Subject: RISKS DIGEST 12.50 REPLY-TO: RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Tuesday 15 October 1991 Volume 12 : Issue 50 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator Contents: TRW misreports local taxes (Mark Seecof) ATM Doesn't Catch Cash Cache Problem (Ed Miller) Re: buggy software (David Parnas) Risks of genetic engineering? (Michael Pilling) Electronic thermostat failures (Ralph Palmer, Mary Shafer, Bob Wilson) ACM SIGSOFT'91: SOFTWARE FOR CRITICAL SYSTEMS [timely reminder] (Nancy Leveson) The RISKS Forum is moderated. Contributions should be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, coherent, concise, and nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome. CONTRIBUTIONS to RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM, with relevant, substantive "Subject:" line. Others ignored! REQUESTS to RISKS-Request@CSL.SRI.COM. For vol i issue j, type "FTP CRVAX.SRI.COMlogin anonymousAnyNonNullPW CD RISKS:GET RISKS-i.j" (where i=1 to 12, j always TWO digits). Vol i summaries in j=00; "dir risks-*.*" gives directory; "bye" logs out. The COLON in "CD RISKS:" is essential. "CRVAX.SRI.COM" = "". =CarriageReturn; FTPs may differ; UNIX prompts for username, password. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS CONSIDERED AS PERSONAL COMMENTS; USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. Relevant contributions may appear in the RISKS section of regular issues of ACM SIGSOFT's SOFTWARE ENGINEERING NOTES, unless you state otherwise. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 15 Oct 91 09:48:31 -0700 From: Mark Seecof Subject: TRW misreports local taxes According to the Wall Street Journal Monday 10-15 page B1, TRW has decided to purge local tax delinquency info from the files of consumers residing in four New England states. You will recall the Norwich, CT, local tax info errors; it seems that similar errors have been made in the files of consumers living in several other communities. TRW blames the problem on a lax sub-contractor. Many other people blame the problem, more broadly, on TRW's apparent unwillingness to verify input or accept corrections... Consumers say it's difficult to reach anyone at TRW who even appears capable of influencing the data in a file, and further report that TRW's personnel refuse to rectify errors even when the TRW folks' attention is drawn to them. I heard a radio report (just a headline, really) this morning that TRW will provide "free copies" of credit reports to some (of their New England?) consumers, in a PR move. I'll seize this moment (do not attempt to adjust your display) to suggest that, darn it, Congress should require ALL credit reporting agencies and the like to notify each consumer they report on every time they issue such a report, except under a search warrant with a secrecy injunction. The agencies should be permitted to batch such notifications (e.g., must notify within 3 weeks and may include more than one notification in the same envelope). The cost of the notification can be absorbed into the cost of the triggering report (honestly, the cost would not exceed 25 cents/notice what with bulk mail rates and reports usually cost $5-$10 to the requester so it's not a big burden). Every notification should include the name, address, and telephone number of the original report requester and a copy of the report as issued (not some opaquely coded extract, such as the disclosures Equifax is famous for--the NSA could hardly decode them; they are MUCH harder to understand than the ones given to paying customers). Agencies should be liable for statutory damages in the amount of $2500 or proven economic damages if greater plus reasonable attorney's fees in any event if they fail to correct any substantive error in a credit report within 30 days of written notification (with corrected reports sent to anyone who got an erroneous one). Mark Seecof [WSJ article also noted by Will Martin . PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Oct 91 17:34:17 PDT From: (Ed Miller) Subject: ATM Doesn't Catch Cash Cache Problem I went to extract cash from the ATM at a nearby branch of my bank. Instead of the twenty dollar bills normally issued by the machine, I was given one dollar bills. My account transaction indicated that the ATM believed it had given me twenties. (Had I been given twenties, the number of bills would have been correct.) RISKS of garbage in, garbage out? RISKS of computers that can not "read" their output? Since I was actually at the bank branch and since they were open I went in to have my account corrected. One other customer had the same problem at the same ATM and was in line ahead of me. After the bank personnel had taken the ATM off-line, I asked several questions. I learned that the money put into the machine comms from U.S. Federal Banks in sealed containers. The local bank employees can neither open or inspect the contents of the containers. Since the bank had already paid the Fed for the cache, the bank appeared to be the loser in the situation, unless they can convince the Fed that they owned the problem. The bank employees did not seem to know of a process by which they could report this problem to the Fed. RISKS of a security system that does not allow a human monitor? Ed Miller 415/336.4278 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Oct 91 21:38:33 EDT From: David Parnas Subject: Re: buggy software (RISKS-12.49) James B. Shearer ( writes:, "So