every December, I even posted a few of them to Projects. I stopped a few years ago after more than a decade of doing it and, alas, those old calendars have not survived the ravages of time, and are long gone. When we, Bottlecap Mountain, recorded this song I thought I would dust off the idea for a video. It was a ton of work, and a ton of fun, and I am reasonably pleased with the outcome. And I LOVE the song.
posted by dirtdirt on Nov 28, 2023 at 8:42 AM


i really enjoyed the animated advent calendar idea – lots of great little moments. I read the explanation after watching, so that was a nice treat to find out it was your exact intention.
posted by JonnyKingKong at 3:06 PM


I thought that was very nice!
posted by JHarris at 9:12 AM
