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where self-links rule                |__/

Dodgeball Finder: Discover dodgeball leagues & events near you to make friends and stay fit

Dodgeball Finder: Discover dodgeball leagues & events near you to make friends and stay fit
When you think of dodgeball, do you remember being pummeled with 8.5" kickballs as a child or recall the 2004 cult classic movie? Many adults including myself have rediscovered dodgeball as a fun way to get exercise and make friends through local recreational leagues. Discovering and tracking nearby leagues and drop-in events is tedious and typically done through word-of-mouth (since web search results are incomplete and outdated). This motivated me to start a website to help players (initially just those living in the San Francisco Bay Area, California) to reliably find dodgeball happening near them.
I collect information for the site manually but hope to automate/crowdsource if enough people find the site useful.
posted by mdean on Feb 19, 2024 at 10:14 PM
