########## ########## ########## | THE NET: WHAT'S IT GOOD FOR?| ########## ########## ########## | Three Personal Perspectives| #### #### #### | | ######## ######## ######## | THE SUNDEVIL DOCUMENTS| ######## ######## ######## | CPSR'S FOIA Release| #### #### #### | | ########## #### #### | ARE YOU AN INTERNET NERD?| ########## #### #### | Test Reveals Terrible Truth!| | EFF OPENS WASHINGTON OFFICE | | =====================================================================| EFFector Online January 18, 1992 Volume 2, Number 4 | =====================================================================| PIONEER AWARD NOMINATIONS DEADLINE Please note that the deadline for nominating a person or organization for the First Annual EFF/Pioneer Awards will be February 15. The Pioneer Awards will be made on Thursday, March 19,1992 at the L'Enfant Plaza Hotel in Washington, DC, during the Second Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference. Pioneer Awards are for distinguished contributions, innovations, or service in the cause of advancing computer-based communications. Anyone may be nominated for an award, except for EFF Staff members. A nomination form can be found at the end of this issue of EFFector Online. We have already received many nominations, but we need to hear from you. The EFF is looking for the real pioneers. Help us find them. -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==- In this issue: "WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO USE A COMPUTER IN A LIBRARY?" LIBERATION TECHNOLOGY THE NET:WHAT'S IT WORTH? SUN DEVIL DOCUMENTS RELEASED WARNING - MICHELANGELO VIRUS (PC) BERMAN TO HEAD NEW EFF WASHINGTON OFFICE UPDATE ON EFF ACTIVITIES ARE YOU AN INTERNET NERD? -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==- NET WORK: Three Personal Perspectives on the Uses of the Net [As the creation of the Net goes forward, and many issues of a technical, legal or political nature surface, its easy to forget that the Net is made to be used by people in ways that are neither technical nor political. In various groups over the past few weeks, the question of what the Net is "good for" has arisen in several guises. In this edition of EFFector Online, we present three "answers". The first is from a librarian, the second from a college professor, and the third from an EFF staff member. Every so often, it helps to step back from the wiring, planning, programming, and social engineering and reflect on the ways in which humanity actually uses the tools it creates.] -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==- "WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO USE A COMPUTER IN A LIBRARY?" by Jean Polly (polly@LPL.ORG) How does the INTERNET relate to the little guy? [The previous posters] remarks remind me very much of the response I got from computer dealers in 1980 when I was seeking advice about acquiring a computer for public use at my public library. "Why would ANYONE want to use a computer in a public library-- what on earth would they use it for???" was the universal attitude, usually accompanied by a guffaw or two. Undaunted, I pressed ahead and by October of 1981 we had a 48K Apple II+ out where the Masses could touch it. (Now my kid has 48K on his watch...) Ten years later, over 1,500 hours per month are reserved on the seven public computers in our lab. 75% of the use is by adults, although we have a percentage of families engaged in home-schooling their children who also use the lab to advantage. Our clients use the computers and laser printers for everything from resumes to learning desktop publishing. They create church newsletters, learn to use databases, practice languages, print mailing labels. Last year we got an Apple Library of Tomorrow grant, which brought interactive videodisc technology to our small village library. We have just become one of 37 libraries nationally to beta-test the Library of Congress' American Memory Project. This CD-ROM and videodisc archive contains some 25,000 turn of the Century postcard views of American landmarks, rare film footage from the 1901 Pan-American Exposition, audio archives of great American speeches and their text, with photos of the speakers, plus much more. Subsequent volumes will include Civil War photos by Matthew Brady, folk songs from the California gold rush days, oral histories from around the U.S. Everything in the collection is searchable, much is printable. And yes, we hope to offer INTERNET connectivity in our lab sometime in the first half of 1992. FCC and other government regulations strive to protect public interest in, and access to, cable TV, radio, amateur radio and other communications highways; likewise should we advocate public uses of computer technology, and telecommunications. Haven't you noticed that your colleagues and friends are quickly being divided into "who's on email" and "who isn't". Don't you find yourself talking to "connected" colleagues a lot more frequently than your offline friends? This is Not a Good Thing. Institutionally. Nationally. Globally. I have a dream and it's happening right now. Kids talking about their lives, from Moscow to Mexico City, Cupertino to Halifax. People finding out about their similarities rather than focusing on what divides them. All possible on the net. Gee, you don't need the NREN for just Email, I can hear you say. Right. Not for text. What about when it includes video, color photos, multimedia? Gigabits you say. I don't know how