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Ray and the Stone Cold Axe Woman is published!

Ray and the Stone Cold Axe Woman is published!
I've just published Ray and the Stone Cold Axe Woman. This is book 2 in the "Ray and the Echoes" series, and is the sequel to Ray and the Cat Thing. If you've not read Ray and the Cat Thing yet, now's the time to get it - I've made it 99c on all the ebook sites.
⭐Book Description⭐ for Ray and the Stone Cold Axe Woman An enormous axe-wielding woman shows up on Ray's doorstep. She's a stranger, and she refuses to share her name. All she'll say is that she was sent to protect Ray. What from? The Axe-Woman doesn't know, but she's not about to let Ray out of her sight. As Ray navigates her neighbourhood with this unlikely body-guard in tow, she's not always sure who's protecting whom. But it soon becomes alarmingly clear that the danger is very real, and that if Ray wants to keep herself and her friends safe, she'll have to figure out the mystery of the Axe-Woman's identity. (This book was a lot of fun to write, and written while I was discovering that I'm autistic, and came out as nonbinary. Those things are not highlighted in the narrative, but they're very much there. Also - look out for Critical Role Easter eggs )
posted by Zumbador on Mar 16, 2024 at 1:49 AM
