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where self-links rule                |__/

Voyage of the Marigold

Voyage of the Marigold
Every choice matters as you command the Federation Starship Marigold through unexplored sectors in a desperate race against time.
This is my entry for the 2024 SpringThing Festival of Interactive Fiction. Heavily inspired by the 80s Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, a certain popular TV franchise , and featuring retro 1-bit graphics, VotM is my first attempt at longer form choice-based text game. Every game is different and takes 20-40 minutes.
posted by AndrewStephens on Apr 01, 2024 at 10:27 PM


Well the festival is over and the ribbons have been awarded. This got nominated for Best Adventure, Best Scifi, and Best Artwork - not as impressive as it sounds because everyone gets ribbons but I am proud that VotM got a little notice.
posted by AndrewStephens at 12:00 PM
