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where self-links rule                |__/

Kraken Whispers - an interactive text adventure

Kraken Whispers - an interactive text adventure
A climate-fiction text adventure with dystopian themes, set in 2051. Can you survive for one week as a regular person under the rule of the York Emergency Authority? (Maybe you can do more than survive, and blow oxygen on embers of resistance.) With beautiful art by Dibujos de Pam! Play for free in your browser, desktop or mobile.
To celebrate the anniversary of my Kraken Calling book tour, I'm releasing an interactive text adventure set in the same universe. This interactive adventure takes place just before the beginning of my novel Kraken Calling. There are no plot spoilers for the novel; you can play the game before you read the book. (Though if you have read the book, you might encounter some familiar faces.) The novel alternates between 2028 and 2051, but this adventure takes place entirely in the later timeframe — just before the beginning of the novel. Can you survive for one week as a regular person under Authority rule? (Maybe you can do more than survive, and blow oxygen on embers of resistance.) Choose among three career options: cleaner, technician, or fixer/salvager. It seems to take most people an hour or so to play through once. But it really depends on the story branches you choose, and how much time you spend mulling over your options. Personally, I'm a fan of making snap decisions — if you get arrested in the first ten minutes, you can always restart to the beginning of the day. When you play, you won't be totally alone! You'll have help from a sardonic narrator, and perhaps you can find some like-minded allies... Enjoy!
posted by mcbaya on Nov 15, 2023 at 7:40 AM


I'm having fun but it goes blank on mobile at a certain point ('Is there a computer?' choice.)
posted by cobaltnine at 7:29 AM


I want to like this but also keep running into dead ends at certain points (not game over, just an absence of text prompts to keep going).
posted by Rhaomi at 11:11 AM


Would you mind sending me some more information by memail about the specific spot(s) you are getting stuck, whether you are on mobile, and what browser you are using? Thanks!
posted by mcbaya at 12:13 PM


I finished it as a fixer and this was awesome. Totally gonna go read the book now. Thanks so much!
posted by Literaryhero at 4:42 AM
