EFF "EFFector Newsletter" Archive Index of: http://www.eff.org/ftp/EFF/Newsletters/EFFector/ HTML/ - Directory of HTML-format EFFector backissues for use on World Wide Web servers. (Not many are available; not of much interest to FTP users.) 00-index.txt - You're reading it. The index of articles appearing in EFFector Online (EFFNews). Back issues of EFFnews and EFFector Online are in this directory; these filenames are of the form effnews1.?? (for issues 1.00-1.03) or effector?.?? (for issues 1.04 and up). Begining with vol. 7, the actual file is effect??.?? (optimized to shorter name for DOS/Win3.1). EFFector Online is a fairly frequent electronic-only publication. How to [un]subscribe: Send a message body (not subject line) to majordomo@eff.org containing: subscribe effector YOUR@ADDRESS.HERE (where "YOUR@ADDRESS.HERE" is, of course, your real e-mail address). To unsubscribe, it's the same, except say "unsubscribe" instead of "subscribe". To change your address, unsubscribe the old address, then subscribe the new address, in two commands on separate lines. You will receive a confirmation message regarding each command, that requires you to send back a confirmation code before the change actually happens (this prevents others from subscribing or unsubscribing you to our lists as a prank.) EFF NEWS / EFFECTOR ONLINE - INDEX VOLUME 15 There was no issue 15.00; the first issue of Volume 15 was 15.01. EFFector 15.09a - Mar. 29/31, 2002 * ALERT: Previous Two Alerts Updated with New Contact Info * ALERT: Defend your Rights to Digital Music! Congress Calls for Public Comments * California Supreme Court to Review E-mail Pamphleteer Case * Constitutional Challenge in Russian eBook Formatter Case * Mark your Calendars for EFF's 11th Annual International Pioneer Awards * Exchange Ideas with EFF Founders Mitch Kapor and John Perry Barlow EFFector 15.08 - Mar. 22, 2002 * ALERT: Congress Calls For Public Participation on Digital Music Issues * EFF Position on Joint AOL-Time Warner/Intel Pro-DRM Statement: A Step in the Wrong Direction * Exchange Ideas with EFF Founders Mitch Kapor and John Perry Barlow * Director Sues Organization that Oversees Internet - ICANN Broke Law * Media Conglomerate Threatens Suit Against Gamer Community * CHIPA Alert * EFF Thanks RSA Security EFFector 15.07 - Mar. 8, 2002 * ALERT: Oppose SSSCA; Support Intel's Bravery * Judge Ponders Jurisdiction in Russian eBook Formatter Case * Court Sets Jury Trial in Morpheus Peer-to-Peer Software Case * Meet Up With EFF Staff and Friends at South by Southwest on Monday, March 11 * Administrivia EFFector 15.06 - Feb. 27, 2002 * EFF and Law School Clinics Launch ChillingEffects.org * Senate Hearings Set This Week on Dramatic New Digital Controls * EFF Defends Shareholder Free Speech * EFF Defends Internet Linking * California DeCSS Case Before State Supreme Court * Exchange Ideas with Larry Lessig at EFF Benefit Dinner * Negativland Essay Supporting P2P * Meet EFF Lawyers and Friends in LA on Monday, March 4 * Administrivia EFFector 15.05 - Feb. 14, 2002 * ALERT: FCC Official Says Industry Groups Should Decide Your Rights * Philips Alert Update * Barney's Attack Lawyers Still on the Loose; EFF Looking for other Victims of the Purple Dinosaur * Trial Date Set for Norwegian Teen; Jon Johansen Prosecuted Under Computer Security Law * Exchange Ideas with Larry Lessig at EFF Benefit Dinner * Visit EFF at the RSA Conference * Administrivia EFFector 15.04 - Feb. 3, 2002 * EFF ALERT: You Buy It, You Own It! Support Philips in Defending Untainted CDs * Security Researchers Drop Scientific Censorship Case * EFF Files Amicus Brief in Elcomsoft Case * Donate to Jon Johansen Legal Defense Fund * Exchange Ideas with Larry Lessig at EFF Benefit Dinner * Join EFF Staff Attorneys in Interactive Discussion at Feb. "BayFF" Meeting * World Wide Web Consortium Skeptical of Web Patent Royalties * Donate to EFF by Starting Your B&N or Amazon Shopping via our Affiliate Links * Administrivia EFFector 15.03 - Jan. 24, 2002 * EFF Says Network Solutions Inc. Must Protect Public * EFF Asks Court to OK Morpheus Peer-to-Peer Software * "Will Free Expression Survive the Digital Media Revolution?" * EFF Thanks IDG for Generous Donation * Administrivia (new subscribe/unsubscribe instructions) EFFector 15.02 - Jan. 17, 2002 * ALERT: National ID Cards from DMV? Protect Your Privacy! * Hollywood Forces Publishers Worldwide to California Court * 2600 Magazine Seeks Relief from Court-Ordered Censorship * "Will Free Expression Survive the Digital Media Revolution?" * EFF at Linuxworld '02 in New York City! * Administrivia EFFector 15.01 - Jan. 10, 2002 * Norway Indicts Teen Who Published Code Liberating DVDs * EFF Wins a Partial Victory in Ford Case * EFF Update on California DeCSS Case * The Eleventh Annual International EFF Pioneer Awards - Call for Nominations * Administrivia VOLUME 14 There was no issue 14.00; the first issue of Volume 14 was 14.01. EFFector 14.39 - Dec. 17, 2001 * Government Agrees to Defer Prosecution of Dmitry Sklyarov * California Court Decides E-mail Pamphleteer Case * NY Court Rules Online Coverage Protected Speech * USAPA Sunset Provisions Could Leave Congress in the Dark * Support EFF This Holiday Season! * Please Resubmit Nominations for the EFF Pioneer Awards * DMCA Slogan Contest - Help Protect the Intellectual Commons * Administrivia EFFector 14.38 - Dec 6., 2001 * EFF Argues Website Case Unfair * Support EFF This Holiday Season! * The Eleventh Annual International EFF Pioneer Awards - Call for Nominations * DMCA Slogan Contest - Help Protect the Intellectual Commons * Recommended Viewing: Keep Liberty's Torch Shining * Administrivia EFFector 14.37 - Nov. 30, 2001 * Judge Denies Scientists' Free Speech Rights * EFF Asks Court to Eject DVD Case * Court Rules Internet Publication of Software Not Free Speech * EFF Update on Sklyarov Case * EFF Needs Your Help This Holiday Season! * Administrivia EFFector 14.36 - Nov. 14, 2001 * EFF Applauds Court Decision Protecting U.S. Website Against Foreign Court's Anti-Speech Order * Exchange Ideas with Larry Lessig at EFF Benefit Dinner * The Eleventh Annual International EFF Pioneer Awards - Call for Nominations * EFF thanks PFU America, Inc. for Their Generous Donation * Administrivia EFFector 14.35 - Nov. 7, 2001 * CA Appeals Court Overturns Preliminary DVD Software Ban * EFF Defends MusicCity/Morpheus Peer-to-Peer Technology * Call for Action- Safeguard Communications Privacy * EFF Contest: Online Civil Liberties Impact of USA PATRIOT Act * EFF Seeks System Donations * Administrivia EFFector 14.34 - Oct. 31, 2001 * EFF Releases Analysis of USA-PATRIOT Act (USAPA) * EFF Opposes Government Silence Regarding Mass Arrests * EFF Holds BOF (Birds of a Feather) Session at ALS Conference * New Progamming Available on Radio EFF * EFF at O'Reilly Peer-To-Peer and Web Services Conference * EFF Thanks Timothy Barmann and HTMLCAL for Generous Donation * Administrivia EFFector 14.33 - Oct. 25, 2001 * EFF Condemns "Anti-Terrorism" Bill * EFF Protects Scientists' Speech in RIAA Case * Chilling Effects of Anti-Terrorism: "National Security" Toll on Freedom of Expression * EFF Contest: Announcing the Big Winners! * Administrivia EFFector 14.32 - Oct. 24, 2001 * EFF Defends Anonymous Critics * EFF Counsels New Zealand on Copyright Law Revamp * EFF Debuts "Radio EFF" on Live 365 * Find out how Anti-Terrorism Legislation Will Affect Civil Liberties on Radio EFF * SSSCA hearings postponed * Administrivia EFFector 14.31 - Oct. 16, 2001 * ALERT UPDATE: "Anti-Terrorism" Surveillance Bill To Pass This Week * Public Interest Postion on Junk Email: Protect Innocent Users * EFF Comments On W3C's Draft Patent Policy * EFF Participates in FMC's Panel Discussion on Digital Music * Announcing the EFF Contest of the Century! * EFF Thanks CoffeeCup Software, Inc. * Administrivia EFFector 14.30 - Oct. 10, 2001 * ALERT: "Anti-Terrorism" Surveillance Bill May Pass on Thu. * Administrivia EFFector 14.29 - Oct. 4, 2001 * ALERT: Extended Deadline for Public Comment on Patent Policy for WWW Standards * BayFF: Find Out How Bush's Anti-Terrorism Legislation Affects our Civil Liberties * Nov. Date Set for COPA Hearing in Supreme Court * San Francisco Supervisors Pass First Municipal