precedence: bulk Subject: RISKS DIGEST 19.33 RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest Friday 22 August 1997 Volume 19 : Issue 33 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS (comp.risks) ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator ***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. ***** Contents: Public loo guilty of making nuisance calls (Nick Rothwell) Risks, Reliability, Regulation, and Infrastructures (Willis H. Ware) Communications lines, redundancy and diversity (Marion F. Moon) The risks of no long-term planning (David Mortman) Re: SET risks (Jacob Sterling) Re: Unprovoked threatening spam from Samsung's Lawyers (Sean Eric Fagan, Phillip M. Hallam-Baker) SPAM-L -- the SPAM Fighters' List (Pete Weiss) Mir problem corrections (Dennis Newkirk) Re: Risks of dummy addresses (Elizabeth Zwicky, Stephen Sprunk) Re: No Surfing on the Senate Floor (William B. Henry) Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 21 Aug 1997 15:39:14 -0000 From: Nick Rothwell Subject: Public loo guilty of making nuisance calls From *Computer Weekly* (UK), 21st August 1997: A woman who was phoned repeatedly by a public lavatory asking her to fill it with cleaning fluid had to ask BT to put a stop to the calls. The case is one of a growing number of nuisance calls generated by programming errors. About 15% of all nuisance calls are caused by errors, most of which are traceable to faulty programming, according to a BT spokesperson. The most common type of computer-controlled nuisance call is from soft drink vending machines which need refilling. Wrongly programmed fax machines and modems are another cause of complaints. In a recent case, a North Sea oil rig called the wrong number at regular intervals to ask for a service. Potentially serious cases involve traffic lights, boilers and hospital refrigerators. "The calls are mainly silent, because they are intended for modems to pick up, but some give a recorded message," said a BT spokesman. Nick Rothwell, CASSIEL contemporary dance projects music synthesis and control [Not a new story in RISKS, but it seems to be happening more often. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 97 13:45:44 PDT From: "Willis H. Ware" Subject: Risks, Reliability, Regulation, and Infrastructures In another discussion group, a thread started on the topic of using electromagnetic spectrum vs. cable systems to deliver TV. That led to an observation (Willis H. Ware ) that cable systems were more likely to be extensively damaged, and therefore, be unavailable, during a major emergency such as hurricane or earthquake. Hence, they would be less dependable as a means of emergency communications to the public. This remark was interpreted by Charles Brownstein ( to mean "sustain a broad mix of (information) transport capabilities." He then related his own experience in which a power surge in his neighborhood took out not only the usual POTS service but also his ISDN service -- not to mention electrically frying various other things, such as his motion-detecting intruder lights. To top it off, the batteries in his cell phone were flat. All of that led me observe as follows: Common points of failure at work again! And in fact, it's a small example of just the issue that the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection is concerned about. In this instance, the electrical power grid was the common vulnerability and its misbehavior -- a surge followed by a several hour outage -- had repercussions on other utilities and devices. The inverse situation is also well understood; namely, the PSTN -- or PSN or POTS as also known -- is a central and single point of vulnerability to all manner of information systems nation-wide. But have we inadvertently RISKed the country and put it in a less robust posture as a result of trying to increasingly decentralize and deregulate all manner of things? As various utilities become more and more deregulated, it will get increasingly harder to worry about continuity of service, responsibility for emergency problems, FEMA-type emergency obligations, contingency planning, etc. To put it simply, there is no one in charge of the top level system considerations; there is no focal point to which some level of government could turn to for action. Consider the situation in California; it is deregulating its 60 Hz power offerings. Some company will own and run the wire distribution systems; suppliers of power will "rent" capacity over the wire grid to deliver power to consumers. The media reports that there is currently a small army of carpetbagger sales-people with glitzy brochures trying to persuade big users of power to desert their traditional regulated utility source and go with an alternate supplier. Since it's a bit difficult to tell one 60Hz cycle from another -- no concept of taggants in the power business -- who knows where one's power really will come from? For Californians, it could be the traditional sources; it could be the Columbia River power complex; it could be the TVA if it has surplus electricity to peddle; it could even be the huge power facility in Quebec. While some of these inter-vendor transactions are exchanges of power-generating capacity here for some there (i.e., paper transactions in an accounting system), much of it will be real with honest-to-goodness power flowing all over via extensive inter-tie lines. And who, I wonder, is pondering the overall system behavior of such a configuration, and who is wondering about continuity of service to critical consumers, and who is addressing the legal obligations and fiscal responsibilities (to the end-user) of all the players? Certainly not the politicians; they settle for simply making a policy that says "we will have electrical power deregulation." It remains to be seen whether such broad reaching issues can be