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where self-links rule                |__/

Random Recipe Project: A YouTube Channel

Random Recipe Project: A YouTube Channel
I've got about 150 cookbooks that I've collected over the last thirty years but in the age of instant recipes on the internet I hardly ever use them anymore. Last fall, despite not really knowing anything about creating good video, or editing even better video, or how to have a successful YouTube channel, I decided to begin a video series of me cooking one randomly selected recipe from my collection.
I had several ulterior goals besides just using my cookbooks, of course. I wanted to learn video skills, because as I inch closer to retirement age I've realized there is a demand for well-made tutorials for the kind of hobbies I have and I should know how to make them. I wanted to get better at talking to people, having become a hermit since the pandemic and losing that ability. I wanted an outlet for public performance energy, since much of those opportunities went away during the pandemic as well. This series lets me do all of those at once, and it's been a ton of fun. Each video is better than the last, and I'm hopeful this will become a long-term outlet for me.
posted by ewagoner on Feb 07, 2024 at 12:02 PM


Cooking videos are one of my absolute favorite genres on YouTube. I've only watched three of yours so far, but they're fun. I like the concept (I also have too many cook books) and your demeanor is reassuring and kind. I look forward to more of these!
posted by edencosmic at 10:08 AM


These are great! Thank you for making them (it's been a stressful week and these have been a bit of a balm.)
posted by trig at 10:01 AM


Subscribed! These are excellent and I instantly cracked up at the first 10 seconds of your enchilada one.
posted by knownassociate at 11:41 AM