far as I know no one is required by law to buy the products of Mr. Mitchell's company. If mature adults wish to buy buggy software I do not see why this should be any concern of Mr. Parnas." As far as I know no one is required by law to buy an electrical appliance. Nonetheless, every country that I know requires appliances to meet certain minimal standards. Nobody is required by law to buy a car, but we do require cars to meet certain minimal safety standards. Nobody is required by law to fly in a commercial aircraft but we all expect that those vehicles and their pilots will be produced and/or trained in a professional way. Moreover, the manufacturers of all of these products are all expected to take responsibility for the things that they sell. When a defect is discovered in my car, the manufacturer is required to issue a recall notice and to repair that defect without cost to me. He cannot simply announce an upgrade and try to sell it to me, not if the problem is a real defect. We could use the "mature adult" excuse to get rid of all of these regulations, but we would all be worse off for doing so. Your apartment could be destroyed because one of your "mature adult" neighbours bought an appliance that was not properly designed. Your child could be injured because one of your "mature adult" neighbours bought a car with defective brakes. Further, every time you bought one of those products you would have to determine its safety for yourself, whether you knew enough to do so or not. Those who object to the suggestion that software products should be subject to safety requirements and that software manufacturers should be held responsible for the results of any negligence seem to believe that we are asking for special treatment of software. Au contraire! We are asking that software be treated like other products, produced by registered or licenced engineers, and that software manufacturers be treated like other manufacturers. Now, because of the supposedly non-physical nature of software, programmer's products seem to have special exemption. If cars were as buggy as the software on the market today, the automobile manufacturers would have long ago been sued into bankruptcy. Mr. Shearer goes on to write, "A real risk is that laws will be passed requiring people to use certain crackpot programming methodologies which purport to be better than existing practice but which for some strange reason people refuse to adopt voluntarily." I can assure Mr. Shearer that we are all against "crackpots". The problem is that it is difficult to tell the difference between crackpots and visionaries. Years ago I read a biography of Steinmetz, a visionary who thought that mathematics could be used to analyse the behaviour of electrical power lines and was considered a nutty theoretician by some practical people. Today, those who do not understand and use the methods that he proposed are considered incompetent. I am sure that there were some real crackpots around in Steinmetz' time, but I am certainly glad that his views prevailed. David L. Parnas ------------------------------ Date: 15 Oct 91 04:01:07 GMT From: (Michael Pilling (Dr Chocberry)) Subject: Risks of genetic engineering? I would like to know what some molecular biologists, notably gene splicing specialists, have to say about this. As I computer scientist, I know that even though we perfectly understand every single line of our programs, we often make mistakes in even small programs, and it is very difficult if not impossible to generate a bug free program of any medium to large size. In genes, we do not even understand most of the basic instructions, and yet we are trying to make new programs using these instructions. Since DNA has far more single instructions in it that the average program, I wonder just how error prone genetic engineering is and how if at all you can protect against the effects of latent errors in the code? Michael ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Oct 91 09:31:52 EDT From: Ralph Palmer Subject: Electronic thermostat failures (Bukys, RISKS-12.49) I have also had an electronic thermostat fail 'ON'. I have a RobertShaw model T1020. I've had a problem with my transformer on my oil fired furnace, it only supplied ~5 volts to the thermostat, not the ~10 that the thermostat needed. Since the voltage is low, the thermostat draws down the 9 volt backup battery. I have observed two failure modes. If the battery dies when the furnace is off, the thermostat fails off. However if the battery fails when the heat is on, the heat doesn't shut off! I was fortunate to find this out on a saturday afternoon and shut down the furnace when the house was only ~90F. I feel that the best design would be a fancy digital set back thermostat as the primary control unit, defaulting to a mercury thermostat in case of power loss to the control unit . Until I find such a unit I'll stick with my round Honeywell mercury thermostat, turn down the heat at night myself, and wake up to a cold house. Ralph Palmer ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Oct 91 07:53:29 PDT From: Mary Shafer Subject: Thermostat failure mode (Bukys, RISKS-12.49) I had a standard, non-computerized perfectly simple Honeywell round thermostat break about 20 years ago. We came home to find the house at about 95 deg and the heater still running. I think you overestimate the reliability of "old-fashioned" systems. I've never had the trouble with any of the