Anti-Blocking Ordinance * Update on Dmitry Sklyarov Case * EFF Seeks Media Intern * Administrivia EFFector 14.28 - Sep. 28, 2001 * Proposed Anti-Terrorism Law Overbroad and Overreaching * BayFF: Find Out How Bush's Anti-Terrorism Legislation Will Affect Our Civil Liberties * 'In Defense of Freedom' Declaration * Webcast of EFF's Music Share In Available * DMCA Threats Squelch Publication of Secret Church Document on Homosexuality * EFF Seeks Media Intern * EFF Thanks Aspen Legal Media * Administrivia EFFector 14.27 - Sep. 27, 2001 * ALERT: Hackers Could Get Life in Prison, No Parole, Under "Anti-Terrorism" Bill * Administrivia EFFector 14.26 - Sep. 21, 2001 * ALERT: Surveillance Legislation Continues to Threaten Privacy * ALERT: Defeat the "Security Systems Standards and Certification Act" (SSSCA) * EFF Joins Electronic Frontier Canada in Opposing Canadian "DMCA" (CPDCI) * New MP3 Programs Now Available on Radio EFF * EFF Thanks Rebirth and Development, Inc for their generous donation * Administrivia EFFector 14.25 - Sep. 19-20, 2001 * ALERT: TWO Surveillance Bills Threaten American Privacy * Administrivia EFFector 14.24 - Sep. 17-18, 2001 * ALERT: Ask Congress to Legislate to Improve Security Not Eliminate Freedoms * Administrivia EFFector 14.23 - Sep. 7, 2001 * ALERT: Canadian "DMCA" in the Works - Short Deadline * Russian Programmer & Co. Case Continued * WIPOUT Launches Counter-Essay Contest on Copyright in response to WIPO Contest * EFF Thanks Craig's List, the Foundation Center and Actor Wil Wheaton for Featuring Us on Their Sites * EFF Thanks Working Assets for Their Activism * Administrivia EFFector 14.22 - Aug. 31, 2001 * ALERT: Stop Mandatory Monitoring of Federal Judges' Internet Use * Dmitry Sklyarov and Elcomsoft Arraigned in San Jose, CA; Plead Not Guilty * Music Share-in Festival in Golden Gate Park * ALERT: Friday, September 7 - International Day of Action Against Video Surveillance * EFF Thanks Working Assets for Their Activism * Update: Opt-Out Alert Correction * Administrivia EFFector 14.21 - Aug. 24, 2001 * Russian Programmer to Appear in California Court * EFF Argues Against DVD Software Ban * EFF Music Fest in Golden Gate Park * ALERT: Opt Out of "Credit Spam" with a Phone Call * EFF Welcomes Board, Staff Members * EFF at LinuxWorld Conference * Administrivia EFFector 14.20 - Aug. 16, 2001 * ALERT: Hollywood Exports Technology Ban Overseas Despite US Abuse * Scientists Support Professor's Copyright Law Challenge * Court Protects Online Anonymity of Corporate Critics * Administrivia EFFector 14.19 - Aug. 10, 2001 * Please Donate Your Tax Refund to EFF * Attention Musicians: Sign up to Play at EFF's Music Share In on September 8th * Artists and Audiences Strike a New Deal with Open Licensing of Music * EFF Speaks at O'Reilly Conference in DC - Monday, September 17 2001 * EFF Thanks LabTam Finland for Generous Software Donation * Administrivia EFFector 14.18 - Aug. 8, 2001 * Donate Your Tax Refund to EFF! * Join EFF in Fundraising Dinner with Ed Felten in DC * ALERT: Tell the DoJ to Drop the Charges Against Dmitry! * EFF Asks California Court to Quash "John Doe" Subpoena * California Court Asserts Jurisdiction Over Non-resident Internet Publisher * Administrivia EFFector 14.17 - Aug. 3, 2001 * ALERT: Protest Russian Programmer's Detainment & Help Pack the Courtroom * Write a Letter-to-the-Editor to Help Free Dmitry! * EFF Welcomes Sklyarov Counsel * NSI Supports Forcing All Domain Disputes to Virginia * Donate Your Tax Refund to EFF! * Join EFF in Fundraising Dinner with Ed Felten * EFF Thanks Red Hat for Generous Software Donation * Administrivia EFFector 14.16 - July 27, 2001 * EFF Rejoins "Free Dmitry" Protests After Meeting with US Attorney's Office * Adobe, Electronic Frontier Foundation Call for Release of Russian Programmer Dmitry Sklyarov * Join EFF in Fundraising Dinner with Ed Felten, Washington, D.C., Aug. 15. * Attention Musicians: Sign up to Play at EFF's Share-In Music Festival * Administrivia EFFector 14.15 - July 22, 2001 * FBI Arrests Programmer in Las Vegas for eBook Software * EFF Statement on the Arrest of Dmitry Sklyarov * EFF Letter From Executive Director Shari Steele to Attorney General John Ashcroft (July 20, 2001) * Respected British Scientist Resigns from US-Based Conference-Planning Committee, Citing Fear of Prosecution under DMCA * Electronic Publishers Coalition Condemns Criminal Use of DMCA * Linux Community Joint Statement Against DMCA: Digital Millennium Copyright Act Threatens Researchers * EFF's Music Share-In in Golden Gate Park, Supporting our Open Audio License * Join EFF in Fundraising Dinner with Ed Felten, Washington, D.C., Aug. 15. * Administrivia EFFector 14.14 - July 16, 2001 * Foreign Bank Pres Drags Journalist into NY Court * Tech-Savvy Indiana Student Snared in California Court * EFF Response to "Barney" Legal Threat EFFector 14.13 - June 29, 2001 * ACTION ALERT: So. Korean Government Adopts Mandatory Internet Content Ratings * Conviction of Scientology Critic Raises Free Speech Issue * EFF Housewarming Party and BayFF at our New Location on Shotwell Street - Tuesday, July 10th * Help Working Assets Donate to EFF * CHIPA: The Talk of the Librarian Conference * EFF-Recommended Reading: Heins's Not in Front of the Children * Thank you to EFF Volunteer Michael Mathews * Pretrial Appeal of Anonymous Speech Victory Denied EFFector 14.12 - June 15, 2001 * Special Appeal from the Executive Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) * EFF and Princeton Scientists Sue Record Comppanies Over Squelched Research * Electronic Frontier Foundation Urges Doubleclick to Adopt Opt-In Privacy Protections * EFF Seeks Media Intern * EFF's Wish List * July 10, 2001 BayFF & EFF Housewarming Party EFFector 14.11 - June 2, 2001 * EFF Answers Court Queries in DVD Decryption Free Speech Case * Schools & Libraries Have Time for CHIPA Decisionmaking * EFF Housewarming Party and BayFF at our New Location on Shotwell Street * California Internet Blocking Bill Dies in Committee * Know Where EFF Can Find a Conference Table in the SF Bay Area? EFFector 14.10 - May 25, 2001 * Sharing the News - Changes and Victories at EFF * EFF Victory with Medinex Case * Media Intern Needed at EFF * Child Online Protection Act Case Goes to Supreme Court EFFector 14.09 - May 11, 2001 * 2600 Court Asks for Further Briefing on 1st Amendment * EFF Moves to Protect Anonymity of Online Speech * Administrivia EFFector 14.08 - Apr. 30, 2001 * EFF's Victory for Online Anonymous Speech * EFF Releases Public Music License to Promote Audio Freedom * CHIPA Internet Blocking Protest Roundup * BayFF On Internet Blocking Software - May 6, 2001 * DeCSS Case to be Reviewed by Appellate Court * Administrivia EFFector 14.07 - Apr. 20, 2001 * EFF Needs Your Help * EFF Receives Digital Music Award, Advances Audiovisual Freedom * Send Us Your Stories About Blocking Products * EFF Announces Matching Funds Drive * Administrivia EFFector 14.06 - Apr. 2, 2001 * ALERT: EFF Calls for CHIPA Censorware Law Protests * EFF & ACLU Take on Library Internet Blocking Law in Court * EFF Sponsors BayFF Forum on Internet Blocking and Community Response * Joint Statement Opposing School & Library Internet Blocking Requirements * EFF Seeks Intern for Online Free Expression Campaign * EFF Proposes Study of Real-Life Internet Blocking Use in Schools and Libraries * "The Internet is a Terrible Thing to Waste" - Get Involved in Stopping Censorware! * ERRATA: Correction to Medical Privacy Alert, EFFector 14.05 * Administrivia EFFector 14.05 - Mar. 28, 2001 * ALERT: Ask Bush Administration to Implement Privacy Regulation - Correctly * ALERT: Industry "copy protection" scheme on YOUR hard drive * BayFF Meeting Apr. 6th: Chuck D. on Digital Music's Future * EFF Produces Two Censorware Whitepapers for NRC Study * EFF Files Reply Brief in MPAA v. 2600 (NY DVD DeCSS Case) * 7th Circuit Holds Video Game Censorship Law Unconstitutional * Administrivia EFFector 14.04 - Mar. 5, 2001 * EFF Announces Winners of 2001 Pioneer Awards * 9th Circuit Napster Ruling Requires P2P Developers to Ensure No One Misuses Their Systems * EFF & ACLU-WA Defend Pseudonym-Using Message Board User * EFF Questions Pacifica's SLAPP Tactics * Administrivia EFFector 14.03 - Feb. 16, 