much bandwidth I need to my house. In 1980, 48K did all I wanted, now my desktop takes 8 megs of RAM. I used to do this at 300 baud, now 9600 seems slow. You know Warhol's "everyone's famous for 15 minutes?" Once you are into computers you are only satisfied with what you've got for 15 minutes! ("Faster, higher, stronger", the Olympic motto, could be appropriated by how many of us, gazing into our CRTs...) So, to cut to the chase, yes. The little guy not only needs to be informed about What's Going on Out There, but he needs some way to Be Out There. I guess you can either be a signpost, or a roadblock, or line noise. Jean Armour Polly "Don't postpone joy!" Assistant Director,Public Services Liverpool Public Library INTERNET: polly@LPL.ORG -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==- LIBERATION TECHNOLOGY Equal Access Via Computer Communication by Norman Coombs (NRCGSH@RITVAX.ISC.RIT.EDU) I am a blind professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology.As such I use a computer with a speech synthesizer,and regularly teach a class of students online with a computer conference. Most of these students have no physical handicap. Some, however, are hearing impaired, and others totally deaf. I have team-taught another course at the New School for Social Research, some 350 miles away, with a teacher who is blind and confined to a wheelchair. On the computer screen, our handicaps of blindness and mobility make no difference. One of the courses I teach online is African American history. In that class, some students are White, some Black, others Asian, and still others Native American. Obviously, some of the class members are male and others female. All of these differences, like those of the handicaps described above, become unimportant on the computer screen. It isn't that these characteristics disappear; participants share their identities, views and feelings freely. However, these differences no longer block communication and community. In fact, conference members often feel free to make such differences one of the topics for discussion. A student in my Black history course said that what he liked about conducting a class discussion on the computer was that it didn't matter whether a person was male, female, Black, White, Red, Yellow, blind or deaf. His comments were accepted for their own worth and not judged by some prior stereotype. One myth about the computer is that it is cold, depersonalizing and intimidating. When I began using the computer to communicate with students, I had no idea of its potential to change my life and my teaching. First, it liberated me, a blind teacher, from my dependence on other people. I now have all my assignments submitted through electronic mail including take-home exams,and have little need for human readers. Because of this I have become a member of a pilot study using computer conferencing to replace classroom discussion for students in continuing education. Students with a personal computer and modem could work from home or the office. This freed them from the time and bother of commuting and also let them set their own schedule.The conference facilitates genuine group discussion without the class having to be in the same place at the same time. In addition, I find it easy to send frequent personal notes to individual students, giving me more contact with individual students than is usual in a traditional classroom. I find conferencing appeals to three groups. First, the off-campus continuing education students who no longer have to commute. Second, those who had been taking television or correspondence courses. The online experience gives them a means of exchanging information between themselves and their teacher. The third group turns out to be regular day students with scheduling problems. Online is especially valuable for students whose schedules are filled by laboratory courses. Although computer conferencing had obvious benefits for me, I had failed to grasp its significance for disabled students in general. Only when a deaf student joined the class did I realize its potential. This deaf woman said that this was the first time in her life that she had conversed with one of her teachers without using an intermediary. She also remarked that mine had been her most valuable college course because she could share in the discussions easily and totally. Computer conferencing can also benefit people with mobility impairments. They can go to school while they stay at home. The distance involved could be anything from a few miles to all the way across the continent or across an ocean. Students with motor impairments can also use this system. There are a variety of alternate input devices to let motor impaired persons use a computer even though they cannot handle a keyboard. But conferencing liberates more people than the physically disabled. All students became less inhibited in the discussions. Once students got over any initial computer phobia, many found it easier to participate. Where there is no stage then there is no stage fright. While some educators prefer to keep the teaching process academic and objective, others are convinced that students learn more profoundly when they become emotionally engaged in the process. My class underlined this aspect of conferencing. In a discussion on welfare, one woman in her twenties confessed to being on welfare and described her feelings about it. In a Black history course, students described personal