electronic thermostats that I had with the gems with the mercury switches. By the way, many of us learned long ago to either turn off the heat when on vacation or to have someone check the house every day. Frozen water lines, stuck toilets, broken thermostats--no computer technology needed to mess things up. A co-worker came home from a week of houseboating on Lake Powell to discover that her house had caught fire. Fortunately a neighbor noticed and the damage was limited to the kitchen. The fire department says that it was probably the toaster oven. Apparently these are known for suddenly immolating themselves and the surrounding kitchen. Mary Shafer DoD #0362 NASA Ames Dryden Flight Research Facility, Edwards, CA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Oct 91 10:35:20 CDT From: Bob Wilson Subject: Re: Thermostat failure mode (Bukys, RISKS-12.49) Both the failure mode and the fact that it failed at all are things to worry about, but your furnace almost surely does have a thermal shutdown. You don't say what fuel it uses, or whether it distributes the heat through forced air, hot water, or steam. I assume from your use of the word "furnace" and the phrase "to run and run" that it is not any common form of electric heating. Every plenum chamber (for hot air heat) should have an overheat switch. They have been required by code wherever I have lived, and even if your local code does not require it I am sure that so many do that it is much cheaper to include them in all cases. Typically the switch is a bistable disk type thermostatic switch mounted to the plenum chamber. I am not sure that boilers (for hot water or steam) have switches actuated by temperature but they do have overpressure switches which in most cases will accomplish the same thing. Bob Wilson, University of Wisconsin, Department of Mathematics ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Oct 91 17:16:26 PDT From: Nancy Leveson Subject: ACM SIGSOFT'91: SOFTWARE FOR CRITICAL SYSTEMS [With the deadlines approaching for reduced-rate early registration and for assured hotel space, it seems appropriate to run this reminder. PGN] 4-6 December 1991 Fairmont Hotel, New Orleans FINAL PROGRAM AND REGISTRATION INFORMATION Computer systems are increasingly affecting nearly every aspect of our lives. They control aircraft, shut down nuclear power reactors in emergencies, keep our telephone systems running, monitor hospital patients, and execute financial transactions. Although such critical systems offer considerable benefits, they also pose serious risks in that we are increasingly vulnerable to flaws and other deficiencies in the software, hardware failures, and effects of accidental and intentional computer misuse. SIGSOFT '91 focuses on the problems in building and validating critical software. General Chair: Mark Moriconi, SRI International Program Co-Chairs: Peter Neumann, SRI International Nancy Leveson, Univ. of California, Irvine Travel Arrangements: Johnette Hassell, Tulane University Registration and Coordination: Judith Burgess, SRI International phone: (415) 859-5924, FAX (415) 859-2844 Program Committee: David Barstow (Schlumberger) Dines Bj/orner (Technical University of Denmark) Marie-Claude Gaudel (Universite de Paris - Sud) Jim Horning (DEC Systems Research Center, Palo Alto) Bill Howden (University of California, San Diego) Hermann Kopetz (Technical University of Vienna) Carl Landwehr (Naval Research Laboratory) Bev Littlewood (City University, London) Leon Osterweil (University of California, Irvine) David Parnas (McMaster University, Canada) Fred Schneider (Cornell University) Vicky Stavridou (University of London) Martyn Thomas (Praxis, Inc.) Walter Tichy (University of Karlsruhe) Elaine Weyuker (NYU Courant Institute) WEDNESDAY, 4 DECEMBER 1991 Welcome and Introduction: 8:45am - 9:00 Mark Moriconi, SIGSOFT '91 Chair (SRI International) Peter G. Neumann, Program Co-chair (SRI International) Session 1: 9:00 - 10:15, Carl Landwehr, Chair Formal Verification of Algorithms for Critical Systems John Rushby (SRI International), Friedrich von Henke (University of Ulm) State-Based Model Checking of Event-Driven System Requirements Joanne M. Atlee and John Gannon (University of Maryland) Open Discussion Session 2: 10:45 - 12:30, Dines Bj/orner, Chair Rigorous Development Using RAISE Bent Dandanell (CRI, Birker/od, Denmark) Specifying and Verifying Requirements of Real-Time Systems K.M. Hansen, A.P. Ravn, and Hans Rischel (Tech. University of Denmark) A Systematic Kernel Development J.F. S/ogaard-Andersen, C.O. Rump and H.H. Lovengreen (Tech. Univ. Denmark) Open Discussion Session 3: 2:00 - 3:45, Elaine Weyuker, Chair The Infeasibility of Experimental Quantification of Life-Critical Software Reliability Ricky Butler and George Finelli (NASA Langley Research Center) PANEL: The Limits of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Bev Littlewood (City University, London) David Parnas (McMaster University) Martyn Thomas (Praxis, Ltd) Ricky Butler (NASA Langley Research Center) John Musa (AT&T Bell Labs, Whippany, NJ) The Butler/Finelli paper argues that ultra-high reliability cannot be validated directly from testing, nor can be it demonstrated by appeals to software fault-tolerance. What progress might we reasonably expect to make toward numerical risk assessment of life-critical software? Session 4: 4:15 - 5:30, Martyn Thomas, Chair PANEL: The Confused World of Standards for Critical Software