adequately handled by an industry on its own, or whether there will emerge an unavoidable requirement for the Federal government to intervene and play some regulatory role. The 50 states cannot do it; the electrical power industry has become an interstate, even international, business through deregulation. Willis H. Ware, RAND, Santa Monica, CA ------------------------------ Date: 21 Aug 1997 09:04:34 -0800 From: "Moon, Marion F" Subject: Communications lines, redundancy and diversity Bob Ratner's note on loss of communications lines points out the all too common problem with the vulnerability of such lines. While barges and tugs may be bit more exotic, the ordinary backhoe represents the overwhelmingly common cause of loss of communications. Simply providing a microwave link as backup may not reduce the vulnerability as much as many commonly think. Simple redundancy always appears to solve the problem for many people. But, redundancy with physical DIVERSITY is the only approach that begins to solve the problem. The failure to understand the diversity concept is apparent in any number of US systems but I'll use the new Chek Lap Kok airport in Hong Kong as a good (bad?) example to avoid embarrassing those closer to home. Two redundant shared computer centers maintain data for all airport operations. Unfortunately, these two centers are located in the terminal building back-to-back with only a brick wall separating them. The vulnerability is obvious. Architects and engineers like symmetry. Redundant lines from these two centers connect to outlying facilities. The security (police and fire) facility is in an outlying building and connected to the two computer centers by redundant lines --- laid in the same trench. Again, the vulnerability is obvious. I keep saying obvious. A surprising number of otherwise knowledgeable network designers fail this test so it not as obvious as I think it should be. I recently learned that only about 5 percent of the population is capable of seeing in three dimensions so this failure to see in three dimensions is likely to be one source of the problem. Marion Moon ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 15:57:46 -0500 From: "David Mortman" Subject: The risks of no long-term planning I work for a large electric power company in northern Illinois. We are in the process of moving to a new (supposedly bigger building). In the process we are selling our current building which we built approx. 50 years ago. At that time some brilliant designer said, "We don't need to install power meters because we're the power company." Well, when we sold the building, we had to install power meters. This involved having 8- to 10-hour power-outages two weekends running. All unnecessary machines were to be turned off and all critical machines would have special power running to them. Of course, we don't have any UPS systems, so the systems had to be shut down to route the new power from the other side of the building, then after the power outage had to be shut down again so the power could once again be re-routed for the following weekend's power shutdown. Needless to say, lots of hard drives were quite unhappy with being off for that many hours. Stiction was one of the words of the day. -Mort > PGN responded, "What is STICTION? I need a better Stictionary." > David replied thusly: When a drive runs for a long time, the long-chain carbon molecules that make up the lubricant tend to align. This means that when the drive is turned off, the lubricant can crosslink and polymerize, turning it into a hard plastic. Needless to say this is a problem when turning the drive on again. The cure for stiction (sticktion?) is fun, however. You either pick up the drive about 4-6 inches above a table and drop it. Or you smack it fairly hard just as you are turning on the power to the drive. This cracks the plastic and lets the drive spin up. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 08:36:11 -0500 From: Subject: Re: SET risks (Svigals, RISKS-19.31) Jerome Svigals wrote in RISKS-19.31 about the Secure Electronic Transaction protocol, and risks associated with the use of this protocol. I'd like to clarify a few items, having worked in the credit-card industry for a while and having written a paper on SET. While I wasn't on the team here at MasterCard that co-developed SET, there are a few things I can speak to. (I must also add that the views expressed herein are not necessarily shared, endorsed or otherwise sanctioned by my employer.) Briefly, SET calls for the encryption of financial data across an open network in the following fashion. The transaction information is encrypted with a symmetrical, secret-key encryption algorithm. A new key is generated for each transmission. The information and secret key are then encrypted using an asymmetrical public-key algorithm. The public key is provided by the receiver of the transmission. The double encryption is referred to as a "digital envelope." The envelope can only be decrypted by the private component of the public-key pair, which is held at the merchant site. There is also the option of attaching a checksum, called a "message digest," at the sender side, to authenticate that the message hasn't changed en route to the receiver. The digest is specified as a 160-bit result of an algorithm run using the sender's private key. The receiver could then decrypt the digest using the public component, and compare the value to that generated by running the received message through the same algorithm. The odds of a message digest being the same for two separate messages has been computed at one in 10^51. In order to receive a public-key pair, the merchant (or any other party) must provide proof of identity to a designated Certificate Authority, which will issue a digital certificate. Yes, SET does not know who is presenting the