Transcript: EastEnders - 7 Nov 1994 The Television Transcript Project */EastEnders /* *Written by:* Michael Robartes 7 Nov 1994 British Air Date: Monday, 7 Nov 1994. (Aired in Denver, CO, USA: 27 Aug 1996.) This is episode #91 in the second numbering series (after the first 952 episodes). Transcript of the *previous* episode (previous Thursday) *Synopsis:* Nigel and Debs visit Phil. Phil and Grant each see through Nige's subterfuges to get them talking. Peggy breezes in, clueless about the real story. It's hard--in a number of ways--for everyone to keep her clueless. Grant reveals to Nigel some dark aspects of his and Phil's childhood and relationship. Phil and Kath barely broach the difficult stuff. Cindy visits the pool alone and Matt's there. Racists put graffiti near the Kapoors' stall. Directed by Garth Tucker. In Cockney English, "cheers" and "ta" both mean thank you. "Ta ta" means good-bye and "cheers" is sometimes a good-bye. A "punter" is a customer. "The loo" is the rest room/bathroom, but when I put "loo--" it is "look" without the "k"--"look" cut short. A "chippie" is a fish and chips place. To "skive off" is to be absent from responsibilities--similar to "cut" in the U.S. ("skiving off school" is like "cutting classes"). A "prat" is an idiot and a "mug" is a fool. (Note: "eh" is usually pronounced "Ay," like the name of the letter A, especially when at end of a sentence/question. Eh?) Braces {} enclose unclear speech. MICHELLE = CHELLE = MICHELLE KATH = KATHY = KATH 23 scenes. 15 characters: GRANT, NIGEL, STEVE, CHELLE, SHARON, PHIL, KATHY, CINDY, IAN, PEGGY, PAT, DEBS, MATT, GITA, SANJAY. (PEGGY is played by a new actress [Barbara Windsor]--no wonder Michelle doesn't recognize her!) Cast list (cast.htm 3K) Notes: Phil /has/ kept a number of secrets from Kathy. /Some/ involved dodgy deals--she'd asked him to not tell her about any such things. He didn't tell her about Sharon's coming over, either. Timeline: the engagement party was a few days before this episode. When Sharon stopped by Phil's was two weeks before this episode. When I printed this, it took 34 pages. Transcribed via microcassette and copious notes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [*/EastEnders/ Intro* with theme music (time: 00:27). Intro theme: Save music (417kb mp3).] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [It's early morning, the morning after the last episode.] [Nigel's kitchen. GRANT is sitting at the table, staring in his angry gloom, spinning a knife on the table. NIGEL comes in.] NIGEL Up al/read/y? GRANT Haven't been to bed. NIGEL Are you um--are you worried about dreaming again? GRANT No. NIGEL Good. Good. Breakfast? [puts open box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes on table] GRANT I'm not hungry. [still gloomy, still spinning the knife] NIGEL [breathes out] Loo--this is--this is gettin' /stupid/; you're not sleeping, you're not /eat/ing. [breathes in] GRANT I'm all right. [spins knife] NIGEL You're /not/ all right. [puts hand on knife, stopping it] Sorry. GRANT Go ahead. NIGEL [takes knife away non-threateningly and puts it in the drying drain] Look. You /should eat/ something. GRANT What's the point. NIGEL You'll make yourself /ill./ GRANT [reaches for cereal but the box falls over and spills onto the floor] Ohh. I'm sorry mate. I'm sorry. [obviously very tired] NIGEL It's all right; sit down; I'll do it. It's all right, sit-- GRANT Loo--/I/ spilt it. NIGEL Yeah, but--don't worry. Loo--I'll do it ; I know where everything is. GRANT Sorry. Sorry. NIGEL [on floor picking up, stops, lightens up--not serious] Ah, we can get some more.. Yeah, I suppose we can.. No problem replacing corn flakes.. Look, um.. want a nice piece of toast? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [STEVE upstairs at the Vic.] CHELLE [from downstairs] Steve!? STEVE Yeah, I'm up here. Want a /cof/fee? CHELLE Oh /yeah--bril/liant. [she comes upstairs] STEVE Here. CHELLE Cheers. How /is/ she? STEVE She's up an' about--I heard her. CHELLE That's something. STEVE What's--ah--what was all that about last night--someone said she went to the hospital. CHELLE Oh, did they? STEVE Yeah. Kathy caught her in with Phil. CHELLE Really? STEVE I don't suppose there's no chance your tellin' me the /true/ story, eh? CHELLE No chance. Sorry to-- SHARON [comes in] Goo--morning-- STEVE Morning boss. SHARON Morning. STEVE Well, I better go an' earn my living. SHARON Say, Steve? STEVE Yeah. SHARON Thanks for all your help. STEVE For what--doing my job? SHARON Well, you know. STEVE Yeah--be downstairs. [leaves] SHARON And thanks, Mi/chelle./ CHELLE What for? SHARON Well, I couldn't o' managed with/out/ ya. CHELLE Wu--I don't know about that. SHARON It's just I'm not ready to face the punters yet. CHELLE You don't /have/ to.. SHARON I can't hide forever, /can/ I? CHELLE Who said anything about "forever"? Loo--I'll go an' give Steve a hand. SHARON Yeah, I'll a, I'll help you set up; I'll be down in a minute. CHELLE Oh; all right--take your time.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Back at Nigel's, NIGEL and GRANT, in the kitchen.] NIGEL Yyou should get out today. For a /while,/ anyways. GRANT I'm sorry I'm in the way. NIGEL No--I don't /mean/ that. GRANT I /know/ I should go. NIGEL Grant, listen to what I'm saying-- GRANT /I know./ NIGEL Look. I know what you're goin' through, but-- GRANT [dead] /Do/ you. NIGEL [pause] You can't sit around here broodin' all the time. GRANT [pause, still brooding] What d'you suggest I do. Go out for a walk. Say hi to the neighbours. Wonder how many of 'em knew. NIGEL /No/body knew. [breathes in and sighs] Most people are on your /side./ They're sorry for you. GRANT /Sor/ry for me. NIGEL [pause] No, I mean, you know, that, they know what you're going-- GRANT D'you know what really /gets/ me. NIGEL [quiet] Wha? GRANT [pause] She was bein' so lovey-dovey. Talkin' about startin' a family. A family. {Of which she's just done} already had. Go to work, Nige. NIGEL Yeah, right, I suppose I-- GRANT /Nige./ NIGEL [gets up, unable to handle this situation anyway, pause] Look. Are you sure you're gonna be all ri-- GRANT /Work./ NIGEL [pause. quietly] Right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [At the hospital, PEGGY comes to visit PHIL. She's carrying a big, full plastic shopping bag.] PEGGY Phil? /Phil./ PHIL Hello Mum. Uh. What you /doin'/ here. PEGGY What do you think I'm doin' here? Waitin' for the number thirteen /bus?/ PHIL Uhhh. Thought you was on holiday. PEGGY Well, Kathy got a message to your Auntie Sal. I got the first plane back. PHIL Uhhh. Didn't have to do that. PEGGY Didn't I? PHIL [pause] Th'you was all/er/gic to these places anyway. PEGGY [nice, not mean] Shut up; have some grapes. Huh--they /starve/ you in these places; why d'you think so many people /die/ here? PHIL I'm not /dy/ing; I'm all right. PEGGY Haha--/course/ not. You just felt like havin' a new spleen, didn't you? PHIL They don't give you a new one, they, they just take the old one out-- PEGGY Oh. What? Walking around with a gaping hole in your gut? PHIL It's like an appendix; it don't /do/ anything. It's just this sort of /squishy/ thing. PEGGY Oooo. No /talkin'/ about it. You're givin' me the /willies./ PHIL All I'm sayin' is it's nothing serious. PEGGY Uh?! An' what's this about you head? Doctor said you /fell/ on it. PHIL Puh. Yeah, nice {???}? PEGGY Yeah--you wanna be careful, though. Got a head like a /ba/by's, you have. Eh. Gonna tell me what /hap/pened? PHIL Didn't Sal tell ya? PEGGY Hnn--She said you had an accident. PHIL Yeah, that's right, uh; I fell down the bin. PEGGY [surprised] What do you mean, "you fell!" PHIL Well, I was working late; I was.. tired, got /care/less, I suppose. PEGGY /Care/less? What did you do, forget it was /there/--You /know/ you could o' been killed. PHIL Yeah, w'I /weren't/ was I. PEGGY [big sigh, relaxed/okay] Can't take my eyes off ya, can I? Not for two minutes. Like a /kid/ you are. PHIL [relaxed] Yeah, yeah, yeah. PEGGY You tellin' me the truth, Phil? PHIL Why would I /lie/ 'bout a thing like that? PEGGY Well. Weren't fightin' or anything. PHIL /No./ PEGGY All /right:/ I worry about you, /that's/ all. Workin' on your own in that place. This never would o' happened if Grant had been there. PHIL No, no. [puts his head back, gets more in a recline] PEGGY You're weak, /aren't/ ya.. PHIL Yeah, I'm all right, ta. Nothin' /you/ worry about. It's just a bit /tired,/ that's all. PEGGY Well. /You/ sleep then, darling--get some rest. [kiss] PHIL Yeah. PEGGY I'll /leave/ to a bed. I can catch up on news from Kathy 'n' Grant. /Rest/ now. I'll be back later. [walks out] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Upstairs at the Vic, CHELLE and SHARON.] CHELLE Everything all /right?