Subject: RISKS DIGEST 16.93 REPLY-TO: RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Monday 20 March 1995 Volume 16 : Issue 93 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS (comp.risks) ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator ***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, etc. ***** Contents: About the "Altona Railway software glitch" (Klaus Brunnstein) Credit-Card Fraud (NYT via Edupage) Keeping buses on time plus a little eavesdropping (Mark Kruse) Does Internet threaten civilization? (Dick Mills) Latent risks of cost-benefit analysis (Phil Brown) Re: Internet-Finland Privacy (Peter Kaiser) Risks of doing date arithmetic early in the year without FP (Peter Ludemann) Phone companies with wrong 555-1212 databases (Frederick B. Cohen) Re: The Manchurian Printer & Prodigy Spies on Users (Frank C Ferguson) Software System Safety Class (Nancy Leveson) First Bank of Internet (FBOI) Opens (Vinn Beigh) Info on RISKS (comp.risks), contributions, subscriptions, FTP, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 17:48:54 +0100 From: Klaus Brunnstein Subject: About the "Altona Railway software glitch" German Railway attempted, Sunday March 12 1995 evening, to replace its long established railway switch tower at Hamburg-Altona station by a fully computerized system manufactured by Siemens branch on railway technology. Altona station is one of Germany's large station, with many national and international lines starting or ending here or passing through. Each day, about 30,000 travellers arrive or depart here, in addition to more than 100,000 passengers using local rapid (S-Bahn) or regional trains. With about 250 rail shunts and an equivalent number of signals, the old system consisted of 7 major switch-stands, controlled by roughly 50 experienced switchmen. Siemens and German Railway decided to completely change the topology with now about 18 switch-stands to be controlled by INTEL-486 based Real-Time systems. The different switch computers are coordinated by one central operating and display system (BAR 16, for Bedien- und-Anzeige-Rechner, and 16 standing for 16-Bit connection). PC hardware is redundant (2 processors, modular RAM, no disk) to enhance availability and reliability as requested by the certification authority (Eisenbahn Bundes-Amt, EBA). The new architecture is incompatible with the old one and it cannot run in parallel to the old; one economic advantage is that the new system needs about 40 switchmen less which only control the central BAR site. Immediately after starting the new systems, the central computer (BAR 16) failed. Siemens' experts could not find the cause for hours, so German Railway decided to close up the whole station, forcing passengers to North and South to start from locations up to 25 kilometers away. Search for the fault was difficult as it were very rare. Only on Tuesday afternoon, experts detected that under certain conditions a stack overflow happened. When looking into the routine which should handle stack overflows, they found that this went into a deadloop due to a programming error. Though sufficient free space was available in principle, the allocation of the stack required to build a new RAM with 4,000 bytes onstead of 3,500 as foreseen (indeed, overflow was only with few bytes, so +500 bytes adds some safety :-). Only on Wednesday morning, the bug (which appeared only 4 times in 2 days) was fixed, and rail traffic began to return to Altona station on Wednesday 1:59 pm. But as the switchmen are not accustomed to the new system, even days later allowed restricted traffic. In a press conference, the responsible Siemens manager argued that the "hidden" faults were difficult to find, and that Siemens experts had assumed that the routine handling stack overflow would NEVER be used! The related operating system is regarded by Siemens as rather safe RT system :-) In German media (you know: Hamburg is media capital of Germany :-), a discussion on overreliance on computers started. This was stimulated by statements of Siemens and German Railway that any future computer failure will require to again stop the whole switching system to avoid any safety hazard. This is very bad news as the same system is being installed at another site connecting main railway station (Hauptbahnhof) with Berlin and controlling all goods transport originating and ending in Hamburg harbour (Europes 2nd largest container harbour). [Another reason for discussing overreliance are recent bad news on Airbuses, most of which are finally assembled in Hamburg-Finkenwerder's Airbus factories, with many operational Airbuses being maintained in Lufthansa's Hamburg workshops]. The Altona Railway software glitch is another example where (for purposes of rationalisation) all customers become fully dependent of a computerized system. Moreover, the few remaining switchmen will NOT be able to understand, in critical situations, why the computer system behaves as it does, and they will ONLY be able to switch off the whole system as NO manual mode is foreseen! Klaus Brunnstein (Univ Hamburg, 17 March 1995) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 11:24:48 PST From: "Peter G. Neumann" Subject: Credit-Card Fraud (NYT via Edupage 19 Mar 1995) Security experts are disdainful of the low level of programming talent displayed in the pirate program Credit Master, which generates phony credit card numbers. The program works by mimicking the simple "checksum" algorithm that creates the last four digits of a credit card; the checksum formula was developed merely to prevent data-entry errors and never meant to be high-tech security screening. Four college students were arrested last week in Nassau County, NY, charged with using a program to generate false credit numbers and order thousands of dollars