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where self-links rule                |__/

Winter Superstitions: A Choose Your Own Fate Book

Winter Superstitions: A Choose Your Own Fate Book
Every year I go a little extra for my holiday cards. This year I created a choose-your-own-adventure mini-book based on winter/holiday superstitions. Do you pet the cat? Clean up the pine needles? Your choices determine if you live to see a happy New Year or if you'll be departing this world before the sun comes up.
At my friend's urging, I published a Kindle version, as I can't get more copies to ship out before the holiday. The biggest fans of the book have been children, 7-10. I didn't realize their parents would share a rather creepy book with them, but they love it! One child made it alive on the first run-through and decided to go back and die many times over. If you try it: 1) thank you! 2) Good luck!
posted by haplesschild on Dec 18, 2023 at 10:48 AM


So interesting!
posted by daniellemikaelian at 8:37 AM


I love this! I am so in love with choose your own adventure books and so interested in how you mapped it out. Did you just use a spreadsheet of the outcomes...?
posted by knownassociate at 11:44 AM


knownassociate-- so sorry I didnt check for comments!
Yes, I used a spreadsheet :)
posted by haplesschild at 8:37 AM
