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where self-links rule                |__/

The End Of Suffering (Album)

The End Of Suffering (Album)
I finally got around to putting my 2009 full length album up on Spotify. Until now you had to own a CD - no longer! Stream away.
This album was my full-bore attempt to break into the music industry and make something important. It took about a year and lots of $$$. It involved recording studios in San Francisco, Oakland, Long Island and Singapore, 3 different mixing engineers and probably around 40 musicians playing everything from bass and drums to English horn and vibraphone. Sadly the vibraphone track did not make the cut - and I used two vibraphonists! And I quickly learned that merely making a record - and even paying through the nose to have it promoted - is no guarantee of success. I still have 950 copies of this record in my basement in digi-packs. I had pretty much given up on this record until a trip last week to Helsinki to visit a friend, where I ran into a guy who shares my exact birth date and is also a musician. I wanted to share this album with him but couldn't, because it isn't on streaming services. So I decided to make it happen, and here it is! I didn't expect it to make me so happy, but it's like a switch got flipped and I'm excited about my music again. And so I'm sharing it with all of you! Enjoy it at your peril. Also, I'm excited that CDs are making a comeback. Here's a video that illustrator and animator Emiel Stevenhagen, who did the cover art, made for the opening track "Pieces."
posted by grumpybear69 on Mar 01, 2024 at 6:34 AM