of goods. The students then had the merchandise shipped to addresses staked out by the police -- a mistake almost as bad as using cheap programs. (The New York Times, 19 Mar 1995, p.18) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Mar 1995 08:48:33 -0500 From: Mark Kruse Subject: Keeping buses on time plus a little eavesdropping Seen in the Washington Post: As part of a war on traffic congestion, Montgomery County Maryland transit officials plan to use the satellite to keep buses on time and increase safety for Ride-On's 58,000 weekday riders. ... When the system is begun countywide later this year, county technicians will be able to change traffic signals to green as a tardy bus approaches an intersection. When people call to ask for bus information, a county transit employee will be able to give them the precise time a buss will arrive instead of when it is scheduled to be there. In an emergency, police will know the bus's exact location and will be able ***to listen in over a microphone installed in the bus." I see two risks here: - If riders become dependent on calling in for information on EXACTLY when a bus will be at a particular location, the transit authority will soon be overloaded with phone calls and thus probably making it more difficult for people calling for other reasons to get through (a relatively minor risk given that this is probably not a critical service phone number?) - What are the criteria for when the police are allowed to listen in over the microphone installed in the bus? Slowly, but surely, 1984 is approaching (or is time just flowing backwards :-) Mark W. Kruse ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Mar 1995 10:29:11 -0500 From: (Dick Mills) Subject: Does Internet threaten civilization? An attribute of the Internet it that it makes one-to-many personal communication more effective and more resistant to censorship than any prior form of communication. Therein lies some risks. I am not sure which are most real. Consider the following. It seems that everyone from Scientologists, to United States senators, to Swedish journalists, to the National Security Agency, to holocaust survivors, wants to censor or constrain the net in some way. Indeed, nearly everyone on this planet seems to believe that we must, at all costs, censor some other person or group. If net censorship proves to be impossible, then the logical conclusion is that everyone, ourselves included, will come to oppose the net. The continued existence of the net must therefore be at risk; right? Can it be that the stability of civilization is dependent on the natural barriers to effective one-to-many communication? Without the barriers, criminals, pranksters, demagogues, exploiters, fanatics, the politically incorrect, and the religiously incorrect, will all be able to do their thing more effectively. Society becomes more vulnerable, to hoaxes, scams, spams, diatribes, sensationalism, and manipulation. Many laws may become unenforceable. Is it the net that threatens civilization? More speculative, but perhaps more likely, is the eventual development of a number of object-oriented virus-like agents able to police the net for us. Call it distributed RoboCop. The risk then will be to prevent it from becoming RoboSoverign. :-/ Dick Mills, Power Technologies, Inc., P.O. Box 1058 Schenectady, NY 12301-1058 phone +1(518)395-5154 fax +1(518)346-2777 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 17:25:57 -0600 From: (Phil Brown) Subject: Latent risks of cost-benefit analysis Recently there was an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution about an association of pediatricians (I forget the group's exact name offhand) that was lobbying for a complete ban on advertising for alcoholic beverages, citing health and economic benefits. What makes this issue pertinent for Risks readers, I believe, is the risk of rampant cost-benefit analysis. The problem is not so much with the technique itself, which I have often used with great success, as it is with the slippery slope people find themselves on once they try to apply it to social situations and human behavior that have strong intangible elements. Alcohol consumption is a case in point. Even in my surliest moods toward purveyors of political correctness, I would agree that alcohol can carry a heavy social burden. So what? Societies are good at identifying and labelling (and then castigating!) perceived burdens. While not a raving libertarian, I am disturbed by forces that trot "scientific method" out on a leash (e.g. cost-benefit analysis) to determine social "costs" and "benefits" and use the results to try and dictate behavior. I understand that proponents of the Republican Contract With America want to use cost-benefit analysis as a tool to determine when environmental regulation is appropriate. This is a seductive idea on its face, and speaks to the same general problem of trying to reduce human value judgments to the level of dollars and cents. The yin and yang of individual right versus social responsibility is ancient and irremediable. Where one triumphs the other suffers. Yet the human spirit dwells most often in the wasteland between libertarianism and communitarianism, in my humble opinion. As much as the engineering side of my nature wants to believe we all benefit from being able to analyze social issues in the mathematical realm, mathematics is about probing the edges of problems and not about dwelling in the comfortable middle ground. I guess my real beef with cost-benefit analysis, at least as I have seen it practiced by social policy types, is that it skews in favor of social benefit, given that quantizing individual liberty is at best an ethereal exercise. When confronted with a statistic such as one shouting out that "alcohol consumption costs the US in