2001 * BayFF Meeting Examines the Future of Informediaries, Next Month * EFF Job Opening: Membership Coordinator * EFF Announces "Brown Bag Lunch" Speakers Bureau< * Administrivia EFFector 14.02 - Feb. 9, 2001 * BayFF Meeting Examines the Future of the Net with Larry Lessig, Next Week * Staffing Changes at EFF: Activist Will Doherty Hired * EFF Awarded Grant by Center for the Public Domain (ex- Red Hat Center) * Administrivia EFFector 14.01 - Feb. 7, 2001 * EFF & Liberty Project defend anonymous poster against third-party identity supoenas to ISPs * EFF & 2600 file appeal of DMCA injunction in NY DVD/DeCSS lawsuit * Diverse groups ask appellate court to overturn NY DVD/DeCSS injunction * Administrivia VOLUME 13 There was no issue 13.00; the first issue of Volume 13 was 13.01. EFFector 13.12 - Dec. 22, 2000 * EFF Needs YOU! * EFF Statement on H.R. 4577 Mandatory Censorware Provisions + Latest News + Background + The Issues + The Legislation in More Detail + For More Information * Corrections to Pioneer Award Call for Nominations * Administrivia EFFector 13.11 - Dec. 13, 2000 * DMCA Takes Full Effect - Millions of Americans Become Criminals * Call for Nominations: The Tenth Annual International EFF Pioneer Awards + Intro + The 2001 Awards + How to Nominate Someone + Past Pioneers of the Electronic Frontier + About EFF * Administrivia EFFector 13.10 - Oct. 19, 2000 * EFF Urges Netizens to Support Digital Music Rights Bill, "MOLRA" * EFF Challenges Effort to Silence Online Critic * Nov. 2 "BayFF" Meeting Examines Posting of Private/Proprietary Documents, & Free Speech * Administrivia EFFector 13.09 - Sep. 30, 2000 * FCC Paves the Way for Requiring Anti-Copy Technology in Digital TV * EFF Renews Its Call to Boycott the "HackSDMI Challenge" * Oct. 5 "BayFF" Meeting Examines ICANN * Stanford Law Professor Lawrence Lessig Joins EFF Board of Directors * Administrivia EFFector 13.08 - Sep. 18, 2000 * EFF Calls for Boycott of "HackSDMI Challenge" * Administrivia EFFector 13.07 - Sep. 8, 2000 * New EFF Offices & Address as of Oct. 2000 * Sep. 11 "BayFF" Meeting Celebrates RSA Patent Expiration * EFF Now Accepts e-gold & PayPal Transactions for Memberships * Administrivia EFFector 13.06 - Aug. 4, 2000 * EFF Position on FBI "Carnivore" Snooping System + EFF's House Judiciary Committee Testimony on Carnivore + Carnivore FAQ * EFF Welcomes New Board and Staff Members: + Prof. Pamela Samuelson, Boardmember + Cindy Cohen, Legal Director + Lee Tien, Senior Staff Attorney + John Marttila, Administrative Assistant * EFF Now Accepts PayPal Transactions for Memberships * DVD Update Bulletins Available on CAFE-News * Administrivia EFFector 13.05 - June 23, 2000 * ALERT: Drug Speech Censorship Bill Nearing Passage + Introduction + What YOU Can Do * Third Circuit Appeals Court Upholds COPA Injunction * Changes at EFF + Shari Steele Named Executive Director + EFF Launches Radio EFF Streaming MP3 Audio Programs + CAFE-News List Available (Frequent DVD Case Updates) + EFFector List Changes (New Subscribe/Unsubscribe Instructions) + EFF Web Site Changes * Administrivia EFFector 13.04 - Apr. 3, 2000 * Changes at EFF + EFF Past and Present + EFF in Transition + EFF Tomorrow * Ace Attorney Enters Battle Over DVDs * EFF Reply Comments to Copyright Office on DMCA Rulemaking + [Introduction] + Digital Equivalent of First Sale Rule - "First Access" Rule + Right to Make Digital Fair Use + Response to Copyright Industry Comments * Administrivia EFFector 13.03 - Mar. 17, 2000 * EFF Alert: Copyright Office Needs Comments on DMCA + Intro + What YOU Can Do + Resources * Administrivia EFFector 13.02 - Mar. 1, 2000 * 10th Anniversary of USSS Raid on Steve Jackson Games & Illuminati BBS + Intro + Background + Links to More Information * Call for Nominations: The Ninth Annual International EFF Pioneer Awards + Intro + The Year 2000 Awards + How to Nominate Someone + Past Pioneers of the Electronic Frontier + About EFF * Administrivia EFFector 13.01 - Jan. 25, 2000 * MPAA Continues Intimidation Campaign Against Open Source Software Community + Police Raid Home of Norwegian Linux Coder + WHAT YOU CAN DO + Links to More Information * Administrivia VOLUME 12 There was no issue 12.00; the first issue of Volume 12 was 12.01. EFFector 12.04 - Dec. 28, 1999 * Intellectual Property Interests Launch Holiday Attack on Free Expression + Trade Group Files Suit Against All Identifiable Posters of or Linkers to Linux DVD Hack o WHAT YOU CAN DO: Show up! + Real Networks Gets Injunction against Streambox for Reverse Engineering "RealMedia" * Administrivia EFFector 12.03 - Sep. 25, 1999 * ALERT: H.R. 10 + Mandatory Filtering & Other Problems in Juvenile Justice Bill + Cybersquatting Bill Threatens Free Speech, Privacy, Fair Use, and Justice + WHAT YOU CAN DO * Administrivia EFFector 12.02 - Oct. 22, 1999 * ALERT: H.R. 10 "Confidentiality" Legislation Undermines Medical Privacy! * Administrivia EFFector 12.01 - Feb. 11, 1999 * Second Preliminary Victory Against COPA ("CDA-2") * EFF & Other Groups Oppose New Measures to Undermine Freedom of Information * The Eighth Annual International EFF Pioneer Awards: Call For Nominations * Calif. Library Filtering Case - Another Victory for Online Free Speech * ALERT: Protest Jailing of Online Chinese Democracy Activists * EFF's DES Cracker puts final nail in coffin of insecure government Data Encryption Standard * Administrivia VOLUME 11 There was no issue 11.00; the first issue of Volume 11 was 11.01. EFFector 11.16 - Dec. 10, 1998 * Judge Halts Enforcement of COPA Internet Censorship Law * EFF Statement on Loudoun Ruling * 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- and two human rights alerts + Web site launched to allow citizens of the world to protest their loss of privacy + China--Engineer & Physicist Imprisoned * Administrivia EFFector 11.15 - Oct. 5, 1998 * ALERT: Join Blue Ribbon Campaign and Fight "Son of CDA" * ALERT: Contact Copyright/Database Bill Conference Committee - Last Chance! (Oct. 6 deadline!) + LATEST NEWS + IMMEDIATE ACTION TO TAKE + BACKGROUND + FURTHER DETAILS * ALERT: Contact Senators to Demand Online Access to Public Documents + INTRODUCTION + WHAT TO DO * Administrivia EFFector 11.14 - Sep. 29,1998 * ALERT: The Digital Millennium Copyright Act is going to conference - speak now or forever hold your peace! (Oct. 2 deadline!) + INTRODUCTION + IMMEDIATE ACTION TO TAKE + ABOUT DFC * Administrivia EFFector 11.13 - Sep. 23, 1998 * ALERT: House Commerce Committee Poised to Pass CDA II: Contact Legislators ASAP! + ACTION + MESSAGES + COMMITTEE CONTACT INFO + SUMMARY * EFF calls for recognition of rights in Domain Naming System administration * Administrivia EFFector 11.12 - Sep. 16, 1998 * ALERT: House Hearing on CDA II: Contact Legislators ASAP! + ACTION + MESSAGES + COMMITTEE CONTACT INFO + SUMMARY * ALERT: Letters to Senators on database and WIPO bills needed now + ACTION + MESSAGES + SENATOR CONTACT INFO + SUMMARY * Minor Changes to US Crypto Policy Miss the Real Issue: Privacy * Other Headlines at http://www.eff.org * Administrivia EFFector 11.11 - July 23, 1998 * SENATE PASSES 3 INTERNET CENSORSHIP BILLS * EFF DES CRACKER MACHINE BRINGS HONESTY TO CRYPTO-POLICY DEBATE * EFF & OTHER GROUPS WARN CONGRESS OF DANGERS IN NEW FBI WIRETAP WISHLIST * ADMINISTRIVIA EFFector 11.10 - June 22, 1998 * IMMEDIATE ACTION ALERT, JUNE 24 DEADLINE: FULL HOUSE COMMERCE COMMITTEE ACTION ON DIGITAL COPYRIGHT BILL (THREATENS ONLINE PRIVACY AND SECURITY); CONTACT KEY REPRESENTATIVES ON COMMITTEE 1. SUMMARY 2. THE LATEST NEWS 3. IMMEDIATE ACTION TO TAKE 4. SAMPLE PHONE "SCRIPT" & SAMPLE FAX 5. MORE ACTION TO TAKE 6. BACKGROUND * ADMINISTRIVIA EFFector 11.09 - June 15, 1998 EFFector 11.08 - June 13, 1998 * IMMEDIATE ACTION ALERT, JUNE 17 DEADLINE: FULL HOUSE COMMERCE COMMITTEE TO MARKUP DIGITAL COPYRIGHT BILL THREATENS ONLINE PRIVACY AND SECURITY; CONTACT KEY REPRESENTATIVES ON COMMITTEE 1. SUMMARY 2. THE LATEST NEWS 3. IMMEDIATE ACTION TO TAKE 4. SAMPLE PHONE "SCRIPT" & SAMPLE FAX 5. MORE ACTION TO TAKE * ADMINISTRIVIA EFFector 11.07 - June 4, 1998 * IMMEDIATE ACTION ALERT, JUNE 5 DEADLINE: DIGITAL COPYRIGHT BILL THREATENS ONLINE PRIVACY AND SECURITY; CONTACT KEY REPRESENTATIVES ON THE HOUSE COMMERCE COMMITTEE 1. SUMMARY 2. THE LATEST NEWS 