       Wordgrinder is a console document editor by David Given.
       Here you will find two patches that I developed for my own use. I
       tried to get them merged upstream, but the author of the original
       software does not seem to be reachable.
       The first patch solves an issue regarding the Document Management
       Menu. This menu lists a series of keyboard commands for
       accomplishing common tasks (renaming a document, creating a
       document). The list provided by the menu consists on UPPERCASE
       letters ("X" for deleting a document, for example). However,
       original Wordgrinder accepts only lowercase keys (ie: "x"). My
       patch makes it so UPPERCASE letters are accepted instead of the
       lowercase ones.
       The second patch fixes a problem when loading existing documents
       from a file. Original Wordgrinder will consider that any newly
       loaded document has been "changed", so if you open a Wordgrinder
       document, read it without changing it, and then attempt to close
       Wordgrinder, the program will complain because you are trying to
       exit without saving a changed document.
 (TXT) Document Manager Patch
 (TXT) Change State Patch
       For the sake of convenience, the source code of the original
       Wordgrinder is hosted here, alongside a Slackware x86_64 package
       (tested on Slackware 14.2), an OpenBSD amd64 package (tested on
       OpenBSD 6.7), a Slackbuild-style build script that builds the
       patched version, and an OpenBSD port that builds the patched
 (BIN) Original Source Code
 (BIN) Slackware Package x86_64
 (BIN) OpenBSD Package amd64
 (BIN) Build Script for Slackware
 (BIN) OpenBSD Port
       Other resources:
 (TXT) Example Wordgrinder Configuration File (Slackware)
       Back to Software
 (DIR) ..
                          Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on OpenBSD/amd64 7.5