excess of $100 billion per year in illness, disability, and lost productivity", is one to assume that otherwise rational individuals are wantonly placing some tremendous burden on society with no commensurate return? That's a statistic racing away from the center of any reasoned debate. We are shackling ourselves with tautologies, brought on by a desire to remove judgment from public discourse. Oppression flows from within. Phil Brown, Atlanta, GA -or- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 16 Mar 95 19:23:31 MET From: Peter Kaiser 16-Mar-1995 1925 Subject: Re: Internet-Finland Privacy (Green, RISKS-16.92) Jon Green says about anon remailers that if "you use them illegally, you may well be identified. Them's the breaks." Not so fast. A friend of mine, a political activist of the 1960s, says of his political activities, that "I've been jailed several times, always for something I actually did. But none of it was illegal." And he points out that in court all the cases were either dismissed or found in his favor. So the risk of abuse is clear: you may be identified, and pursued by authority (or by the Church of Scientology) even if you have done nothing illegal. This has a lot to do with the original point of this thread. ___Pete +33 FAX +33 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 17 Mar 95 17:44 PST From: (Peter Ludemann) Subject: Risks of doing date arithmetic early in the year without floating point The recent discussions of risks-of-dates (RISK-16.74, etc.) and Pentium floating point bugs reminded me ... Some years ago, I had to write a program to match the accounting records from the database server with those of the batch system. The records were in different formats: the database server used the system clock and the batch system used day-of-year+hhmmss. The database vendor had provided a conversion routine which I happily used, only to discover that there were discrepancies of up to 3 minutes between the two systems' records. Eventually I determined that the database vendor's conversion routine was faulty. I quickly wrote some code in PL/I using double-precision floating point arithmetic (which gave me 55-bit precision, more than enough) and everything worked fine. My code was only a few lines, compared with the pages of convolution that the vendor had provided (it was in assembler, emulating 48-bit integer arithmetic on a 32-bit system). The only reason I caught this error was that I happened to be writing the program near the end of the year: the conversion routine's error increased from almost nothing in January to about 3 minutes in December. If I had written the code in January, I probably wouldn't have caught the error. But the error probably wouldn't have existed in the first place if the conversion code had been written with floating point instead of integer arithmetic. - peter ludemann ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 17:53:49 -0500 (EST) From: (Dr. Frederick B. Cohen) Subject: Phone companies with wrong 555-1212 databases For the last 6 months, people trying to reach my company have been misdirected to the phone number of some poor woman whose family has had ever-increasing numbers of telephone calls for a company she has never heard of. We finally talked to her today and found out that she has been inundated over the last few weeks as a result of articles in Newsweek and the Wall Street journal mentioning my company's name. She has been trying to get the phone company information operator to make the change since December of 1994, but they have repeatedly told her that her phone number was that of my company and they they could not change it for her. Finally, today, a reporter called me, told me of the problem he had in finding me, and started me down the path to track down this problem. Several operators and phone companies later (two phone companies were involved here - and they don't talk to each other) I found out that neither company could change the listing - the other one had it. I got desperate and called the information operator (who had told me previously that they could not change these things). She told me she would change it right away in both databases. So I called again a little bit later only to find the number had not been changed and that they could not change it except from the business office. The supervisor (it was now after 5PM) tried to find someone in the business office to authorize the change. Meanwhile, my wife had convinced the poor woman whose family has been traumatized for the last 4 months to give people the new number by herself - there was a certain telephone company hatred comraderie between them - they both said that they had no problem believing that phone companies could screw up this badly. It is now the weekend, and I am assured by all parties that if I will only try this whole thing again next week sometime, it will be fixed in a jiffie. I'm getting ready to call my lawyer. FC ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Mar 1995 17:16:59 -0500 (EST) From: Frank C Ferguson Subject: Re: The Manchurian Printer & Prodigy Spies on Users (RISKS-16.92) ... Prodigy insisted that the copied data was the result of a software bug, and it wasn't spying on its customers. But fundamentally, if you use a modem to access ..., there is no way to be sure that your computer isn't spying on you while you surf the information highway." [Simson Garfinkel] The above is another example of insufficient research. There was and is no software bug. When you delete a file in DOS, all you are deleting is the location of the file that is stored in the FAT (File Allocation Table). The file itself remains on the disk until it eventually gets written over by new files. Prodigy software reserves a "space" on your disk, the size of which is determined by