Help!!! Hello, I am stormzhang, I am in Pudong, Shanghai, today is the 22nd day of being blocked, I am an Internet blogger, but today I want to use this article to let everyone see the real survival situation of the people in Shanghai under the epidemic, I also ask for your help here, I hope you will be patient to read it. The latest data on the epidemic in Shanghai today is that there are 824 new confirmed local cases, 20,398 asymptomatic infections and over 100,000 cumulative infections, which is more than the Wuhan epidemic. I am not going to talk about the causes of the current situation in Shanghai, nor am I going to ask for blame, nor do I have the authority to do so, but I just want to talk about a point that all of us cannot ignore, which is the basic livelihood of the people of Shanghai. I believe that you have seen one after another on the Internet all kinds of news of Shanghai people grabbing vegetables, some even cultivate their own vegetables, many people may take as a paragraph to see the next, but most people do not realize the seriousness of the problem now. A reality, myself, my friends around me, as well as my statistics, observations, many online help posts, the vast majority of them are around the issue of living supplies. I know some people will ask, "Didn't you see that supplies will be distributed? There are not relief supplies sent from all over the country? The release of supplies is true, the support of relief supplies from around the country is also true, here we must thank the government's efforts, thanks to the support of the people of Shanghai from around the country. However, the problem is that supplies are still scarce, I was blocked for 22 days, during which I received a total of 3 times the community distribution of supplies, each time can probably solve two days of food, just a drop in the bucket. I know some people may ask, "I see that some communities are giving out a lot of supplies". Yes, this is also true, because the management and dispatching ability of various neighborhood committees varies, each neighborhood receives different supplies, but it is also true that many neighborhoods received very little supplies, and some people did not even receive the supplies. The vast majority of people rely on their own self-help, either the community group purchase, or Dingdong, Boxing, Mission to grab their own food. However, the biggest problem is that it's getting harder and harder to buy food, and all the provincial couriers can't send it in, and all the supermarkets around the takeaway businesses are closed, so you can only rely on Dingdong, Boxing, and Meituan to keep the whole point of grabbing food, completely by luck and speed, and you can be happy to grab a few cabbages all day. You simply do not know the hardships of Dingdong at 6:00 am, Boxmaster at 8:30 am, and the anxiety of not being able to grab a carrot for a whole day. The group purchase in the neighborhood is to rely on their own external contacts, this way in the blocked pre-solution of a big problem, but now the neighborhood group purchase of food is becoming increasingly difficult, and many neighborhood committees are worried about the risk of infection brought by external group purchase, many neighborhood committees are not allowed to group purchase. In other words, the basic livelihood of the people of Shanghai is now in great trouble, and the vast majority of the people of Shanghai spend their entire lives every day looking for channels to grab food. Many people around me rely on drinking congee and eating instant noodles every day for a long time. I know many people don't believe me, if I didn't know it first hand, I wouldn't believe you if you told me that in 2022, people in a cosmopolitan city can't buy food every day and eating is a problem, but it's really happening. Young people are better off, they can go through various software to toss, but many elderly people can't even play with their cell phones, so it's impossible to expect them to grab food online. I now really feel that the current basic livelihood security of the people of Shanghai is not even an overstatement, and really can no longer be ignored. Having said that, there may still be people asking, are you talking about an isolated case? I can see that many people are doing quite well online. It is a reality that some people are doing very well under the epidemic, while others are not doing well and are having problems with basic livelihood security. Let's take a step back and say that Shanghai has a resident population of 2500w, even if 99% of Shanghai people have abundant supplies and live without worries, only 1% of them have problems eating, that's still 25w people. 25w people have no food to eat in a cosmopolitan city, isn't that a disaster? What's more, the real percentage is certainly much higher than that. If you are interested, you can search the #ShanghaiEpidemic topic on Weibo, those who can't get on the hot search, or are not noticed by the people's help, it's really chilling to see. The epidemic is very scary, however, the fear and anxiety of the people of Shanghai are now on life security, although there is still food to eat, but it will not last for a few days. Now many people are not at the point of running out of food, many people have food rations at home that can cope with the next few days, however the same number of people are experiencing problems of survival at the moment. The current daily data of the epidemic in Shanghai, we know very well that the inflection point is far from being reached, the epidemic will continue for a long time at least, but really to the point of running out of food, all people are concerned about the survival difficulties encountered by the people of Shanghai, it will be too late, in case someone really died of starvation in the cosmopolitan city because of survival, a humanitarian disaster, then it really becomes an international joke. I am an ordinary person working in Shanghai, I think the problem is very serious now, while preventing and controlling the epidemic, the basic livelihood of Shanghai people can no longer be neglected. I hope this article will spread and be seen by those who have the ability to solve the problem or the relevant departments, and I hope that everyone in Shanghai will be able to grab the food and have meat tomorrow. Finally, I would like to say, in any disaster, please stop your positive energy and give way to the distress signal, thank you. [Machine translated with DeepL]