experiences as victims of racism. White students admitted to having been taught to be prejudiced and asked for help and understanding. Black students revealed that they had prejudices about various shades of color within their own community. As a teacher, I often felt that I was treading on privileged ground. These were experiences I had never had in the 29 previous years of my teaching career. Computer communications is infamous for people making thoughtless and irresponsible attacks on one another, something known as "flaming". In my experience, happily, there has been almost none of this. First, the teacher has the opportunity to set ground rules and establish a professional atmosphere. Second, a computer conference is different than electronic mail. Once a mass mailing has been sent, it is irretrievable, while the contents of a computer conference are posted publicly for all to see. Most students seemed intuitively aware of the potential for misunderstanding and, before criticizing someone, they frequently asked questions to be sure that they understood what had be meant by the previous author. On very rare occasions I have removed a posting before it was read by most of the class. Usually, I prefer to leave controversial material on the conference and utilize it as a group learning experience. Computer communication has other important implications for both the print handicapped and those with motor impairments. Library catalogs can already be accessed from a personal computer and a modem. Soon, growing numbers of reference works will be available on-line . While the copyright problems are complex, it seems inevitable that large amounts of text material from periodicals and books will also be accessible on a computer network. I still have vivid memories of the first time I connected my computer to a library catalog and found my book was really there. It was only a year ago that I had my first personal, unassisted, access to an encyclopedia. Not only is this technology liberating to those of us who have physical impairments, but in turn, it will help to make us more productive members of society. Not all handicapped persons rush to join the computer world. Indeed, many have become dependent on human support systems. Sometimes, independence is frightening, and handicapped students may need special assistance to get started. Another problem is cost. While the personal computer has decentralized power and is seen as a democratizing force in society, it works mainly for the middle class. Unless there is a deliberate policy to the contrary, such technology will leave the underclass further behind. Visually impaired computer users, at present, have one growing worry. They fear that graphic interfaces and touch screens may take away all that the computer has promised to them. Recently passed federal legislation has tried to guarantee that future computer hardware and software be accessible to all the physically disabled,but there is no real mechanism to enforce this. Besides, voluntary awareness and cooperation by computer providers is a far better approach to the problem. Educom has established EASI to work within the academic community for software access, and it is having an important impact on voluntary compliance. Others believe that adaptive software and hardware can be produced which can adequately interpret graphic interfaces for the visually impaired. Physical disabilities serve as an isolating factor in life. They also create a tremendous sense of powerlessness. Computer communication, however, serves to bring the world into one's home and puts amazing power at one's fingertips. Not only can this empowerment liberate the handicapped to compete in society more equally, but the sense of power changes how one feels about oneself. Finally, I am personally excited about the ability of computer networking to provide more equal access to education and information for many persons with physical disabilities. In the fall of 1991, The Rochester Institute of Technology and Gallaudet University in Washington will conduct an experiment involving two courses: one taught from Rochester and the other from Washington, DC. Students from both campuses will be enrolled in both classes. While some use will be made of videos and movies, class discussions and meetings between a student and a teacher will all be done with computer telecommunications using Internet as the connecting link. Some students will be hearing impaired, and one teacher will be blind. Norman Coombs Professor of History Rochester Institute of Technology One Lomb Memorial Dr. Rochester NY 14623 Email: NRCGSH@RITVAX.ISC.RIT.EDU -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==- THE NET:WHAT'S IT WORTH? by Mike Godwin (mnemonic@eff.org) In a recent posting, dhirmes@hamp.hampshire.edu writes: >There is a lot of interesting talk about national data networks, ISDN, >federally funded networks, etc., but I was wondering how people felt >about its over-all importance in society. What are the practical >purposes of a national network (a terminal in every home) when people >are having a tough enough time keeping up with their mortgage payments? >With millions out of work, millions in fact, illiterate-- aren't there >economic and educational problems that have to be combatted before a >national data network can be seriously considered? There are a lot of answers to this question, and I can allude to only a few of them here. One answer has to do with