/ SHARON Yeah. Why? CHELLE Thought you were coming down.. SHARON [irritated] Nah. {???} run /this/ place. CHELLE That meant for /me?/ SHARON [testy] Well, it's /not/ all right. CHELLE [firm and final] All right, I'll leave you /to/ it. SHARON 'Course, if you hadn't started that interview business in the /first/ place, none of this would of /hap/pened. CHELLE Sharon, we've /been/ through this.. SHARON If we hadn't made that /stuupid/ tape, if you am't come to me in the /first/ place-- CHELLE Loo--I /know,/ but you thought it was a good i/dear/ at the /time--/ SHARON We shouldn't a done it. CHELLE Yeah--I /know/ we shouldn't a done it--how do you think /I/ feel? SHARON Then we got /drunk/--how could we get /drunk?/ CHELLE Yeah--We /did,/ all /right?--/ SHARON None of this would o' happened, /none/ of it. Everything'd be /fine/--Grant would still be here. We'd still be together. CHELLE I know how you feel, Sharon-- SHARON How could you /possibly know!?!/ CHELLE All right, all right, take it /easy--/ SHARON I wish I hadn't {arranged it}--your stupid book, an' your /stupid/ tape. An' to leave it /lying/ around here in the first place, how /stupid/ could you g-- CHELLE Oh, come on! This doesn't help! SHARON How can you /know/ if it /helps/ or not!? [realizes she wants a hug] CHELLE All right fine. [they hug gently] SHARON I'm not /blaming/ you. CHELLE It's all right; I /know/ how you feel. I just wish there was something I could do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [At Ian's and Cindy's, the living room. IAN's resting on the couch and CINDY comes and kisses his head.] CINDY [nice] Mmm. Lovely. You smell like a florist. IAN HaHmm. The only trouble with running a chippie isn't it: every pore /stinks./ CINDY [agreeing] Mmm. /Tell/ me about it. IAN Oh, it's all right for you--you're hardly /there/ now we got /Ja/son. CINDY /Yeah,/ well I can't say I'm sorry. IAN What you up to today. CINDY Don't /know,/ really. IAN Why don't you go for a swim? CINDY Oh, I'd /love/ to but I can't, got the twins don't I? IAN No, that's all right--I'll look after 'em a bit. CINDY /Would/ ya? What time ya goin' in? IAN Um. Not 'til about eleven. That'll make it about a couple hours, wouldn't it? CINDY /Yeah,/ thanks. IAN Yeah, I could do with puttin' my feet up for a bit. CINDY [amused] What, with the /twins?/ IAN Yeah, /they/'re no problem. Hey, listen, I've been thinking about me Mum. Perhaps we should invite her around for a supper. I mean, you could knock us something up, couldn't ya? CINDY Ah! So that's what this is all /about../ IAN Well, it's just, like, show her sup/port,/ let her know we're /thinkin'/ of her. CINDY Ian, I don't think she'd be /inter/ested. Not after the things you've been sayin' 'bout Phil. IAN [wryly] Yeah, well, Grant didn't do a good enough job /did/ he. CINDY Uh! Well, that's exactly what I /mean!/ Your /saying/ things like /that/ aren't gonna help, /are/ they? Nor just--uh--puttin' on a big show of being the supportive fiancé an' /visit/in' every five minutes. IAN [realizes she was talking about Kath] You think it /is/ just a show? I mean, she's just bein' loyal? CINDY [pause] /Maybe./ Or maybe she /loves/ him. IAN Umm. Per/haps,/ yeah. Yeah, perhaps we won't get into it until she's seein' sense. CINDY /Yeah,/ I think so. IAN Oh. CINDY [pause] So, uh, do I still get to go swimmin'? IAN /Yeah,/ if you want to. Just make sure you're back by a quarter to eleven--/Eleven/ at the latest. All right? CINDY All right; I'll get me stuff ready. IAN Go on, then. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [At the cafe.] KATHY I just /can't/ get it out of my head. I keep thinking; Phil and Sharon: sneaking around to see each other. Eyeing each other up, still /wantin'/ each other. PAT It's all /over,/ i'n't /it?/ Or don't you believe him? KATHY I /want/ to. PAT You're too /soft,/ you. KATHY Well what can I do-- PAT Don't /ask!