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where self-links rule                |__/

"Here We Are" Close Read Blog-o-thing

"Here We Are" Close Read Blog-o-thing
I took myself to see the premier Sondheim's posthumously released final play "Here We Are" on my birthday in January and came home with a head full of thoughts. Through the magic of dark internet (Reddit) I was able to get a cruddy recording when I got home and have been listening to it since. I'm trying to get these thoughts out of my head in single-file line ahead of the release of the cast recording on May 18th.
I have some posts already written! I'll keep them in order here and eventually figure out how to substack (I just like writing in markdown and it seemed easy enough). 1 - Background 2 - Characters (part one) 3 - Characters (part two) 4 - Act One Overview 5 - Act Two Overview 6 - Trickster Starts Out Hungry (In which I examine the use of restaurants in Act One as metaphors for critiques of modern theater) 7 - What a perfect day! (In which I examine the somewhat novel use of leitmotif in "Here We Are")
posted by gee_the_riot on May 02, 2024 at 11:38 AM


8 - Dialectics of Dining Out (wherein I ... you get it from the title, right?)
posted by gee_the_riot at 3:49 PM


9 - Metamodernism and Me! (You?) (in which I make a case that Here We Are is an exemplar of a metamodernist text.
posted by gee_the_riot at 11:02 AM


10 - Notes on Survivor's Camp (Wherein I write a manifesto trying to synthesize a new version of camp out of shitty things that happened to me in life to create a new critical lens for the analysis I'm writing.)
posted by gee_the_riot at 3:15 PM


11 - Notes on Notes (wherein I don't know music theory but gamely press on. )

12 - Tonicization, Sacrifice, Key Changes and Saying Goodbye (wherein I attempt to pull a rabbit out of my hat by explicating the "surprising but inevitable" conclusion)
posted by gee_the_riot at 7:33 AM


13 - God, the Bishop and "God" (wherein I examine the character of the Bishop as an authorial self-insert and see what that unlocks)

14 - On Critics and Completeness (wherein I attempt to figure out why this work didn't land like I think it should have)
posted by gee_the_riot at 6:40 AM