3. IMMEDIATE ACTION TO TAKE 4. SAMPLE PHONE "SCRIPT" & SAMPLE FAX 5. MORE ACTION TO TAKE * ADMINISTRIVIA EFFector 11.06 - May 11, 1998 * IMMEDIATE ACTION ALERT, MAY 12 DEADLINE: CONTACT REPRESENTATIVES AGAIN TO OPPOSE DATABASE BILL 1. SUMMARY 2. IMMEDIATE ACTION TO TAKE 3. SAMPLE PHONE "SCRIPT" & SAMPLE FAX 4. BACKGROUND * ADMINISTRIVIA EFFector 11.05 - May 8, 1998 * ACTION ALERT: OPPOSE GOVERNMENT-MANDATED INTERNET FILTERING! SEND A FREE FAX TO YOUR SENATORS 1. ACTION TO TAKE 2. BACKGROUND * ADMINISTRIVIA EFFector 11.04 - May 4, 1998 * IMMEDIATE ACTION ALERT, APRIL 5 DEADLINE: CONTACT REPRESENTATIVES TO OPPOSE DATABASE BILL 1. SUMMARY 2. IMMEDIATE ACTION TO TAKE 3. SAMPLE PHONE "SCRIPT" & SAMPLE FAX 4. BACKGROUND * EFF SUES TO OVERTURN NEW MEXICO NET CENSORSHIP LAW * ADMINISTRIVIA EFFector 11.03 - Mar 29, 1998 IMMEDIATE ACTION ALERT, MARCH 31 DEADLINE: CONTACT KEY REPRESENTATIVES ON THE HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE TO OPPOSE ADMINISTRATION'S DIGITAL COPYRIGHT BILL 1. INTRO 2. IMMEDIATE ACTION TO TAKE 3. SAMPLE PHONE "SCRIPT" & SAMPLE FAX 4. MORE ACTION TO TAKE ADMINISTRIVIA EFFector 11.02 - Mar. 11, 1998 IMMEDIATE ACTION ALERT, MARCH 18 DEADLINE: CONTACT KEY REPRESENTATIVES ON THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON COURTS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY TO OPPOSE DATABASE BILL 1. INTRO 2. IMMEDIATE ACTION TO TAKE 3. SAMPLE PHONE "SCRIPT" & SAMPLE FAX 4. MORE ACTION TO TAKE ADMINISTRIVIA EFFector 11.01 - Mar. 11, 1998 IMMEDIATE ACTION ALERT, MAR. 12 DEADLINE: CONTACT KEY SENATORS TO OPPOSE MCCAIN/COATS INTERNET CENSORSHIP BILLS 1. INTRO 2. IMMEDIATE ACTION TO TAKE 3. SAMPLE PHONE "SCRIPT" & SAMPLE FAX 4. MORE ACTION TO TAKE ADMINISTRIVIA VOLUME 10 There was no issue 10.00; the first issue of Volume 10 was 10.01. EFFector 10.11 - Dec. 4, 1997 Bernstein First Amendment Crypto Case Proceeds to Circuit Court Press Release, Dec. 4, 1997 Contact Information Note to EFF Members and Bernstein Supporters in the SF Bay Area Background EFF Joins Internet Free Expression Alliance, Adds Filter Principles EFF Advises FCC, "No Internet/Computer V-Chip" Quote of the Day Administrivia EFFector 10.10 - Oct. 10, 1997 Decoding the Encryption Debate Background Briefing What's Happening Globally Encryption Bills Considered By This Congress Encryption Cases Decided in the Courts What You Can Do Quote of the Day Administrivia EFFector 10.09 - Sep. 18, 1997 Stop the Big Brother Amendment, Coming up in House Commerce Cmte.! Stop the Government From Building Big Brother Into The Internet What You Can Do - Please contact four leading members of Congress Background About This Alert Quote of the Day Administrivia EFFector 10.08 - Sep. 8, 1997 Congress near a vote on Net privacy legislation; call now! What's Happening Right Now What You Can Do To Help Privacy And Security On The Internet Background On SAFE (HR. 695) About This Alert Quote of the Day Administrivia EFFector 10.07 - July 9, 1997 Send a Digital Postcard to Sen. McCain Opposing Anti-Crypto Bill Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector 10.06 - June 26, 1997 Supreme Court Unanimously Strikes Down CDA Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector 10.05 - June 18, 1997 ALERT: Senate vote on mandatory key escrow as early as Thu June 19! Intro - Bernstein Case News ALERT - Senate Committee Set to Vote on Key Escrow What's Happening Now What YOU CAN DO NOW! Background On The Encryption Issue How to start or stop receiving crypto-news About This Alert NICB Crime Database Raises Privacy Concerns & Congressional Hackles Congress Takes Action Background What YOU Can Do Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector 10.04 - Mar. 17, 1997 CDA Demonstration, Supreme Court Battle and Follow-up Live Chat Summary of eTRUST Market Survey Results Newsnybbles Internet Taxation Issue Heats Up: "No New Taxes"! Web Link Lawsuits Raise Serious Questions Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector 10.03 - Feb. 28, 1997 EFF Online Filtration/Ratings/Labelling Public Interest Principles Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector 10.02 - Feb. 27, 1997 Pro-CODE Bill Announced Today: Free Crypto From Cold-War Regs An Open Letter to the Internet Community from Senator Burns Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector 10.01 - Jan. 9, 1997 Action in Karn Case Against Irrational Crypto Regs (In DC? Attend!) DoC Crypto Export Regulations: YOUR Comments Due! FRB Privacy Study: YOUR Comments Due! IITF NII Policy Overhauled: YOUR Comments Due! 3 FCC Inquiries & Draft Rules: YOUR Comments Due! ISPs Shouldn't Be Charged Long-Distance Carrier Fees By Local Telcos Technological Hurdles of Net Growth to Be Examined Universal Service Reform DHHS Medical Privacy Open Hearing: YOUR Comments Due! FTC Privacy Hearing Report: "Notice, Choice, Security, Access" NACIC & DoD Hint at Tracking Net Users Newsnybbles PTO to Hold Domain Name Trademark & Unfair Competition Hearing Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia VOLUME 9 There was no issue 09.00; the first issue of Volume 9 was 09.01. EFFector Online 09.16 - Dec. 30, 1996 Bernstein Takes on New Crypto Regs - Asks for Constitutional Review Press Release WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW 6th Annual EFF Pioneer Awards - Call for Nominations Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.15 - Dec. 20, 1996 Court Declares Crypto Restrictions Unconstitutional eTRUST Launches Pilot Program More Public Interest Groups Speak Out Against WIPO Treaties Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.14 - Dec. 10, 1996 US Supreme Court Schedules CDA Appeal: The Showdown Begins in Jan. EFF Analysis of Draft "Database Protection" Treaty NewsNybbles EFF's "Know Your CyberRights Sweepstakes" - Spread the Word! EFF Hosts anon.penet.fi Defense Fund SPA Drops ISP Lawsuits - "Code of Conduct" Still Advanced Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.13 - Sep. 27, 1996 ALERT: Wiretap Funding & Expanded Powers Sneak into Major Bill Intro What YOU Can Do NOW Background ACLU, EF-Georgia, EFF, et al., Challenge GA "Net Police" Law ASEAN Nations' Net Censorship Pact Criticized ALERT: Push for Online Access to Congressional Documents NewsNybbles FTC Calls for Privacy Legislation in Wake of P-Trak Controversy Bernstein Hearing Held - ITAR Constitutionality Challenged "Clipper III" On the Move TIA Tells FBI "No" on National Cell Phone Surveillance Network House Crypto Hearing Held AOL Spam Filter Injunction Lifted Update on anon.penet.fi EFF's Barlow v. CDA-pusher Taylor on Wired's "Brain Tennis" SF Internet Demo (Volunteers Needed) European Commission Calls for Internet "V-Chip" and Anti-Freedom Crypto Net Censorship in India - Update Net Censorship in China - Update Net Censorship in Sinapore - Update 2nd System-Cracker Strike Against US Govt. Web Pages Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.12 - Sep. 7, 1996 ALERT: Crypto Action Week Sep. 3-10; Pro-Crypto Petition News from the frontlines What you must do Concluding the meeting Tips on how to conduct your visit Angles on encryption Questions about encryption you might be asked Participating Organizations / More Information Online Civil Liberties Groups Condemn Singaporean Net Censorship Alert: UK in Throes of Newspaper-Generated "Cyberporn" Hysteria NewsNybbles Chinese Government on a "spiritual pollution" Net Censorship Rampage Pseudonymous Remailer anon.penet.fi Closed; No Online Privacy in Finland Anti-Terrorism Bill's Fallout Looks Suspiciously Orwellian AOL's Attempt to Block "Spam" Halted by Court Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.11 - Aug. 2, 1996 ALERT: Terrorism Bill to Fund Nat'l Wiretap Network Without Action NOW! News The Problem WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.10 - Aug. 1, 1996 ALERT: Congress Rushing to Enact Anti-Privacy Bill - Call Congress NOW! Introduction What you can do now Background Participating organizations NewsNybbles EFF Web Site Now Features "What's Hot" News Updates and Search Engine Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.09 - July 25, 1996 Bernstein File for Partial Summary Judgment in Crypto Case Internet Society's Strong Encryption Policy Statement NewsNybbles