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where self-links rule                |__/

XOXO 2024

XOXO 2024
After nearly five years away, we're bringing back our experimental festival for independent artists who live and work online, one last time to Portland, OR this August 22–24. To celebrate, we launched a little teaser website that holds a little secret.
(If you can't figure it out, just watch the page for a few seconds.) The site was a collaboration with Mike Lacher and Brian Moore at Brain.wtf, who are both geniuses. Love them.
posted by waxpancake on Mar 06, 2024 at 11:22 AM


Well now my finger is tired.
posted by mpark at 8:31 AM


Ah, i hadn't noticed the incremental easter egg when the notice went out. Have to say, the "One last time, with feeling" sounds a lot like XOXO is getting a last hurrah and not a reboot.
posted by pwnguin at 9:53 PM


Correct, this is the last one! We wrote a bit about it on our blog. We wanted 2020 to be the final festival, but then... something... happened. I don't remember much from that time.
posted by waxpancake at 5:32 PM