/ I might /tell/ ya! It doesn't help that Natalie not turning up, /nei/ther. KATHY Oh, Nat should be in tomorrow anyway. PAT /Come on,/ I'll give you a hand. [gets up and goes behind counter] PEGGY [comes in] Pat! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [At the Video shop, DEBS and NIGEL lock up and are walking toward the market.] NIGEL Ohh--mopes around the /flat/ all day. Spinning knives, knocking over corn flakes. I said to him this morning, "Why don't you get out, get a bit of fresh air," but he won't /budge./ DEBS How long's he gonna be like /that/ for? NIGEL Oh, I don't know. I'm getting really /worried/ about him, Debs. DEBS Oh, come on; I've gotta be back by twelve. NIGEL All right. I wouldn't /dare/ tell him I've been down to visit Phil.. DEBS Why not? NIGEL I don't want him thinking I'm taking Phil's side. DEBS Well, I hope you're /not;/ I think it's /horrible/ what he did to Grant.. NIGEL I know, but what can I /do?/ Phil's my mate, /too./ DEBS An' ya gotta stick /by/ your mates, no matter /what/ they've done. NIGEL Look--you know--these--these things /hap/pen--we can't always con/trol/ them. Anyway, we don't really know what went on, /do/ we. DEBS Oh, so that's all /right,/ then, is it? We can mess people about because we can't control our /feel/ings? NIGEL Just depends on the circumstances. DEBS Oh, /I/ see! I didn't know you felt /that/ way about infidelity. NIGEL I /don't!/ I--I'm not talkin' about /me;/ I've /never/ been unfaithful-- DEBS Oh glad to /hear/ it! NIGEL I don't mean that that's the way /I'/d behave, but--I--I--don't mean that we shouldn't try to understand how oth-- DEBS [amused] It's all right, Nigel, I'm only winding you /up./ NIGEL [sigh] Ah, right. [relieved] DEBS [amused] HaHmm. NIGEL Right--A--aa--as long as you don't think that /I'd/ ever-- DEBS /I don't./ [kiss] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Back at the cafe, PEGGY is talking and talking to KATH at a table. PAT's still behind the counter.] PEGGY I'm sorry I missed your en/gage/ment party. I'd heard it was going to be the "do" of the century. KATH Have you seen /Grant/ since you been back? PEGGY No, not yet. I should pop in the Vic a bit /la/ter. I thought I'd get shot of /this/ first. I'm not carrying this around with me a minute /long/er; it makes me look a /bag/ lady. [gives her what's in this big bag she has] It's you en/gage/ment present! Sorry about the paper but I didn't have anything for en/gage/ments. [PAT brings over some tea or something] KATH Ahh.. Uh, thanks Pat. PEGGY [nice] Yeah, /thanks!/ Oh, here, how's your Ricky these days? PAT He's /fine./ [gets snotty] In fact, he's doing rather well since your daughter left him. Come to {???} now, you know--got his own place. She should of hung about--she'd a /liked/ all that. PEGGY [right on top of this!] I was sorry to hear about his /dad/ disappearing--wasn't any /trouble,/ was there? PAT Have to ask /your son/ that, won't cha? PEGGY What's she talking about? She windin' me up or something? KATH [has opened the big soft package] Oh. Oh, they're--they're /love/ly. PEGGY There--His, and Hers. /Look./ Oh, /I/ know, you think you won't want to wear them, that you want to look at each other in the "all together" but let me tell /you,/ a bit of cold weather an' all that goes out the window. There's nothing very sexy about goose pimples. KATH Thank you, the--you're very kind. PEGGY [quite light and nice] Oh, well, they're only /bath/robes, out of a /cat/alogue.. Oh, he's gonna be all right, darling--I spoke to one of the /doc/tors, young fella, ever so nice, he was. He said Phil was doing fine. KATH Yeah. Thanks Peggy. PEGGY Right. I'm off. /You've/ got things to do, /I'/ve got things to do. A bit of shoppin', then I better {?} to Grant over road to {?} as /well./ KATH [laughs a little, PEGGY's so cheery] PEGGY Ta ta, sweetheart. KATH Bye. [kiss] Thank you. PEGGY Ta ta, Pat! PAT Peggy. [to KATH, whispering--now PEGGY's gone] [inaudible] I think she's gone over t'the /Vic./ KATH [doesn't care] I know. PAT Well, perhaps we should warn Sharon! KATH No. Why /should/ we? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [At the pool, CINDY's in the water, gets out. Pool guy (MATT) is friendly, mildly flirty.] MATT Hi. CINDY Oh, hello. MATT I thought you'd got /lost./ CINDY What'd you mean? MATT I 'unno; I haven't /seen/ you for two weeks. CINDY Ah.. Been /counting, have/ you? Anyway, I been busy. Helpin' my husband open his business, haven't I? MATT Sorry. CINDY Yeah, so am /I./ I miss this.. Might as well get back in? MATT Mm. [CINDY goes back in and swims more] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [At the hospital, NIGEL and DEBS come to PHIL's bed.] NIGEL Brought you some grapes. PHIL Why's everyone bring grapes, ha ha. NIGEL Well, they're like a /pass/port, aren't they? Most hospitals won't let you in without 'em. DEBS How you /feel/in'? PHIL Yeah, not too bad. NIGEL You're lookin' a lot better than when I saw you last. PHIL When was that? NIGEL I was in on Saturday.. PHIL Oh, yeah. NIGEL Ah, don't worry; you were asleep most of the time. PHIL Yeah; I've been doin' a /lot/ of that lately. DEBS Ah, best thing /for/ you. PHIL Yeah, so they say. NIGEL Anyway, ah, good to see you sittin' up an' takin' a bit o' notice. PHIL ..Yeah. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Back at the pool, CINDY gets to the end of her lane after a few laps.] CINDY Ah--oh! MATT You're lookin' good. CINDY Thanks! MATT You gettin' /out?/ CINDY Oh, well, not just yet. Just about--a few more lengths--once I get me breath back. Ooo, I'm out o' /prac/tice. MATT Should come more /of/ten.. CINDY Mm. {Chance--a bit fine thing.} MATT I thought you were gonna bring the kids--you know, to the duck pen. CINDY Oh, I dun/no./ Quite like being on my own.. MATT It's nice for me, /too./ Well--gets a bit /bor/ing sometimes. Good when there's someone to /chat/ to. CINDY I /told/ you you won't want to spend the rest o' your life here. MATT Hmn, you did. Only good /some/times. CINDY Yeah, I know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [PEGGY shows up at the Vic. It's not open--she bangs on the door. CHELLE comes over.] CHELLE Sorry; we're not /o/pen.. PEGGY /Grant/ about, love? CHELLE Aye? PEGGY It's /Peg/gy, darling, /Grant'/s Mum, re/mem/ber? CHELLE Oh, right, right, uh, Michelle. PEGGY Hello.. Grant a/bout,/ is he? CHELLE Hmm--no, no; he had to go out. PEGGY Oh, but you'll be open any minute, won't you? STEVE Uh, y--he--had to go to the--brewery--about something. CHELLE That's right, yeah. PEGGY Oh. Well, he won't be long, will he? CHELLE Well, he could be a while. I think he had this big meeting. PEGGY Oh well. Not to worry--oh, is /Sha/ron up/stairs?/ CHELLE No, no; she had to go with 'im-- STEVE That's up--to the brewery. PEGGY You don't fool me, you know. CHELLE [quiet] Eh? PEGGY They're skiving off somewhere, aren't they? It's all /right;/ you don't have to lie to /me;/ I know what my two boys are /like./ CHELLE Sorry-- PEGGY Oh, it's not your fault is it. Anyway, tell him to phone me, will you--let him know I'm /back./ CHELLE Of course I will. PEGGY [sighing] Shame, though, I was just looking forward to a nice sit-down after that hospital. CHELLE Oh well.. can I get you a drink? PEGGY [goes to a small table] Oh, /go/ on, then; I'll have a Gin an' Tonic. It's a bit /ear/ly, but I been on the go for nearly twenty-four hours--'n' still feels like /night/-time to me. CHELLE Yeah--oops, sorry; I was just about to get that, loo-- PEGGY [quiet] It's all right, darling--go on 'n' sit /down./ Put your feet up. [STEVE comes over and helps.] CHELLE Thanks Steve. [PEGGY and CHELLE are at the table, PEGGY continues to talk conspiratorially low.] PEGGY Ta, now.. Ah.. Tell us all the gossip. CHELLE [priceless awkward look which PEGGY's oblivious to] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [At the hospital, NIGEL and DEBS are still visiting PHIL.] PHIL How's Grant? NIGEL Oh, he's all right. PHIL [pause] Come off it, Nige. NIGEL [pause] No, he is. Considering. PHIL Oh, considering. Well, that makes /all/ the difference, doesn't it. NIGEL Well, what did you ex/pect/ me to say, Phil? PHIL Just tell me the truth.. NIGEL [pause] Actually. He's in a bit of a bad way. PHIL Ah, that's more like it, huh. NIGEL You know he's staying 'round our place at the moment. PHIL [pause] Yeah, I know; Kathy told me, uh.. It can't be that easy, now. NIGEL [pause] How 'bout 'im comin' 'round to see you? PHIL [pause] No. NIGEL Why not? PHIL [pause] Look, if he'd really wanted to see me, he would o' been in by now. NIGEL No, not necessarily. Maybe he thought you wouldn't want to see /him./ DEBS Due to him that put you in here in the /first/ place. PHIL [not wanting to listen to this stuff] So what. 