EFF/EFC Toronto Benefit Concert Wrap-up Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.08 - June 12, 1996 Federal Court Rules Communications Decency Act Unconstitutional NewsNybbles Security and Freedom through Encryption (SAFE) Forum, July 1 (Stanford) Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.07 - June 5, 1996 ACTION ALERT: Light up the Web with CDA Case Result Buttons News - A decision in the court case is near How to participate How will this campaign work? Press information on this event Background: what is the CDA? What the Final Arguments Tell Us About The Fate of the CDA NewsNybbles EFF/EFC Benefit Concert: Eden MusicFest, July 12-14 (Toronto) Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.06 - May 17, 1996 ACTION ALERT: Tell Legislators "No!" on Harmful NII Copyright Bill House Members Demand an End to "Key Escrow" and Crypto Export Regs NewsNybbles Georgia Online Trademark Law Passed - CORRECTION Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.05 - May 2, 1995 Big Day for Crypto: New Bill, New Campaign, New Coalition Sen. Leahy Uses PGP in Open Letter to the Net on Crypto NewsNybbles New EFF Organizational Memberships Georgia Online Trademark Law Passed Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.04 - Apr. 17, 1996 Privacy & Free Speech Victory in Early Phase of Bernstein Case EFF Opposes Ridiculous and Anti-Net Trademark Bill in Georgia CDA Case Updates: Net 1, Government 0 Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.03 - Mar. 6, 1995 Encrypted Communications Privacy Act: Enabling Electronic Envelopes Update on "Decency" Censorship Law Legal Challenges NewsNybbles Electronic Frontiers Georgia Formed AOL Against Government Censorship, For User Empowerment US Customs Decides Internet is Not a Place - Fines Those Who Claim Otherwise Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.02 - Feb. 14, 1995 EFF Open Letter to US Net Users on Comm. Decency Act Compliance ALERTS: Blue Ribbon Campaign and "24 Hours in Democracy" The CDA: Has It Fallen? Can It Get Up? EFF Statement on CDA Impact, Substance and Process Activists' Corner Blue Ribbon Campaign Pro-CDA Free Speech Skeptics URGENT: We Need to Know What's Happening in Your Area! NewsNybbles EFF Notes Get Out the Netly Vote Govt. Printing Office Online Access Finally "Free" - Fresh not Stale Bills PROFS Case Update - Closer to Resolution Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 09.01 - Jan. 5, 1995 ALERT: Meet With Legislators to Stop the CDA! What You Can Do Now How To Setup A Really Good Meeting With Congressional Staff The Latest News Chronology of the CDA For More Information List Of Participating Organizations Latest Telecom Bill Provisions Would Cripple Online Free Speech Guest editorial: "Nanny on the Net", by Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) EFF Named Beneficiary of 8th Annual Digital Be-In (Jan. 11) Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia VOLUME 8 There was no issue 08.00; the first issue of Volume 8 was 08.01. EFFector Online 08.22 - Dec. 12, 1995 Two More Days of National Protest! + Update on Progress ALERT: NYC Anti-Censorship Rally/Press Conference, Thu. 2-3pm EST ALERT: SF Anti-Censorship Rally, Rain or Shine! Thu. noon-1pm PST ALERT: Seattle Anti-Censorship Rally, Thu. noon-1pm PST ALERT: Austin Anti-Censorship Rally, Tue. Dec. 19 NIIAC Opposes Internet Censorship, Supports Filtering Technology Newsnibbles Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia (08.22 is the last issue of Vol. 7.) EFFector Online 08.21 - Dec. 11, 1995 ALERT: SF Anti-Censorship Rally Rescheduled Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.20 - Dec. 9, 1995 ALERT: Mon. - Internet Censorship Protest Rally in San Francisco ALERT: Tue. - Global Internet Day of Protest Against Censorship Bills Internet Day of Protest: Tuesday December 12, 1995 What You Must Do On Tuesday December 12, 1995 List of Participating Organizations Where Can I Learn More? Update on Internet Censorship Bills 'Let Freedom Ring' - EFF Op-Ed on Internet Censorship Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.19 - Dec. 5, 1995 EFF Statement on Proposals Regarding Content Control on the Net ALERT: *Last Chance* on Net Censorship Legislation! Act NOW! The Latest News What You Can Do Now Legislative History List of Participating Organizations Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.18 - Nov. 6, 1995 ALERT: Net Censorship: Christian Coalition Tops Even Exon The Latest News What You Can Do Now The letter & suggested legislation from Ed Meese and the Christian Right Chronology of the CDA For More Information List Of Participating Organizations ALERT: Digital Telephony Action - Nov. 15 Deadline! Background: FBI Draft Capacity Requirements What You Can Do Now Congress May Just Not Buy It House Rejects First DT/CALEA Funding Attempt Sen. Leahy Definitely Not Buying It Canadian Law Enforcement Taking the FBI Hint The Text of the FBI's Federal Register Notice Newsbytes EFF Relocation Complete EFF Rated in Top 5% of the Net by Point Survey Commerce Dept. IPWG Report on Online Intellectual Property Meets Resistance IPWG Report's Suggested Legislation: Passed and Pending (+ Canada Tie-In) Upcoming Articles Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.17 - Oct. 18, 1995 ALERT: Urgent CDA Action Especially for SysOps, ISPs and Businesses Who's Using Who? Martin Rimm and the Antiporn Activists Newsbytes Cincinnati BBSers Fight Back Stratton Oakmont & Porush v. Prodigy - Update Istook Amendment a Threat to Non-Profits' Free Speech? Administration *Still* Chants "Voluntary", Forges Onward with Escrow "Oz Clipper" - Update FBI Child Pornography Investigation - Update & Key Escrow Tie-in International Online Child-Porn "Ring" Target of "Operation Starburst" Canadian Prosecutions for Textual & Faked "Child Pornography" Canadian Exon-alike on the Way? Canada & Holland Ratchet-up Privacy pgp.net - New World-Wide PGP Keyservice Swiss Data Protection Commish Warns About Lack of Security Bulgarian TV Censorship Coming Next Issue... Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.16 - Oct. 7, 1995 ALERT: Congress Action Resumes on Internet Censorship Legislation The Latest News What You Can Do Now Letter from Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) to Committee Chronology of the CDA For More Information List Of Participating Organizations Crypto Export Controls on Trial - Come on Down! Council of Europe Issues Anti-Privacy Policy Recommendations Newsbytes EFF Update EFF's Farber Wins ACM SIGCOMM Award for Lifelong Contribution to Networking Clinton Administration Lied About Clipper Being Voluntary - Proof! Hints of "OzClipper"? Australian Atty. General's Dept. Wants Key Escrow Church of Scientology Cases - Update ALERT: SEC EDGAR Database Endangered by Lobbyists Coming Next Issue... Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.15 - Sep. 9, 1995 EFF Relocation Update Alert Update: Internet Censorship Legislation EFFector Changes Upcoming Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.14 - July 21, 1995 "Cyberporn" Hearing and Exposure of Flaws in Rimm Study EFF's Mike Godwin Testifies Against Grassley Censorship Bill Calendar of Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.13 - July 21, 1995 ALERT: Act Now to Oppose Comm. Decency Act in House Telecom Bill The Latest News What You Can Do Now Chronology of the CDA For More Information List Of Participating Organizations List of the House of Representatives EFF Analysis of the "Anti-Electronic Racketeering Act of 1995" (S.974) Sen. Grassley's Statement to the Senate on S.974 The Anti-Electronic Racketeering Act of 1995, Senate Bill S.974 EFF and Others Thank 16 Senators for Voting Against the CDA Calendar of Events (major update) Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.12 - July 7, 1995 ALERT - Public Input to FCC on Public Spectrum - July 10 Deadline! Background What You Can Do Now For More Information Bernstein Crypto Case Update: Justciability Motion Schedule Calendar of Events Quote of the Day Errata - Typo in Baker Case Article Last Issue What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.11 - July 6, 1995 ALERT: Target House to Stop Internet Censorship Legislation Background The Latest News