(DIR) petergarner.net gopher root
 (TXT) The Rules of Chado, by Stan Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) An Introduction to Zen Taoism and Its Precepts, by Stan Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) Acting with Right Motive, Without Contriving for Self-Advantage, by Stan Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) Human Relationships, by Stan Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) The Existence of Positive in the Negative, by Stan Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) The Song of Ch'An Tao Chia: The Precepts of Zen Taoism (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) An Introduction to Taoism, by Stan Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) Translation of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, by Stan Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) Introduction: The Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu, Taoism and Zen, by Stan Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) The Tao and Its Name, by Stan Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) The Word of Tao, by Simon Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) The Word of Tao, by Simon Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) A Time of Blossoming, by Stan Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) A Zen Glossary, by Stan Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) The Historical Roots of Zen, by Stan Rosenthal (March 9, 1993) 
 (TXT) The Vow of the Ten Footsteps, by Stan Rosenthal (March 9, 1993)