'Been the other way around, I'd o' done the same thing. NIGEL Then see him. PHIL No. NIGEL [pause] I'll ask him if you like. PHIL /No./ Has, ah, has Mum been to see 'im? NIGEL Your Mum? PHIL Yeah, she--came in to /see/ me this morning, she flew in from Spain. DEBS Nice. PHIL Yeah, an' she wanted to see him too and uh. Well I just came to tell her that--there was an accident an' I fell in the bin. NIGEL [gravely and fast] Grant will know what to say. PHIL [urgent, flat] Just get him to tell her that I fell in the bin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [At the pool, CINDY gets out of the pool.] MATT [jogs over] Hey, wait! CINDY Why, what's the matter? MATT Nothing! You /go/ing? CINDY Yeah, I have to be back by eleven. MATT You got time for a coffee? CINDY Well, aren't you on /du/ty? MATT I can /get/ someone to /cov/er.. CINDY Nnnoo, I can't--I really have to go-- MATT All business? CINDY Mm--something like that. MATT When'll I /see/ you again? CINDY What do you mean? MATT Are you coming back? CINDY [amused but rushed] Yeah, of /course--/ MATT When. CINDY Uh--a couple days--/Thurs/day, maybe. MATT Good. See you then. CINDY Okay. MATT Maybe you'll have a bit more /time/ then. CINDY [entering the shower or loo area, semi-flirty] Yeah. Maybe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [In the gardens, GRANT gloomily, ominously walking. A van is going around with a loud-speaker.] LOUD-SPEAKER Don't forget polling day. Monday the twelfth. This is /your/ chance to vote for democracy. Don't waste the oppor/tu/nity. Vote Independent. Keep the racists down. We need a /high turnout/ on polling day if we're to /defeat/ the fascists. So make sure you don't waste your vote. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [SHARON upstairs in the Vic, you can still dimly hear that. CHELLE gets upstairs.] SHARON Is she gone? CHELLE You heard, then. SHARON Sort of. What's she want? CHELLE To see Grant--and you--it's all right; she doesn't know anything. Loo--I'll get a message to Grant to call her, an' Nigel'll take it, that way she won't come back here. [breathes in deep] SHARON [pause, quiet] Good. CHELLE [breathes out big] SHARON [peeking out window, pause] Chelle? CHELLE What is it, she still /there./ SHARON No. Grant. CHELLE [looks] [GRANT's sitting in the garden staring up at their window.] CHELLE [now quiet, too] What's he /do/ing? SHARON Don't know--he's just /sittin'/ there. CHELLE [pause, considers] He's standing /guard/ or something. SHARON What for? CHELLE 'N't ask me. Do you want to talk to him? SHARON Oh, I don't know--do you think it'd do any /good?../ CHELLE No, I /doubt/ it. SHARON Well, maybe it's what he /wants,/ eh? CHELLE Look--why don't you let him /see/ ya. Then at least you'll know. SHARON Yeah. [pulls curtain aside, stands by window] [View through window, GRANT gets up, continued gloom/ominousness, and walks away--some slight look of disgust. Then we see SHARON upstairs and she puts the curtain back. This has disturbed her.] SHARON Uh. Uh. CHELLE Is he gone then? You got your /an/swer now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [On the market--GITA at her stall by the Fowlers' house. Kath's cafe is in the background, which CINDY comes out of, clipping along fast and in a good mood.] GITA Heyyy, you seem cheerful! CINDY Oh, /do/ I? [stops to chat] GITA /Yeahhh!/ You're positively /glow/ing! CINDY Ohhh, it must have been exersise, that's all. I been swimming; I feel great. GITA Ohh! I didn't know you were still going in to that. CINDY Yyyeah, only a couple o' times--when Ian's in a good mood. GITA Ha ha! And how often's that? CINDY Not very /of/ten, ha! GITA Hey /lis/ten, when are you thinking of going a/gain?