What You Can Do Now Sample Letter To The Editor For More Information List Of Participating Organizations Newsbytes USSS/RCMP Investigations and More Anti-Net Hysteria Generated by Hoax FBI to Investigate 3,000 People for E-Childporn? Or Is It 30,000? Jake Baker Charges Dismissed Calendar of Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.10 - June 16, 1995 EFF Analysis of Communications Decency Act as Passed by Senate Next Steps in Opposing the Communications Decency Act Background The Latest News What You Can Do Now For More Information List Of Participating Organizations Calendar of Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.09 - June 13, 1995 ALERT: Exon Bill - Only a Few Hours Left in Senate; Please Act! The Latest News What You Can Do Now -- U.S. and non-U.S. citizens Senate Contact List For More Information List Of Participating Organizations Newsbytes Feinstein/Lott Amendment to S.652 Requires Manadatory Cable Scrambling Sen. Robb Calls for Study Too, but Also Calls for "Tags" System Calendar of Events Quote of the Day What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.08 - June 9, 1995 ALERT: 4 Internet Censorship Bills - Time Is Running out! The Latest News What You Can Do Now -- U.S. and non-U.S. citizens Senate Contact List For More Information Newsbytes New Draft of Comm. Decency Bill - Update The Other Side of the Coin: Feinstein Bill v. Bomb Material Online - Update Sen. Coats Gets in on the Act, Sen. Lott Takes a Bow Dole/Grassley Legislation No Longer a Draft - Introduced as S.892 Errata Calendar of Events Quote of the Week What YOU Can Do Administrivia EFFector Online 08.07 - June 6, 1995 ALERT: Communications Decency Act - Imminent Passage or Failure - Act NOW! The Latest News What You Can Do Now -- U.S. and non-U.S. citizens Senate Contact List For More Information List Of Participating Organizations Newsbytes Prodigy Potentially Liable for User Postings New Draft of Communication Decency Legislation The Other Side of the Coin: Feinstein Bill v. Bomb Material Online Calendar of Events Quote of the Week What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 08.06 - May 22, 1995 Campaign & New Petition to Stop the Communication Decency Act! Calendar of Events Quote of the Week What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 08.05 - May 11, 1995 State Dept. Responds to Bernstein/EFF Crypto Export Suit Karn to Sue State Dept. Over ITAR First Amendment Violations New Features at EFFweb - Govt. Server Index, Forsale/Wanted Calendar of Events Quote of the Week What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 08.04 - May 6, 1995 Dept. of Justice Opposes Exon Bill - But Calls for Replacement A Note About This Newsletter Calendar of Events What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 08.03 - Mar. 20, 1995 ALERT - Join Us in Opposing Exon Censorship Bill - ACT NOW! EFF Legal Services Needs Your Help: The Cyberspace Defense Fund Zimmermann, Borg, Ware to Receive EFF Pioneer Awards Scotland and Italy Crack Down on "Anarchy Files" Bay-Area EFF Meeting, Mar. 31: Sovereignty of Cyberspace, CoS v Inet Calendar of Events What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 08.02 - Feb. 23, 1995 EFF Sues to Overturn Cryptography Restrictions EFF Opposes Scientology Censorship and Attacks on System Operators Jefferson Ascendant: Information Technology & Decentralization Newsbytes Calendar of Events What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 08.01 - Feb. 10, 1995 ALERT: HR830 Would Cripple FOIA - Act NOW! ALERT: S314 Online "Decency Act" Threatens All Service Providers EFF SF Bay Area Meetings Announced Electronic Frontier Foundation Seeking Volunteer/Intern BBS Sysop Newsbytes Reviews Calendar of Events What YOU Can Do VOLUME 7 There was no issue 07.00; the first issue of Volume 7 was 07.01. EFFector Online 07.15 - Dec. 15, 1994 EFF Relocation Underway - New Contact Info! NIIAC Draft Privacy Principles Notes on the Pensacola BBS Busts And... Calendar of Events What YOU Can Do (07.15 is the last issue of Vol. 7.) EFFector Online 07.14 - Nov. 23, 1994 EFF Urges X9 Committee to Adopt Triple-DES Standard Aerosmith & EFF Rock the Net Statement of Rep. Brown on Encryption Standards and Procedures Act DoC Telecom & Info Infrastructure Assistance Program Grants Digital Library Study - Call for Participation FCC Crackdown on Free Radio Berkeley Calendar of Events What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 07.13 - Oct. 7, 1994 EFF Organizational Changes: New Exec. Dir., New Privacy Project Rep. Edwards Announcement on Digital Telephony, Oct. 7, 1994 National Research Council Study of National Cryptography Policy Computers, Freedom and Privacy '95 - Call for Participation EFF's Godwin to Speak at Criminal Law in Cyberspace Conf., 10/27/94 OTA Report - Information Security & Privacy in Network Environments GPO Puts Bills Online, but Wants You to Pay for Them Twice Horde of New NII Documents Online at EFF What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 07.12 - July 22, 1994 EFF Analysis of Vice-President Gore's Letter on Cryptography Policy EFF Reactions to Encryption Standards & Procedures Act (07/12/94 Draft) NSA Letter to Sen. Hollings Re: Clipper Appropriation Draft Bill Interoperability Demo - ISDN and Internet PPP EFF Congratulates Rep Markey on Passage of Open Platform Bill HR3636 US ACM Calls for Clipper Withdrawal, Releases Crypto Policy Report IITF Intellectual Property Draft Report - Request for Comments New Faces at EFF - Robin Abner (Membership), Darby Costello (Finance) What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 07.11 - June 27, 1994 ALERT: Open Platform Update - House Vote on HR3636, HR3626 06/28/94 Oregon PUC Request for Comments on ISDN Deployment House Intelligence Committee Just Says No to Crypto Export Republican Party Texas Denouces Clipper, DigTel, and ITAR Regs PSI and Canter & Siegel Negotiate Net Access: No Spamming SunFlash E-Journal Call for Papers: "UNIX and the Law" Symposium "How Do I Get the Most Current EFFector?" What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 07.10 - June 14, 1994 ALERT: Crypto Export Provisions - One Day Left to Make or Break FOIA Documents Reveal Even OLA and OLC Know ITAR Is Unconstitutional Blaze Paper Details Hole In Clipper/Capstone/EES Scheme Karn Files Crypto Export CJ Appeal for _Applied_Cryptography_ Disk EFF's Godwin at Cyberspace Censorship Event on CompuServe A New Face at EFF - Doug Craven, Office Manager/Bookkeeper PGP 2.6 Available from Electronic Frontier Foundation FTP Site USENIX Address of EFF's Barlow Available on Cassette from O'Reilly Note About our FTP Site What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 07.09 - May 11, 1994 PGP 2.5 available from Electronic Frontier Foundation ftp site EFF Urges Support for Brock Meeks Defense Fund IITF Privacy Working Group Request for Comments on Principles EFF's Kapor Announces New Cyberspace TV Show Announcemennt of OTA Wireless study and the NII Name Change for the "Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet" Errata - Correction to EFFector 07.08 Ratcliffe Nat'l. ID article Note About EFFector - New Frequency, What to Do If You Are Moving What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 07.08 - May 6, 1994 EFF Summary of May 3 1994 Senate Clipper Hearing EFF Summary of May 3 1994 House Clipper & Digital Telephony Hearing USPS & IRS Mull National Identity Cards, Clinton to Sign Orders DOJ Clipper Documents Scheduled for Summer Release Under FOIA New Faces on EFF Board and Staff Note About EFFector - Are You Moving? What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 07.07 - Apr. 20, 1994 Upcoming Congressional Hearings on Clipper and Digital Telephony EFF Seeking Director of Finance EFF Position Available: Membership Director NTIA Privacy Notice of Inquiry - Deadline Extended, Act Now! New York Bill for Public Access to Govt. Info Needs Support House Internet Security Hearing Testimony Available Online What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 07.06 - Mar. 24,1994 Summary of Revisions to House Bills 3636 and 3626 NII Public Interest Summit Announcement - 03/29/94 Third Annual EFF Pioneer Awards Announced EFF Attending BBS Expo '94 in Washington, DC - 04/94 Inter-Organization NTIA Workgroup Formed to Bring NII to New Mexico H.R. 3627 co-sponsored by Rep. Karen Shepherd (D-UT) New features at EFF Online, EFF PGP Public Key & Activist List Maryland Telecom Privacy Bill Fails Compton's/Britannica/Tribune Multimedia Patent Rejected What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 07.05 - Mar. 11, 1994 DPSWG Coalition's Digital Telephony Letter to White House Letter of DPSWG to FBI Dir. Freeh on Wiretap Bill's Privacy Threat EFF Files Email "Interception" Brief in Steve Jackson Games Appeal Executive Director Position Opening Soon as EFF Expands New EFF SysOp Membership Option What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 07.04 - Feb. 24, 1994 Digital Telephony - FBI "Wiretap Bill" Resurrected EFF Statement on FBI Draft Digital Telephony Bill NIST Press Release on Clipper Decisions FCC ftp site now online Nat'l Symposium on Arts & Humanities Policies for NII What YOU Can Do EFFector Online 07.03 - Feb. 9, 1994 EFF Wants YOU! (to add your voice to the crypto fight) Administration Announces Cold War Attitude on Crypto, Pushes Clipper Statement of Vice President Gore Statement of the White House Press Secretary Attorney General Janet Reno Key Escrow Agents Press Release Statement of Dr. M. Harris, Dep. Asst. Secy. of State for PMA Volunteers/Information Needed for EFF Diskettes What You Can Do EFFector Online 07.02 - Jan. 25, 1994 Senate FTP Site Online Public Hearings on Privacy in DC WUTC Inquiry Comments Due Jan. 31 - Info Available Via FTP EFF Seeking Volunteer MOO Programmer for "Virtual Office" A Study of National Cryptography Policy EDGAR Database Available Information Infrastructure Task Force Announces BBS EFFector Online 07.01 - Jan. 7, 1994 EFF Board's Kapor and Dyson Appointed to NII Advisory Council EFF Helps to Eliminate Outrageous Sentences for Computer Crimes An Arts and Humanities Policy Symposium for the NII (Boston, 1994) Commerce Dept. BBS Update New Outposts on the Electronic Frontier What You Can Do VOLUME 6 There was no issue 06.00; the first issue of Volume 6 was 06.01. EFFector Online 06.08 - Dec. 28, 1993 Gore Endorses EFF's Open Platform Approach EFF Announces Call for Nominations, 3rd Annual Pioneer Awards NCO High Performance Computing & Communications NII Gopher/Web Server Smart Valley CommerceNet Consortium Wins Superhighway Grant What You Can Do (06.08 is the last issue of Vol. 6.) EFFector Online 06.07 - Dec. 10, 1993 EFF Statement on Markey Infrastructure Bill EFF Analysis of Brooks-Dingell Antitrust Reform Bill NTIA Announces Universal Service Hearing Late Breaking News - Digital Telephony Threat Returns What You Can Do EFFector Online 06.06 - Dec. 6, 1993 A Superhighway Through the Wasteland? Patent Office Seeks Advice on "Information Super-Highway" Please Help Us Get EFF's BBS Up and Running! General Accounting Office Report on Communications Privacy Industry Leaders Join in Demo of Pioneering Telecom Technology EFFector Online 06.05 - Nov. 15, 1993 New EFF Open Platform Statement Available Online EFF Welcomes Mary Beth Arnett, Staff Counsel Please Help Us Get EFF's BBS Up and Running! Statistics Needed for Analysis of Lost Crypto Sales Retrieving the National Information Infrastructure Documents NSF Digital Library Open Meeting - Dec. 6 EFFector Online 06.04 - Oct. 29, 1993 Markey Applauds Initiative to Put SEC Corporate Filings on Internet Commerce Dept.'s Economic Bulleting Board on the Internet First European Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy Extenisve Govt. Fax/Email Gateways Provided in Canada EFFector Online 06.03 - Oct. 20, 1993 EFF Changes: New Editor, Suns Move to DC! EFF Elects Two New Members to Its Board of Directors Notes from House Hearing on Cryptography Export Controls Administration Expands FOIA Rights UK Cryptoprivacy Association Meeting EFFector Online 06.02 - October 1, 1993 ***VERY IMPORTANT*** Critical Files to Remove from Your BBS EFF to Defend Crypto Rights Legally WIRE: Women's Information Resource & Exchange Opens Online Doors Senator Kennedy Offers Info Online EFF Welcomes Dan Brown, Stanton McCandlish, & Kathleen Zaffina EFFector Online 06.01 - September 17, 1993 Clipper Escrow Agents Chosen Barlow's "A Plain Text on Crypto Policy" Crypto Conference in Austin Virginians Against Censorship VOLUME 5 There was no issue 5.00; the first issue of Volume 5 was 5.01. EFFector Online 5.16 - September 3, 1993 Changes to EFFector Online 5.15 Outline of Testimony Before NIST Advisory Board Telecommunications Radio Project Returns Coming Soon: Commercial Version of PGP! O'Reilly Announces the Global Network Navigator ASIS 1994 Mid Year Call for Papers Yet *Another* Job Opening at EFF Donate Your Old Computers (05.16 is the last issue of Vol. 5) EFFector Online 5.15 - August 20, 1993 Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet New EFF T-Shirts Hot Off the Presses Computers, Freedom & Privacy '94 Local Groups List Updated EFFector Online 5.14 - August 5, 1993 Answers to Clipper Questions SKIPJACK Review Another Job Opening at EFF EFFEctor Online 5.13 - July 23, 1993 Online Congressional Hearings Postponed Summary of New Infrastructure Bill EFF Joins Telecommunications Policy Roundtable EFFector Online 5.12 - July 9, 1993 EFF Has Moved Online Congressional Hearing To Be at Liberty, by John Perry Barlow Announcement of Group Meeting Request for Help from Canadian Readers Job Openings at EFF EFFector Online 5.11 - June 25, 1993 EFF Is Moving NREN Applications Bill Update Interval Research Conference on Online Communities EFFector Online 5.10 - June 11, 1993 Accessing the Federal Government EFFEctor Online 5.09 - May 28, 1993 EFF Comments to NIST Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference 1994 Summary of Rural Datafications Conference EFFector Online 5.08 - May 14, 1993 Clipper Chip-Related Excerpts from: A Letter from the Digital Privacy and Security Working Group to President Clinton A Selection of Questions Submitted by the Working Group Sent to President Clinton Whit Diffie's Testimony Before the House Subcommittee on Science A Request for Public Comment by the National Institute of Standards and Technology EFFector Online 5.07 - April 30, 1993 CONGRESSMAN BOUCHER INTRODUCES NREN APPLICATIONS BILL FUTURE OF COMPUTING PROGRAM IN PALO ALTO. EFFector Online 5.06 - April 16, 1993 INITIAL EFF ANALYSIS OF CLINTON PRIVACY AND SECURITY PROPOSAL SOCIETY FOR ELECTRONIC ACCESS: A NEW YORK CITY-BASED GRASSROOTS ONLINE ACTIVIST GROUP. AN UPDATED CONTACT LIST FOR REGIONAL ONLINE ACTIVIST GROUPS EFFector Online 5.05 - April 2, 1993 KEYS TO PRIVACY IN THE DIGITAL INFORMATION AGE WHAT'S IMPORTANT ABOUT THE MEDPHONE LIBEL CASE? EFFector Online 5.04 - March 19, 1993 VICTORY IN THE STEVE JACKSON GAMES CASE EFF PIONEER AWARD WINNERS FOR 1993 ISSUES FOR K-12 ACCESS TO THE INTERNET EFFector Online 5.03 - March 5, 1993 REPRESENTATIVE MARKEY SPEAKS ON TECH POLICY ANNOUNCEMENT OF MIDWEST RURAL DATAFICATION MEETING EFF FUNDING EFFector Online 5.02 - February 19, 1993 UPDATE ON THE STEVE JACKSON GAMES CASE CONTACT INFORMATION FOR LOCAL AND REGIONAL GROUPS SUPPORTING THE ONLINE COMMUNITY EFFector Online 5.01 - February 5, 1993 THE ATLANTA CHAPTER AND PROTO-CHAPTER MEETING: THREE PERSPECTIVES VOLUME 4 EFFector Online 4.05 - January 7, 1993 HIDING DATA IN PLAIN SIGHT: KEY QUESTIONS ABOUT CRYPTOGRAPHY (4.05 was the last issue of Volume 4.) EFFector Online 4.04 - December 24, 1992 "CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE," by Henry David Thoreau (Nothing in this issue except the reprinted essay.) EFFector Online 4.03 - December 23, 1992 BARLOW'S NEW, STREAMLINED BILL O' RIGHTS CRACKER BREAKS INTO ATHENA @ MIT EFF'S BBS LEGISLATIVE WATCH EFFector Online 4.02 - December 17, 1992 MEGATRENDS OR MEGAMISTAKES? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE INFORMATION SOCIETY? (Part 2) EFFector Online 4.01 - December 17, 1992 MEGATRENDS OR MEGAMISTAKES? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE INFORMATION SOCIETY? (Part 1) THE 24-STAGE SOFTWARE TEST EFF EXPLAINS ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES REMARKS FROM THE LITTLE ROCK ECONOMIC SUMMIT EFFector Online 4.00 - December 11, 1992 JOHN GILMORE VS. THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY THE CRYPTO ANARCHIST MANIFESTO HISTORICAL NOTE ON TELECOM PRIVACY 2ND PIONEER AWARDS DEADLINE LOOMS VOLUME 3 EFFector Online 3.09 - November 9, 1992 COMPUTER SPIES, BY MITCHELL KAPOR SYSTEM SECURITY: BUILDING BLOCKS AS STUMBLING BLOCKS THIS OLD DOS (3.09 was the last issue of Volume 3.) EFFector Online 3.08 - November 4, 1992 A TECHNOLOGY POLICY FOR AMERICA: SIX BROAD INITIATIVES, BY BILL CLINTON EFFector Online 3.07 - October 22, 1992 PIONEER AWARDS 2.0 CALL FOR NOMINATIONS EFF/AUSTIN: THE FIRST CHAPTER CURRENT SITE: @EFF.ORG, WHERE USERS COME FIRST THE SETTLING OF THE INTERNET FROM THE MBOX EFFector Online 3.06 - September 30, 1992 BRUCE STERLING: A STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLE EFFector Online 3.05 - September 18, 1992 A GUIDE TO EFF LEGAL SERVICES EFF TESTIMONY ON DIGITAL PRIVACY AS GIVEN BY DAVID FARBER WHAT EFF DID ON YOUR SUMMER VACTION EFFector Online 3.04 - September 11, 1992 CLIFF FIGALLO NEW DIRECTOR OF CAMBRIDGE OFFICE CLINTON ON HIGH TECH: STATEMENT FOR THE IEEE ELECTRONIC DEMOCRACY: ITS PROFOUND IMPLICATIONS EFFector Online 3.03 - August 24, 1992 THE EFF AND THE FBI: AN EXCHANGE OF VIEWS ONE BBSCON REPORTS At Play in the Field of the Boards Dueling BBSCONS EFFector Online 3.02 - August 19, 1992 THE FUTURE OF NSFNET EFFector Online 3.01 - July 29, 1992 RAPID GROWTH OF ONLINE SERVICES ONE BBSCON EFF LIBRARY THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN USENET AND INTERNET DECRYPTING THE PUZZLE PALACE: JOHN PERRY BARLOW ON THE NSA, THE FBI, ENCRYPTION, AND WIRE-TAPPING THE TAO TE CHIP EFFector Online 3.00 - July 4, 1992 LIBERTY, EQUALITY, CONNECTIVITY: THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AND BILL OF RIGHTS HOUSE TO NSF: RELAX ACCEPTABLE USE VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES, FINAL PART VOLUME 2 EFFector Online 2.12 - July 1, 1992 KAPOR CHAIRS MASS COMPUTER CRIME COMMISSION VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES, PART II FREE SPEECH ONLINE: BERMAN ON GENIE (2.12 was the last issue of Volume 2.) EFFector Online 2.11 - June 22, 1992 DEMYSTIFYING THE MODEM TAX LEGEND VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES, PART I EFFector Online 2.10 - June 9, 1992 ANS AND CIX TO INTERCONNECT OLD SCAMS IN NEW BOTTLES: COMPUTER CRIME NOW QUESTION TECHNOLOGY: INFORMATION AGE FALLACIES EFFector Online 2.09 - May 1, 1992 CROSSCURRENTS: A SNAPSHOT OF LIFE AT EFF'S OUTPOSTS EFFector Online 2.08 - April 17, 1992 DIGITAL TELEPHONY: AN EDITORIAL ON THE FBI/DOJ INITIATIVE ISDN YOU CAN AFFORD: A REPORT FROM THE EFF/ISDN LAB EFFector Online 2.07 - April 10, 1992 COMPUTERS, FREEDOM, AND PRIVACY-2: A REPORT BY STEVE CISLER EFF OFFERS T-SHIRTS EFFector Online 2.06 - March 31, 1992 PIONEER WINNERS HONORED AT CEREMONY IN WASHINGTON DC THE EFF ISDN PROJECT: AN INTERIM REPORT EFF INTERNATIONAL: E-MAIL FROM JOHN BARLOW IN JAPAN EFFector Online 2.05 - February 18, 1992 PIONEER AWARDS: NOMINATION DEADLINE FCC PROPOSES TO ALLOW TELCOS TO DELIVER VIDEO USENET ON CD-ROM, NO LONGER A FABLE EFFector Online 2.04 - Janury 18, 1992 WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO USE A COMPUTER IN A LIBRARY? LIBERATION TECHNOLOGY THE NET: WHAT'S IT WORTH? SUN DEVIL DOCUMENTS RELEASED BERMAN TO HEAD NEW EFF WASHINGTON OFFICE UPDATE ON EFF ACTIVITIES WARNING: MICHELANGELO VIRUS (PC) ARE YOU AN INTERNET NERD? EFFector Online 2.03 - Janury 7, 1992 THE AMERICAN ONLINE FLAP SUN MICROSYSTEMS MAKES MAJOR EQUIPMENT GRANT TO EFF THE COMPUSERVE CASE THE EFF AND FREE ENTERPRISE EFF AT SCAT FIRST ANNUAL PIONEER AWARDS: CALL FOR NOMINATIONS EFFector Online 2.02 - November 27, 1992 THE GREAT WORK GETTING WHAT HE DESERVED? MCI FRIENDS & FAMILY GERALDO! HACKER! MANIA! CONTINUES! EFFector Online 2.01 - November 6, 1991 THE NATIONAL PUBLIC NETWORK BEGINS NOW, AND YOU CAN HELP BUILD IT TESTIMONY OF MITCHELL KAPOR BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND FINANCE NEW CORPORATE/ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE AT EFF EFFector Online 2.00 (There was no issue numbered 2.00.) VOLUME 1 EFFector Online 1.12 - October 18, 1991 THE EFF IN WASHINGTON EDITORIAL: AMENDMENTS WOULD UNDO DAMAGE OF MORRIS DECISION MEANWHILE, BACK AT EFF.ORG ON THE ROAD WITH DAVID FARBER MITCHELL KAPOR JOINS BOARD OF COMMERCIAL INTERNET EXCHANGE TRUTH IN PACKAGING TOP TEN QUOTES FROM LISA V TELECOMMUTING THE FIRST TWO AMENDMENTS OF CYBERSPACE BILL OF RIGHTS NEW GROUP MEMBERSHIP RATE FOR EFF DOUBLE YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO EFF (1.12 was the last issue of Volume 1.) EFFector Online 1.11 - September 20, 1991 EFF TO OPEN A FORUM ON COMPUSERVE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN'S SEPTEMBER ISSUE TO BE SENT TO ALL EFF MEMBERS CURRENT LEGISLATIVE AND POLICY EFFORTS THE EFF AT WORLDCON EFF BOF SESSION ANNOUNCED FOR SAN DIEGO USENIX CONFERENCE YOUR CHANCE TO HACK BACK ON THE MEDIA EFFector Online 1.10 - August 24, 1991 STEVE JACKSON GAMES UPDATE: GOVERMENT FILES ITS RESPONSE WHY THE BELLSOUTH E911 DOCUMENT COST $79,000 TO PRODUCE THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING AND VALUES HOW EFF MEMBERSHIPS ARE PUT TO WORK FEEDBACK WHO PAYS FOR FTP? WE KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE COMPUTERS & PRIVACY: EXCERPTS & STATISTICS FROM A GOVERNMENT REPORT THE MAVEN HOW TO WRITE TO LEN ROSE THE WORST USER INTERFACE IN KNOWN SPACE HOW MANY PEOPLE READ THE EFF GROUPS? NOTES FROM THE SUN EFFector Online 1.09 - July 26, 1991 WE WUZ HACKED! THE AUSTIN EFF ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING MORE TITLES ON THE EFF MAGAZINE STAND HACKER HYSTERIA DOWN UNDER STUDENT SUSPENDED FOR MAILING PASSWORDS LETTERS FROM THE SUN EFFector Online 1.08 THE FIRST YEAR IN THE LIFE OF THE EFF: A SCORECARD EFF SEEKS AMICUS STATUS IN TWO KEY COMPUTER-CRIME CASES UPDATE ON THE STEVE JACKSON CASE EFF PRESENTATIONS ABOUT COMPUTER SEARCHES REPORT ON THE CRYPTOGRAPHY AND PRIVACY CONFERENCE WHAT TO TELL PEOPLE WHO STILL THINK EFF IS A HACKER DEFENSE FUND MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION EFFector Online 1.07 - June 14, 1991 SENATE ANTI-ENCRYPTION BILL WITHDRAWN - WILL BE REPLACED BY A NEW OMNIBUS CRIME BILL -- S.1241 SENSE OF CONGRESS LANGUAGE RESTRICTING ENCRYPTION REMOVED EFFector Online 1.06 (undated, but probably early June 1991) NET NEWS: EFF WANTS YOU (501-C-3 STATUS) THE EFF AND SENATE BILL 266 CPSR ANNOUNCES A WASHINGTON WORKSHOP ON PRIVACY, ENCRYPTION, AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY EFF DOCUMENT FILES NOW AVAILABLE COMPUTERS AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM GROUPS NOW AT EFF.ORG COMPUTERS AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM ALL I EVER REALLY NEEDED TO KNOW I LEARNED FROM MY COMPUTER THE PRODIGY SAGA MARCHES ON...AND ON S.266: WHAT YOU CAN DO COMPUTING & VALUES CONFERENCE, AUG 12-16 FEEDBACK EFFector Online 1.05 (undated, but probably late May 1991) NET NEWS: PRODIGY'S STAGE.DAT FLAP TRACKING STEVE JACKSON EFF OPPOSES FEDERAL ENCRYPTION USE RESTRICTIONS EFF ASSISTS CHALLENGE OF COMPUTER-USE RESTRICTIONS IN ATLANTA CASE DYSON, BERMAN JOIN EFF BOARD ANONYMOUS FTP AVAILABLE AT EFF.ORG SYSTEM MANAGER JOINS EFF STAFF CROOKS, BIG BROTHER, BIDEN AND THE FBI PRIVACY: THE REAL VS. THE IDEAL FIVE (COMMON?) MISPERCEPTIONS ABOUT THE NREN MACROTRANSFORMATION: THE 'TELECOSM' CRUNCH, STOLL, AND OPTICK AT THE CFP A DAY IN THE LIFE OF PRODIGY RENT-A-FLAMER EFFector Online 1.04 - May 1, 1991 EXTENDING THE CONSTITUTION TO AMERICAN CYBERSPACE: WHY THE EFF IS BRINGING SUIT ON BEHALF OF STEVE JACKSON LEGAL FACT SHEET: STEVE JACKSON GAMES V. UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE, ET AL EFF News 1.03 - March 7, 1991 CASE UPDATES LEGAL CASE MANAGEMENT LEGAL AND POLICY PROJECTS EFF News 1.02 - February 1, 1991 SEARCHES AND SEIZURES: A DIALOG ON THE WELL PRODIGY RESPONSES AND LETTER TO THE TIMES COMPUTERS, FREEDOM, & PRIVACY--A CONFERENCE EFF News 1.01 - January 7, 1991 EFF SEEKS AMICUS STATUS IN LEN ROSE CASE CONFERENCES ON THE WELL EFF News 1.00 - December 10, 1990 WHO'S DOING WHAT AT THE EFF EFF CURRENT ACTIVITIES - FALL 1990 CONTRIBUTING TO THE EFF CPSR COMPUTING AND CIVIL LIBERTIES PROJECT WHY DEFEND HACKERS? THE LESSONS OF THE PRODIGY CONTROVERSY HOW PROSECUTORS MISREPRESENTED THE ATLANTA HACKERS