Dear Mr. Morley Thank you so much for your letter telling me about the High Seas Task Force. I Must say that it is enormously encouraging to know of your efforts to try and bring to heel the recalcitrant countries who sanction, either directly or by turning a blind eye, pirate and illegal fishing and I do wish you well in your endeavours. You have certainly managed to bring together a powerful alliance of N.G.O.s and countries. I particularly hope that the illegal fishing of the Patagonian Toothfish will be high on your list of priorities because until the trade is stopped, there is little hope for the poor old albatross, for which I shall continue to campaign… By the way, I wonder whether any thought might have been given to the possible role that could be played by the navies of the countries associated with the High Seas Task Force? I am probably being very ignorant about all this, so please forgive me, but is the Royal Navy, for instance, included in the discussions on this issue? I daresay you will tell me there are all sorts of legal problems that prevent any worthwhile action…! Incidentally, I am also looking forward to the publication of the Royal Commission's report on sustainable fishing. I hear on my own grapevine that it may be quite hard-hitting, which can only be a good thing and I just hope that the powers-that-be, and the general public, take note of its findings. Thank you again for writing as you did. I know just what a personal commitment you have made to this issue and how deeply you feel about it. Let us hope that between all of us who mind about sustainable fishing, we can make a difference before it is all too late… Yours most sincerely, Charles