the implied premise that there are either moral or practical reasons to address our most pressing social problems first, before we deal with public-policy issues that seem less pressing. Is this premise correct? I don't think so, for a couple of reasons. First of all, it does not follow that establishing national public networks entails *not* responding to the nation's economic problems. Surely we can do both. Secondly, there is a lot more consensus (even with all the debate one sees in this and other groups) about how to promote the building of a network infrastructure in this country than there is about such issues as poverty, the homeless, and illiteracy. (The disagreements about network infrastructure tend to be over minor matters, relatively speaking.) Third, getting people online may actually *help* solve the other problems, by allowing more public-policy discussion and more contributions of ideas. It should be noted that networked online communications are unusual among communications media in that they follow a "many-to-many" model (everyone on the "Net" can talk to everyone else, with minimal capital investment), as distinct from the "one-to-many" model (e.g., newspapers, broadcasting, cable) or the "one-to-one" model (telephones). What's more, discussions in this medium can be more discursive and more analytical, since one is not given tight time constraints to compose or reply to arguments, and since one cannot be interrupted. One of the reasons the First Amendment exists is to promote public participation in public-policy issues (such as how to handle poverty, or the homeless). Thus it makes sense to promote an infrastructure that allows for the greatest exercise of First Amendment prerogatives this country has ever seen. Fourth, if we don't consider the policy issues now, it's not the case that these issues will wait until we get around to them. They're being discussed and settled now, and we can't stop the process by not participating. The question is whether we want all the decisions to be made with public input or not. There are other arguments for addressing network policy now, even though we have other problems facing us, and I'm sure other folks will make them. But I have not the least moral qualm in giving attention to network and online-communication policy issues now, since I believe wholeheartedly that communication is part of the solution to all our other problems. -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==- SUN DEVIL DOCUMENTS RELEASED The Secret Service's response to CPSR's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request has raised new questions about the scope and conduct of the Sun Devil investigation. The documents disclosed to CPSR reveal that the Secret Service monitored communications sent across the Internet. The materials released through the FOIA include copies of many electronic newsletters, digests, and Usenet groups including "comp.org.eff.talk," "comp.sys.att," "Computer Underground Digest" (alt.cud.cu-digest), "Effector Online," "Legion of Doom Technical Journals," "Phrack Newsletter," and "Telecom Digest (comp.dcom.telecom)". Currently, there is no clear policy for the monitoring of network communications by law enforcement agents. A 1982 memorandum prepared for the FBI by the Department of Justice indicated that the FBI would consider monitoring on a case by case basis. That document was released as a result of a separate CPSR lawsuit against the FBI. Additionally, CPSR has found papers that show Bell Labs in New Jersey passed copies of Telecom Digest to the Secret Service. The material (approximately 2500 pages) also suggests that the Secret Service's seizure of computer bulletin boards and other systems during Operation Sun Devil may have violated the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 and the Privacy Protection Act of 1980. Two sets of logs from a computer bulletin board in Virginia show that the Secret Service obtained messages in the Spring of 1989 by use of the system administrator's account. It is unclear how the Secret Service obtained system administrator access. It is possible that the Secret Service accessed this system without authorization. The more likely explanation is that the agency obtained the cooperation of the system administrator. Another possibility is that this may have been a bulletin board set up by the Secret Service for a sting operation. Such a bulletin board was established for an undercover investigation involving pedophiles. The documents we received also include references to the video taping of SummerCon, a computer hackers conference that took place in St. Louis in 1988. The Secret Service employed an informant to attend the conference and placed hidden cameras to tape the participants. The documents also show that the Secret Service established a computer database to keep track of suspected computer hackers. This database contains records of names, aliases, addresses, phone numbers, known associates, a list of activities, and various articles associated with each individual. CPSR is continuing its efforts to obtain government documentation concerning computer crime investigations conducted by the Secret Service. These efforts include the litigation of several FOIA lawsuits and attempts to locate individuals targeted by federal agencies in the course of such investigations. Contact sobel@washofc.cpsr.org (David Sobel) -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==- BERMAN