/ CINDY [wryly] Well, I was hoping to come /Thurs/day. Suppose I could start bein' /nice/ to him.. GITA Hey listen, why don't I come /with/ you, eh? CINDY [pause] What--swimming. GITA Yeah! On /Thurs/day. CINDY Um, well, I'm not sure if it's gonna be happening. Ah, I don't know if he'll want to sit with the twins. GITA With you bein' /nice/ to 'im? Come /on--/ CINDY [sighs] Well, he certainly won't if I'm not back in five minutes. Loo--I--I've gotta hurry-- [rushing off, wants Thursday to be just her and cute-buns] GITA All right. What time on Thursday? CINDY [stops and turns around] Um--I'll let you know. GITA Okay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [At the hospital. KATH comes in and PHIL's lying down. By the way, KATH's looking gorgeous--great hair day.] PHIL Oh, hello. KATH Hi. Thought you were asleep.. PHIL No, no, I've had /enough/ of that.. KATH Well, you /needed/ it. You feeling any better. PHIL Yeah, much better--ta. Well, I'm waitin' for a start, i'n't I? KATH Loo--I brought you some stuff. [sits] It's fruit drink. That should do you good, and, uh, there's some, magazines in 'ere, an' some sandwiches. PHIL Ta, ha--no grapes? KATH [smiles a bit, pointing to the tray] Oh, you got plenty of grapes. PHIL Yeah, I know.. Anyway, thanks. KATH [puts stuff down and sighs] Your /Mum/ came to see me.. PHIL [pause, breathes in] Yeah, I thought she would-- KATH Well, thanks for the warning. PHIL Look, I'm hardly in the position to tell you what to say, am I? KATH No, you're /not./ But it would have helped if I'd known, /that's/ all. PHIL [pause, hard situation] So what /did/ you tell her? KATH Well, what did you /think/ I told her? I went along with your /par/ty line, uh, "Yes, it was an accident," "No, I wasn't there," an' "Everything in the family's lovely." PHIL [pause] Sorry, I-- KATH What for? PHIL Well, that you had to lie. KATH Lying. That's a way o' /life/ for you, i'n't it? PHIL Come off it. You think I'd lie to hurt me own /mo/ther? KATH I just think you do whatever's /eas/iest. PHIL [pause] For God's sake, Kathy. It's almost worse than tellin' her the truth--yeah? Tell her I slept with me brother's wife, me brother found out an' he half /kill/ed me. I /can't/ have her knowin' that, /can/ I? It'd des/troy/ her! KATH Oh, /I/ know, /don't/ I? What d'you think it's doin' to /me?/ PHIL You've always known. I've never hid it from you. I told you everything, right? Since we got together. I told you everything. KATH Oh, /did/ you now? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [At Ian's and Cindy's. CINDY's come home.] CINDY Well, how /are/ they? IAN Oh, they're all right. Fast asleep. CINDY /You are/ a magician.. IAN [chuckles] Enjoy your swim? CINDY Yeah--lovely, thanks. IAN Yeah, I would /love/ to come with you once, eh? CINDY [pause] Yeah. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [The market. SANJAY's got back from his lunch break. GITA's minding their stall.] SANJAY [inaudible] GITA Oh, that's all right. You're entitled to a lunch break. SANJAY Any luck? GITA Well, not /much./ I mean some people'll be-- SANJAY Well--when--when did /that happen?/ [points to some posters behind their stall, "Vote T.P.W., " that have "O U T" written across them in red marker] GITA [looks] Oh, no! SANJAY You must o' /seen/ them.. GITA /No,/ I me--sh--I was watching the /stall./ I can't see /every/thing. SANJAY /No./ [starts tearing the posters down in disgust of them] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [At Nigel's and Deb's, living room. GRANT's been sitting, silently crying. NIGEL gets in.] NIGEL You okay? GRANT What do /you/ think? NIGEL [awkward, pause] Just thought I'd pop in--see how you were.. GRANT [pause] I'm all right. NIGEL [pause] All right.. GRANT I took your advice. Went out for a walk. NIGEL [relieved] Oh. Good. And? GRANT Now I'm back. NIGEL [still awkward, pause] Aaa--I got a message from Michelle. Aaa--your mother's been lookin' for you.. Seems, uh, well, she went to visit Phil, you see, an, uh-- GRANT She /would./ NIGEL An' um, she wants to see you, too. Michelle said you'd phone her. GRANT [pause] /Did/ she.. NIGEL Yeah. Will you? GRANT How /can/ I? NIGEL Huh. Hey. Just pick up the phone an' dial the number. GRANT [sighs] NIGEL Why not? GRANT What am I gonna say to her? What've I possibly got to say to her that she'd possibly want to listen to? NIGEL Oh, uh, I mean, you could tell her you're all right. GRANT [pause] I can't say anything. It's uh, Phil goes an' screws my wife.. an' he gets Mummy around to hold his hand. Remember when we were kids.. I was out on the street, playing with this {??