you when you load their software. They use this "space" to cache data that your computer needs to display information on your screen. Use of this space saves large amounts of time because if the data is already on your disk, then they don't have to waste time transferring it to you from a distant location. Initially when this "space" is first allocated, there will be remnants of your old files in it. Eventually, as more and more data is "cached" in this "space" all your old file info will be written over and no longer viewable. When people became concerned, Prodigy offered free software that would erase all the users old files from that allocated space. They also allowed an independent software auditor to inspect their software to see if it was being used to upload the users files to Prodigy. The Auditor reported that it was not written to do that. That's not to say that it couldn't be. Of course it could be. But if you don't want to risk loss of privacy, then disconnect your modem, LAN, or any other comm link you may have. Why? Because any service could "sneak a peek", not just the ones you mentioned. You obviously are at risk yourself since your address indicates that you are connected to the internet in some fashion. Frank C. Ferguson ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1995 10:24:21 PST From: Nancy Leveson Subject: Software System Safety Class, Nancy Leveson LOCATION AND DATE: Seattle, Washington, July 24-26 TEXT: N.G. Leveson, Safeware: System Safety and Computers, Addison-Wesley, 1995. DESCRIPTION: This class will focus on the unique problems involved in building safety-critical software and describe some techniques that can be used to enhance the safety of software-controlled systems. Emphasis will be on procedures and techniques that are practical enough to be applied to projects today. Real-project experiences with these techniques in different application areas will be described. The class size will be limited to 30 in order to encourage interaction. Part 1 (Day 1): Management of Safety-Critical Software Projects: including organizational, managerial, and technical risk factors, human error and safety, system and software process and tasks, role of management, setting up a safety organization, setting up a safety information system, cost and resource requirements. Part 2 (Days 2 and 3): Technical Aspects: including formal models of accidents, hazard analysis, software hazard analysis, software requirements completeness and analysis, principles of safe design, safe design of the human-machine interface, safety testing and software fault tree analysis (verification of safety). The two parts may be taken separately or together. INSTRUCTOR: Nancy Leveson is Boeing Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington (and Adjunct Professor at the University of British Columbia). Dr. Leveson is a founder of the field of software safety and has been doing research and consulting on this topic since 1980. Before becoming a professor, she was a system engineer for IBM. Dr. Leveson consults widely on safety-critical systems for both government and industry. She has worked with aerospace, nuclear power, transportation, aircraft, and medical systems. Dr. Leveson is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, on the editorial board of the Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety, an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association, and an appointed member of the NAS/NAE National Research Council Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems. She recently completed a study of the Space Shuttle Flight Software Processes for NASA and the National Research Council and is currently on a National Research Council committee to establish criteria for digital instrumentation and control in nuclear power plants. For Additional Information Contact Dr. Nancy Leveson, 206-685-1934 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Mar 1995 23:03:43 -0800 From: (Vinn Beigh) Subject: First Bank of Internet (FBOI) Opens ___/\___ _|_()_|_ A N N O U C E M E N T For immediate release: Contact: Monday, March 20, 1995 Subject of 'info' for details Direct questions to Vinn K. Beigh The First Bank of Internet, FBOI, is announcing the initiation of transaction processing services for Internet electronic commerce. Purchases over the Internet can now be made without exposing personal credit card information. Vendors can now sell products on the Internet without the restrictions imposed by credit card use. Other Internet purchase procedures require personal credit card information. Those proceedings will be monitored by thousands of people all over the world. Some will attempt to either decode the credit card information or impersonate the customer in future transactions. The alternative to personal credit cards for electronic commerce is based on an FBOI procured Visa (tm) Automated Teller Machine (ATM) card. The card is prepaid, PIN protected, replaceable, disposable, and good at over 200,000 Visa/PLUS (tm) ATMs in 83 countries. The safety of FBOI is ensured because access to ATM funds without possession of both the ATM card and the Personal Identification Number (PIN) is not possible. ATM cards are also better than credit cards because their purchase does not require the personal, financial, and employment background of the consumer. The Visa ATM card is not a credit card. It is cash. The ATM card will be used as a checking account. Using an ATM card allows consumers to set aside dedicated funds for Internet data purchases. It provides a safe, secure way to transfer cash from consumers to producers. In addition, consumers can reclaim their funds at any time using an ATM. A check/invoice procedure is used that consumers will find familiar. The consumer first places an order with a