TO HEAD NEW EFF WASHINGTON OFFICE The Electronic Frontier Foundation today announced the opening of a permanent office in Washington D.C. and named Jerry Berman, former head of the ACLU Information Technology Project, to direct its operations. In announcing the move, EFF President Mitchell Kapor said, "The creation of the Washington office and the appointment of Jerry Berman demonstrates our commitment to build a national organization. It will give the EFF the ability to effectively advocate policies that will reflect the public's interest in the creation of new computer and communications technologies." Jerry Berman, incoming Director of the EFF Washington Office, stated that, "Our goal is to be the public's voice in Washington on these issues, and to help create policies that will maximize both civil liberties and competitiveness in the new social environments created by digital media." "The EFF," Berman continued, "is hard at work developing initiatives that will ensure that all present and future 'electronic highways', from the telephone network to the National Research and Education Network, enhance First and Fourth Amendment rights, encourage new entrepreneurial activity, and are open and accessible to all segments of society." Jerry Berman was until December 1991 director of the ACLU Information Technology Project. Previously he was the ACLU's Chief Legislative Counsel in Washington, D.C. During his career, Mr. Berman has played a major role in the drafting and enactment of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (warrants for national security wiretapping); the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (warrant requirements for new voice, data, video electronic communications); and the Video Privacy Protection Act of 1988. Over the last two years, he has spearheaded efforts to establish public access rights to electronic public information. For more information contact: Jerry Berman, Director Gerard Van der Leun Electronic Frontier Foundation EFF 666 Pennsylvania Avenue,Suite 303 155 Second Street Washington, DC 20003 Cambridge, MA 02141 Telephone: (202) 544-9237 Phone:(617) 864-0665 FAX: (202) 547-5481 FAX: (617) 864-0866 Email: jberman@eff.org Email: van@eff.org UPDATE ON EFF ACTIVITIES The EFF, through its headquarters in Cambridge and its newly opened office in Washington, is currently advocating that: *Congress establish an "open telecommunications platform" featuring "Personal ISDN" ; *the open platform be created with legislative safeguards that ensure a level playing field for all those competing in the information services market; *the NREN serve as a "testbed" for new voice, data, and video services that will eventually be offered over our National Public Network; *electronic bulletin boards be afforded the same First Amendment protections enjoyed by other media; *citizens who use computers for communications purposes be afforded the full protection of the Fourth Amendment; *an Electronic Freedom of Information Act be passed that will grant citizens access to the electronic version of public information consistent with the public's right to know; and that *technical means be mandated to insure the privacy of personal communications carried over cellular and other radio-based communications systems. The Electronic Frontier Foundation is also a co-sponsor (along with the Consumer Federation of American and the ACLU) and the principal coordinator of the Communications Policy Forum, which is designed to explore the means for achieving the communications goals of consumer organizations. Over 28 consumer groups, from the OMB Watch to the NAACP participate in forum activities. The Communications Policy Forum is funded by foundations as well as a diverse group of computer and communications firms. -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==- WARNING - MICHELANGELO VIRUS (PC) Original-Sender: Virus Alert List From: "A. Padgett Peterson" >From all reports this destructive virus is spreading world- wide very rapidly. Unlike the DataCrime "fizzle" in 1989 which contained similar destructive capability but never spread, the Michelangelo appears to have become "common" in just ten months following detection. I have encountered three cases locally in just the last few weeks. Three factors make this virus particularly dangerous: 1) The virus uses similar techniques as the "STONED" virus which while first identifies in early 1988 remains the most common virus currently reported. Since the virus infects only the Master Boot Record on hard disks and the boot record of floppy disks, viral detection techniques that rely on alteration of DOS executable files will not detect the virus. Similarly, techniques that monitor the status of the MBR may only provide users with a single warning that, if execution is permitted to continue, may not be repeated. 2) Michelangelo was first discovered in Europe in mid-1991 consequently many virus scanners in use today will not pick up the virus unless more recent updates have been obtained. 