certificate, but both the sending and receiving party have ample information about whom each "claims to be" to produce an audit trail vastly superior to most telephone and mail-order transactions today (card transactions with the highest incidence of fraud). With these as the other primary methods of non-point-of-sale financial transactions, I would bet on the security of a SET message every time. It is true in a sense that SET "relies on vendor software to provide security," but the risk associated here is not with SET itself. "Vendor software" in Svigals' example is already in place, and has been for quite some time, in the "brick-and-mortar" world of reality. The points of risk at the merchant site, the acquiring bank (the one representing the merchant) and the issuing bank already exist, and have existed for the entire history of credit card transactions. This is not new. For any "card security product" in existence, there will continue to be the same software packages present. This is simply inherent in the transaction medium. SET is a protocol specification, not a process. Naturally this is simply a semantic issue, but to me it's like calling Ethernet a "process." Sounds a little funny, doesn't it? Products can follow the SET specifications, just as off-the-shelf networking packages are designed for certain environments; but the environments themselves are not the product in this example. Svigals is comparing two disparate concepts when he claims that there are over 50 other products suitable for evaluation. Svigals is right in noting that the "prime source of fraud in credit card transaction systems" is the people with access to the system. Well, of course people are the source of fraud. Would machines steal numbers for themselves? Remember, also, that this is true of ANY type of card transaction -- this risk is NOT limited to the Internet. Therefore, this risk should NOT be viewed as having a special relationship with SET. In my opinion, the real risk with SET is the same risk posed by any card security solution. In the final analysis, the public is not going to have much of an option as to what solution each merchant site uses. This decision will be up to the merchants and the banks, and I doubt they will solicit public input. Jake Sterling ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 10:34:00 -0700 (PDT) From: Sean Eric Fagan Subject: Re: Unprovoked threatening spam from Samsung's Lawyers (RISKS-19.32) Here's a risk indeed: someone decides to sully Samsung's good name by sending out tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of threatening messages... and people believe it, without asking Samsung or checking Samsung's Webpage. In other words, this is a hoax. It is a revenge spam -- Samsung apparently has an idea who did this, and their lawyers are *not* happy. Doing a few basic checks would have verified this. I think the risks are huge. Others agree with me -- since this sort of thing seems to be on the rise. (Don't like someone? Send out a million messages in that person's name! Most people won't bother doing any verification, and will gladly spread the word that the target is a weasel!) In case it's not obvious, I am not only disgusted with the people engaging in this kind of attack, but with the people who don't try even the simplest of verifications before spreading the word. [Sidney Markowitz points to a item . That it was a hoax was also noted by Bruce R Koball , David Damerell , and "Diane Wilson" . PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 17:21:44 -0400 From: "Phillip M. Hallam-Baker" Subject: Re: Unprovoked threatening spam from Samsung's Lawyers (RISKS-19.32) Ooops! Internet Meme alert... The "Samsung" spam has since been demonstrated to be a hoax created to defame Samsung by an irate Spamer upset about being booted from the Samsung-owned 'sailahead' ISP. In response to the original question, I doubt that any jury or for that matter judge would have sympathy for a person who generated a large quantity of unwanted mail and then attempted to sue when he received a large quantity in return. The practical difficulty at this point is that most SPAMs use forged headers, causing the backlash to hit someone else. So far, in cases where the victim of this backlash has chosen to sue, the target has been the original SPAM instigator. Phill ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 14:08:55 -0400 From: Pete Weiss Subject: SPAM-L -- the SPAM Fighters' List Many of the problems associated with SPAM are discussed on the (high volume) SPAM-L list. The FAQ reference is: Instructions on subscribing: Pete Weiss at Penn State ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 22:57:42 -0500 (CDT) From: (Dennis Newkirk) Subject: Mir problem corrections (Re: PGN and Baube, RISKS-19.32) I have no doubt these posters believe they are reporting the facts in the posts below, but the sources listed are not reporting the facts or are highly misleading. The proper order of events is the computer failed, automatic attitude control was disabled, while station keeping the Progress detected an unexpected Mir attitude change (free drift) so it aborted its automatic docking and remained at station keeping distance. Solovyov continued the docking with the manual TORU remote control system. The crew then put Mir into a slow spin to stabilize Mir's solar arrays roughly on the sun to prevent a complete power generation outage. >Without the computer system, Mir is spinning ... Mir does not "spin", it justs retains its attitude as it flies around the world. Orientation to the sun is typically the most important factor in attitude, although solar heating and earth observation attitudes are often desirable, free drift is desirable in most material processing experiments. Attitude control rocket firings are periodic and very breif, not continual. To save