vendor. The consumer then sends to the vendor or FBOI an e-mail 'check' for the purchase of the program/file/data product. The vendor sends FBOI an e-mail 'invoice'. FBOI will reconcile the transaction and send e-mail transaction receipts to both the vendor and customer. Cash will be taken from the customer ATM account and credited to the vendor for later payment. FBOI charges a 5% vendor commission per transaction. Producers of software, information collections, newsletters, graphics, and other data products can use FBOI services for the sale of their products. These vendors can sell their products for prices that would be too low for credit card transactions. Subscription services that charge an up-front fee for one time access to data depositories and services also can participate. Vendors will benefit from a very large consumer base because this global solution works just as well outside the U.S. as within the U.S.. The Visa ATM network is worldwide. Consumers will benefit from a very large vendor base because software produced in non-North American countries can be offered for sale much easier than now. The worldwide producers on the Internet can use FBOI services without the expense of owning or renting a dedicated Internet server or a World-Wide Web site. E-mail is the cheapest and simplest of all Internet services. Large Internet commercial services will soon be starting that provide only for the on-line purchase of catalog products. It will not be possible for the individual producer to sell a data product using those services. Those services will collect the consumers credit card information in advance because of Internet security problems. FBOI transmits no sensitive information over the Internet and prevents forgery and impersonation by using Pretty Good Privacy, PGP (tm), software for all transactions. This freeware provides excellent authentication and anti-alteration security. In addition to the unsecured nature of the Internet, consumers should be hesitant giving out their credit card information to vendors of unknown credibility. Tracking is much harder on the Internet than magazine direct marketing. Also, it is not the same as mail order merchandise since U.S. Postal Service and Federal Trade Commission mail order laws do not apply to the Internet. For high volume, low cost, transactions directly between producers and consumers on the Internet contact FBOI. Further information can be obtained from The First Bank of Internet by sending an e-mail message with the subject "info" to . Visa is a trademark of Visa International Service Association. PLUS is a trademark of Plus System, Inc. PGP and Pretty Good Privacy are trademarks of Philip Zimmermann. The First Bank of Internet (tm) is not a lending institution, and is not chartered. ------------------------------ Date: 6 February 1995 (LAST-MODIFIED) From: Subject: Info on RISKS (comp.risks), contributions, subscriptions, FTP, etc. The RISKS Forum is a moderated digest. Its USENET equivalent is comp.risks. Undigestifiers are available throughout the Internet, but not from RISKS. SUBSCRIPTIONS: PLEASE read RISKS as a newsgroup (comp.risks or equivalent) on your system, if possible and convenient for you. BITNET folks may use a LISTSERV (e.g., LISTSERV@UGA): SUBSCRIBE RISKS or UNSUBSCRIBE RISKS. U.S. users on .mil or .gov domains should contact (Dennis Rears ). UK subscribers please contact . Local redistribution services are provided at many other sites as well. Check FIRST with your local system or netnews wizards. If that does not work, THEN please send requests to (which is not yet automated). SUBJECT: SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE; text line (UN)SUBscribe RISKS [address to which RISKS is sent] CONTRIBUTIONS: to, with appropriate, substantive Subject: line, otherwise they may be ignored. Must be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, cogent, coherent, concise, and nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome, but not personal attacks. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ENTIRE PREVIOUS MESSAGES in responses to them. Contributions will not be ACKed; the load is too great. **PLEASE** include your name & legitimate Internet FROM: address, especially from .UUCP and .BITNET folks. Anonymized mail is not accepted. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS CONSIDERED AS PERSONAL COMMENTS; USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. Relevant contributions may appear in the RISKS section of regular issues of ACM SIGSOFT's SOFTWARE ENGINEERING NOTES, unless you state otherwise. All other reuses of RISKS material should respect stated copyright notices, and should cite the sources explicitly; as a courtesy, publications using RISKS material should obtain permission from the contributors. RISKS can also be read on the web at URL Individual issues can be accessed using a URL of the form (Please report any format errors to RISKS ARCHIVES: "ftp unix.sri.comlogin anonymousYourName cd risks or cwd risks, depending on your particular FTP. Issue J of volume 16 is in that directory: "get risks-16.J". For issues of earlier volumes, "get I/risks-I.J" (where I=1 to 15, J always TWO digits) for Vol I Issue j. Vol I summaries in J=00, in both main directory and I subdirectory; "bye" I and J are dummy variables here. REMEMBER, Unix is case sensitive; file names are lower-case only. =CarriageReturn; UNIX.SRI.COM = []; FTPs may differ; Unix prompts for username and password. Also ftp bitftp@pucc.Princeton.EDU. WAIS repository exists at [], with DB=RISK (E-mail for info) or visit the web wais URL . Management Analytics Searcher Services (1st item) under also contains RISKS search services, courtesy of Fred Cohen. Use wisely. ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 16.93 ************************