3) Unlike the Stoned and Jerusalem (the most common viruses in the past) which are more annoying than dangerous, the Michelangelo virus will, on its trigger date of March 6th, attempt to overwrite vital areas of the hard disk rendering it unreadable by DOS. Further, since the FATs (file allocation tables) may be damaged , unless backups are available recovery will be very difficult and require someone who is able to rebuild a corrupt FAT (also a very time-consuming process). Fortunately, the Michelangelo virus is also very easy to detect: when resident in a PC, the CHKDSK (included with MS-DOS (Microsoft), PC-DOS (IBM), and DR-DOS (Digital Research) {all names are registered by their owners}) program will return a "total bytes memory" value 2048 bytes lower than normal. This means that a 640k PC which normally returns 655,360 "total bytes memory" will report 653,312. While a low value will not necessarily mean that Michelangelo or any other virus is present, the PC should be examined by someone familiar with viral activity to determine the reason. If the Michelangelo virus is found, the PC should be turned off until disinfected properly. All floppy disks and other machines in the area should then also be examined since the Michelangelo virus is spread in the boot record (executable area found on all floppy disks including data-only disks). Padgett Peterson Internet: padgett%tccslr.dnet@mmc.com -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==- ARE YOU AN INTERNET NERD? This quiz is dedicated to all of those people who find themselves constantly roaming the net. Do you leave yourself logged in twenty-four hours a day, even when you're not home? Is your wpm typing speed higher than your IQ? Are you having trouble seeing things at distances greater than 2 feet? Yes, YOU. You know who you are. Ok... shall we begin? Yes? 5 points... (you could've backed out.) Unless otherwise stated, point values are as follows: 2 for (a), 4 for (b), 6 for (c), and 10 for (d). -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) How many valid net addresses do you have? Multiple machines at the same site do not count. ____Internet ____UUCP ____Other public access ____Other ____Bitnet ____Freenet ____Internet BBS ____All seven (2 points each) 2) How many hours did it take for you to create your .sig? a) Huh? b) More than one c) More than five d) I'm still looking for a really funky quote 3) On an average working day, how many email messages do you receive? a) Nobody sends me any mail... snif b) Three, but they're all from Lester in the next cubicle over, because he has nothing better to do c) I can't count that high, I failed calculus d) Don't ask me now, I'm too busy. Send me e-mail. 4) Alright, fess up. Have you ever read alt.sex.bondage just to see what the heck those perverts were talking about? a) Yes, and I'm so ashamed b) Yes, and I'm so embarrassed c) Yes, and would you please explain a few things to me... d) No, never. (10 points. You're lying.) 5) Have you ever met one of your past SO's (significant others) via a computer network? a) No b) Yes, through a newsgroup we both posted on c) Yes, by chatting randomly over the Internet (shame!) d) Yes, by chatting over RELAY 6) Once you've logged onto your system, what do you spend most of your time doing? a) Going through the library system and putting books on reserve b) Reading _Alice in Wonderland_ in the online bookshelf c) Reading the monthly postings on rec.humor.funny d) Writing up stupid quizzes because you've done everything else 7) If someone were to telephone your home at any given moment of the day, what would be the percent chance that your phone would be busy? a) Zero... I've got call waiting b) 25%.... I only dial in from work (Uh, hi, boss) c) 75%.... Duh, so that's why nobody ever calls me d) Zero... My modem has a separate phone line 8) Which Usenet newsgroups do you spend the most time reading? a) The comp. groups... because they're so informative b) The soc. groups.... because they're so multicultural c) The rec. groups.... because they're so diverting d) The alt. groups.... because I don't know what half those words mean 9) What's your worst complaint about having an Internet account? a) I have to pay $5/month for it b) The damn sysadmins won't give me enough quota to hold all my .GIF's c) All those programmers keep tying up the modem lines d) I have to stay in school to keep it 10) Check your watch now. What time is it? a) 10 am... coffee break b) 3 pm.... General Hospital's on c) 12 am... one last login before I hit the sack d) 4 am.... Oh my God, I've got a test tomorrow ALRIGHT, FOLKS. SCORING TIME! 0-25 points: You're not a nerd. Go read a manual or two and come back next year. 25-50 points: You're an up-and-coming Internet nerd. Why don't you telnet over to and play around with the Quartz BBS for a while. 50-75 points: You're a full-fledged Internet nerd. Join the club. 75-100 points: You're an Internet addict. Try going to the library this week, it'll do you some good. 100+ points: You're an Internet obsessive-compulsive. Unplug your computer, go out in the woods for a few days, and relax. Lay back and listen to the birds singing. Clear your mind. And don't forget to unsubscribe yourself from all those lists before you leave. --written by slewis@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Sarah Lewis) in a moment of extreme boredom. Disclaimer: OSU doesn't know I wrote this, and it's probably better that way. Sigh. Time to hit the books.... -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==- THE ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION'S FIRST ANNUAL PIONEER AWARDS CALL FOR NOMINATIONS (Attention: Please feel free to repost to all systems worldwide.) In every field of human endeavor,there are those dedicated to expanding knowledge,freedom,efficiency and utility. Along the electronic frontier, this is especially true. To recognize this,the Electronic Frontier Foundation has established the Pioneer Awards. The first annual Pioneer Awards will be given at the Second Annual Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Conference in Washington, D.C. in March of 1992. All valid nominations will be reviewed by a panel of outside judges chosen for their knowledge of computer-based communications and the technical, legal, and social issues involved in networking. There are no specific categories for the Pioneer Awards, but the following guidelines apply: 1) The nominees must have made a substantial contribution to the health,growth, accessibility, or freedom of computer-based communications. 