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where self-links rule                |__/

Hey, There's Science In This

Hey, There's Science In This
I wrote a book! "Hey, There's Science In This" is a short collection of essays about unexpected science links to everyday topics. Rubber ducks at sea, a Japanese TV show, food-based paint techniques, hiking trails and much more all reveal their hidden science. The book started out as blog posts written between about 2007 and 2023, but they've been updated and rewritten for this collection.
The book will be officially out on March 28, with an online launch event on March 27 (to keep it true to its internet roots!) It's slowly rolling out to different online booksellers as ebook and paperback. Pre-orders really help so if you think you'll want to pick this up anyway, please pre-order it and find out what in world the 1893 Chiacgo World's Fair, the Vatican, Dali or hiking trails have to do with science! There's more info on my website.
posted by easternblot on Mar 05, 2024 at 5:18 AM