Martyn Thomas (Praxis, Ltd) Peter Neumann (SRI International) Mike DeWalt (FAA) This session will explain and assess current government regulation such as British MoD DEFence STANdard 00-55/56 and various security criteria (e.g., U.S. TCSEC, European ITSEC, Canadian CTCPEC). What role should such standards play? What should be mandated? THURSDAY, 5 DECEMBER 1991 Session 5: 9:00am - 10:30, Fred Schneider, Chair Comparing Fault Detecting Ability of Testing Methods P.G. Frankl (Polytechnic University), E.J. Weyuker (NYU Courant Institute) An Exception Handling Model For Parallel Programming and its Verification Valerie Issarny (IRISA/INRIA) Open Discussion Session 6: 11:00 - 12:30 INVITED TALK: Human Error in Design Henry Petroski (Duke University) Author of the widely-acclaimed books ``To Engineer is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design'' and ``Pencil'' Session 7: 2:00 - 3:30, Victoria Stavridou, Chair A Real-Time Transition Model for Analyzing Behavioral Compatibility of Telecommunications Services E.J. Cameron and Y-J Lin (Bellcore) Programming and Verifying Critical Systems by Means of the Synchronous Data-Flow Language LUSTRE C. Ratel (Merlin-Gerin), N. Halbwachs and P. Raymond (IMAG/LGI) Open Discussion Session 8: 3:45 - 5:30, Mark Moriconi, Chair Invited Presentations on Practical Experiences: Validation of Critical Flight Controls Jim McWha (Chief Engineer in charge of 777 Flight Controls, Boeing) Reliable Software for the 4 ESS Switch Michael Meyers (AT&T Bell Labs) A Case Study of the THERAC-25 Accidents Nancy Leveson (U.C. Irvine) Session 9: 8:00pm - 9:30pm, Evening Poster Session FRIDAY, 6 DECEMBER 1991 Session 10: 8:30am - 10:30, Hermann Kopetz, Chair Stepwise Design of Real-Time Systems Reino Kurki-Suonio (University of Technology, Tampere) On Satisfying Timing Constraints in Hard-Real-Time Systems Jia Xu (York University) and David Parnas (McMaster University) Automated Analysis of Bounded Response Time for Two NASA Expert Systems C-K Wang, R-H Wang, D-C Tsou, J.C. Browne, and A.K. Mok (University of Texas, Austin) Open Discussion Session 11: 11:00 - 12:30 PANEL: Future Directions, Nancy Leveson, Chair Adjournment at 12:30 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = AIR TRANSPORTATION. Delta Airlines is offering 40% off RT Coach fares within the U.S., 35% Canada, 5% off already discounted fares. Call 1-800-221-1212, ask for Special Meeting Network, refer to file ref no. V18006. Valid for travel from Nov. 30 to Dec. 10. 7-day advance purchase required. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ADVANCE REGISTRATION FORM SIGSOFT '91 -- Software for Critical Systems Fairmont Hotel, New Orleans, Dec. 4 -- 6, 1991 Name _________________________________________________________ Affiliation __________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ City, State and Zip __________________________________________ Phone (and FAX) ______________________________________________ Email address ________________________________________________ ACM or SIGSOFT Membership No. ________________________________ Registration Fees Before After Category Nov. 1 Nov. 1 --------------------------------------------------- ACM or SIGSOFT Member $280 $330 Non-Member $330 $380 Full-time Student $180 $230 To pay by credit card, circle one: AMEX VISA MC Name on card __________________________________________________ Card number ___________________________Exp. date ______________ Signature _____________________________________________________ Make checks payable to SIGSOFT '91 in U.S. dollars. Fees include 3 continental breakfasts, 2 lunches, and the Proceedings. Dietary requests: Vegetarian ______ Kosher ________ SEND THIS FORM WITH FULL PAYMENT TO: Judith Burgess / EL266, SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA For further information, contact Judith Burgess, telephone: (415) 859-5924, FAX (415) 859-2844, EMail NOTE: REGISTRATION BY EMAIL OR FAX IS ALSO PERMITTED (ONLY WITH CREDIT CARD). = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = FAIRMONT HOTEL RESERVATION FORM SIGSOFT '91 -- Software for Critical Systems New Orleans, Dec. 4 -- 6, 1991 Name _________________________________________________________ Affiliation __________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ City, State and Zip __________________________________________ Phone (and FAX) ______________________________________________ Date/Time of Arrival _________________________________________ Date/Time of Departure _______________________________________ Room Rates (subject to taxes): Circle one: Single $99 Double/Twin $119 RESERVATIONS: 1-800-527-4727 or 1-504-529-7111 To guarantee your reservation by credit card: Circle one: AMEX MC Visa Carte Blanche Diners Club Name on card _________________________________________________ Card number ___________________ Exp. date ____________________ Signature ____________________________________________________ These rates apply from Nov. 29 through Dec. 8, subject to availability. Reservations should be received 30 days in advance to ensure availability, but later reservations will be accepted as possible. A deposit for the first night must accompany your reservation to guarantee it for arrival after 6:00pm. Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance. SEND THIS FORM TO: The Fairmont Hotel, University Place, New Orleans, LA 70140, USA = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 12.50 ************************