2) The contribution may be technical, social, economic or cultural. 3) Nominations may be of individuals, systems, or organizations in the private or public sectors. 4) Nominations are open to all, and you may nominate more than one recipient. You may nominate yourself or your organization. 5) All nominations, to be valid, must contain your reasons, however brief, on why you are nominating the individual or organization, along with a means of contacting the nominee, and your own contact number. No anonymous nominations will be allowed. 5) Every person or organization, with the single exception of EFF staff members, are eligible for Pioneer Awards. You may nominate as many as you wish, but please use one form per nomination. You may return the forms to us via email at: pioneer@eff.org. You may mail them to us at: Pioneer Awards, EFF, 155 Second Street Cambridge MA 02141. You may FAX them to us at: (617) 864-0866. Just tell us the name of the nominee, the phone number or email address at which the nominee can be reached, and, most important, why you feel the nominee deserves the award. You can attach supporting documentation. Please include your own name, address, and phone number. We're looking for the Pioneers of the Electronic Frontier that have made and are making a difference. Thanks for helping us find them, The Electronic Frontier Foundation -------EFF Pioneer Awards Nomination Form------ Please return to the Electronic Frontier Foundation via email to: pioneer@eff.org or via surface mail to EFF 155 Second Street, Cambridge,MA 02141 USA; or via FAX to USA (617)864-0866. Nominee: Title: Company/Organization: Contact number or email address: Reason for nomination: Your name and contact number: Extra documentation attached: -------EFF Pioneer Awards Nomination Form------ -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==- MEMBERSHIP IN THE ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION In order to continue the work already begun and to expand our efforts and activities into other realms of the electronic frontier, we need the financial support of individuals and organizations. If you support our goals and our work, you can show that support by becoming a member now. Members receive our quarterly newsletter, EFFECTOR, our bi-weekly electronic newsletter, EFFector Online (if you have an electronic address that can be reached through the Net), and special releases and other notices on our activities. But because we believe that support should be freely given, you can receive these things even if you do not elect to become a member. Your membership/donation is fully tax deductible. Our memberships are $20.00 per year for students, $40.00 per year for regular members. You may, of course, donate more if you wish. Our privacy policy: The Electronic Frontier Foundation will never, under any circumstances, sell any part of its membership list. We will, from time to time, share this list with other non-profit organizations whose work we determine to be in line with our goals. But with us, member privacy is the default. This means that you must actively grant us permission to share your name with other groups. If you do not grant explicit permission, we assume that you do not wish your membership disclosed to any group for any reason. ---------------- EFF@eff.org MEMBERSHIP FORM ---------------<<< Mail to: The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc. 155 Second St. #22 Cambridge, MA 02141 I wish to become a member of the EFF I enclose:$ $20.00 (student or low income membership) $40.00 (regular membership) $100.00(Corporate or company membership. This allows any organization to become a member of EFF. It allows such an organization, if it wishes to designate up to five individuals within the organization as members.) [ ] I enclose an additional donation of $ Name: Organization: Address: City or Town: State: Zip: Phone:( ) (optional) FAX:( ) (optional) Email address: I enclose a check [ ]. Please charge my membership in the amount of $ to my Mastercard [ ] Visa [ ] American Express [ ] Number: Expiration date: Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: I hereby grant permission to the EFF to share my name with other non-profit groups from time to time as it deems appropriate [ ]. Initials:___________________________ |====================================================================| | EFFector Online is published by | | The Electronic Frontier Foundation | | 155 Second Street, Cambridge MA 02141 | | Phone:(617)864-0665 FAX:(617)864-0866 | | Internet Address: eff@eff.org | | Reproduction of this publication in electronic media is encouraged | | To reproduce signed articles individually, | | please contact the authors for their express permission. | |====================================================================|