} plane.. Phil wanted something--w--wanted me to play with him.. So he started chucking stones at me--just little ones--to get me to stop.. Only one of 'em hit my plane.. So I picked up a stone an' I threw it back.. Only I threw my stone better than he threw his.. Cut his /head/ open.. He started bawlin'.. Mum come runnin' out.. The way she looked at me.. I can see her now. NIGEL [pause] She doesn't /know/ anything.. Phil didn't tell her, he--he said there'd been an /ac/cident. GRANT You've been to /see/ him. NIGEL No, I-- GRANT /Nige,/ you been to see him. NIGEL Yeah, okay, I have. I'm not taking his /side/ in this, I just thought I should go an' see how he /is./ GRANT [pause] An' how /is/ he?.. NIGEL He's, uh, he's doin' all right. He's gettin' /strong/er. The /main/ thing is, he's taking it very well--he's not blaming you or anything. An' uh.. he said he's /really sorry/ for what happened. GRANT /Is/ he? NIGEL He said, he said he'd /see/ you, if you wanted. I--I think it'd be, a good /idea/ if you tried to patch things up. What do you think? GRANT [knows Nige's lying] I think you're a /prat./ NIGEL Yeah. Right. Well. At least phone your mother. She won't know where to /find/ you. GRANT [pause] I don't want her to find me. NIGEL She's your mother. GRANT [pause] Yeah, she's my mother. An' I can't even /face/ her. She's just something else he's taken a/way/ from me. You want me to go an' /see/ him? NIGEL I just think.. GRANT I'm only sorry.. I didn't kill him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [At the hospital, KATH's visit with PHIL continues.] PHIL Well, we can't just go on like /no/thing's happened, can we. KATH Oh, like your /Mum,/ you mean. PHIL Yeah--I'm sorry she upset ya. KATH She didn't upset me, Phil. She was just.. so /normal./ Chattin' away about her /holiday,/ the--the /par/ty, you an' me gettin' /mar/ried, an' how /great/ it was all gonna be, an' I thought,.. "Peggy, you're /so/ lucky. You just haven't got a /clue!"/.. An' /then/ she said she was gonna go an' see Grant. .. An' I thought, "Just /one word/ from someone--just /one/ little /com/ment--that's /all/ it's gonna /take/--to--to break her world /wide/ open, take the roof /right/ off--bang." Uh. Because it's all /lies,/ i'n't it? And that was /me,/ two /weeks/ ago.. PHIL I wish we'd /all/ o' gone back two weeks.. None of this would've /hap/pened. KATH Yeah. An' me still bein' in the /dark,/ I suppose.. Is that why you didn't tell me /Sha/ron'd been around? That you'd been /all over/ each /oth/er? Because you figured, "What she don't know won't hurt her," /right?--/ PHIL We weren't--Yeah, well maybe I was /right./ I mean you're hurtin' now, i'n't ya. KATH [struck pause] An' what would /you/ know about /me/ hurtin', eh? You're /safe i'n't/ ya? There's Grant hidin' out at /Ni/gel's, Sharon hidin' at the /Vic,/ an' you're hidin' out in /here!/ There's only me out there trying ta cope, /facin'/ it! "Good Old Kath.".. Well, what a /mug/--eh?-- PHIL /'Course/ you're not. KATH W--it certainly /looks/ like it, i'n't it? [sighs] Sorry. [breathes in] I 'as only trying to /cheer/ you up, i'n't I? PHIL Don't be daft; we gotta /talk/ about it, ain't we? This small talk's been driving me mad. KATH Du--an' what were people supposed to be sayin' to ya, Phil? What am /I/ supposed to say to you, come to /that?/ PHIL I dunno. [sighs] Maybe we could.. talk about what we gonna /do/ about it. Talk about the /fu/ture. KATH [pause] That's just it, Phil. I'm not sure we /have/ a future. -boom- -boom- -boom-boom- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [show's time: 27:00] [*Credit Roll* with theme music. Long version of exit theme: Save music (1mb mp3).] [time: 00:30; total with intro and credits: 27:57] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Return to The Television Transcript Project email Last Updated: 5 Feb 2000 This fan page is *for curiosity and fun* and is not intended to infringe on any copyright nor to encourage such. 1 [x] close This Page is an outdated, user-generated website brought to you by an archive.It was mirrored from Geocities at the end of October, 2009. 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