fuel, sometimes Mir is put into a solar oriented spin to help stabilize it. > ... the discovery of erroneous information sent to Mir. Erroneous information was sent to Progress not Mir. Progress is the active element in docking, Mir just maintains its attitude during docking. >The June 1997 crash ... is being attributed to the failure of the >cosmonauts to adjust the automated approach controls to compensate for an >extra ton of weight that had been added to the cargo vessel. That's only a rumor, the accident investigation is not complete. New software was being tested in the TORU remote control docking system also. >Other recent problems were not computer related -- an oxygen fire in >February, failure of both oxygen generators in March, an antifreeze leak in >April, Vasily Tsibliyev's heart irregularities in July All the above events are not new to Mir or Soviet/Russian space stations. US astronaut Norm Thagard also had heart irregularities while on Mir, it is common in long term missions. Fires have broken out before but have been well hidden from the public. February's seems to be the largest fire as far as what is commonly known. The reason the press has pushed this story so hard has more to do with NASA's near paranoia about fire in spacecraft after the old Apollo 1 fire, but that's another story. Electron oxygen generators mentioned have 1-2 backup systems at all times. There were no Electron's on Mir at all for over a year after its launch. Cooling leaks have been happening for years, the press only pickup up on the leaks to further sensationalize their stories in my opinion. Leaks also happened during Shannon Lucids mission to Mir but the press never mentioned them. >the accidental disconnecting of a power cable that effected Mir's >orientation system for a day also in July. Out of all the issues listed here this is the only one which has yet to be explained away. Present reports state that the crew was not supposed to disconnect anything, so this may be a simple failure in communications. >... the relief crew had to make a sudden manual docking with Mir. Nothing at all unusual happened during this docking. On final approach to Mir Solovyov could not see the periscope cross hairs against the docking target given the lighting conditions, so he aborted the automatic docking and manually took control. Once he let the Soyuz drift a bit he could see the cross hairs which had been so perfectly aligned he hadn't been able to see them easily. Manual dockings are very typical, cosmonauts like to fly their ships, prove their capabilities and training, gain experience, and extra pay for completing the task. Often in the 20 years of automatic dockings, cosmonauts have taken manual control to dock. It is noteworthy that automatic docking systems have never failed to dock a spacecraft when they are used. There have been some retried attempts, but ultimately they have never failed. >Subsequently, when Tsibliyev and his flight engineer returned to earth, a >booster rocket failed that was intended to ease their landing. Landing rocket irregularities are also not completely uncommon, they are used for comfort, and are not necessary for survival. >The difficulties relating to the space station serve as another poignant >reminder ... [PGN] I would not attempt to draw any conclusions about system design from the above non-factual or misleading quotes! Russian spacecraft design is exceedingly well developed, robust and easy to use and repair. They have lacked powerful computers and associated systems. When Mir was launched it was designed as the most highly automated space station ever. As it grew and aged its systems have become less flexible and automated, but it was designed for a 3-5 year life, not 11 years. It is a tribute to the foresight and skills of Russian aerospace engineers that it can still be inhabited at all. It can be said that it has been operating for half its extended life on design margins. NASA is learning a lot from this experience so that ISS operators will not be so surprised when they have these problems in the years ahead. >Something to help one understand just how grave (or overblown) the >current situation is? ... Fred Baube The news reports often exaggerate the situation, mostly out of ignorance. The real serious stories are not always being made public by Russia or NASA in a timely basis. "Thumps & bangs" probably ruptures in the Spektr module were not made public by Russia or NASA until an independent eavesdropper to spacecraft communications alerted the media. The Soyuz can be used for escape in almost any conceivable accident. The station would have to be spinning fast (sort of like the Gemini 8 incident) to cause the docking latched to bind. Once retracting the latches, springs force the Soyuz away from Mir. Dennis Newkirk, Cosmonautics Editor - Quest Magazine Editor - Russian Aerospace Guide ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 14:09:37 +0200 From: (zwicky) Subject: Re: Risks of dummy addresses (RISKS-19.32) Dummy addresses were a hot issue for us in writing "Building Internet Firewalls"; my co-author in particular had become sensitized to it when he unthinkingly used a dummy address in a firewalls paper and it turned out to belong to AT&T. The relevant people *were* amused, but they've been teasing him about it ever since. In early drafts, we were careful to take dummy numeric addresses out of the reserved address ranges, but we were pasting in genuine example text from real, Internet connected machines, and we were using as examples hostnames we were familiar with. Then at the end we fixed things up. (Most of them; I literally just now found a particularly bad example where we left in not only a genuine hostname, but a genuine telephone number as well. At least it's a business number...) That led to a number of problems. To start with, if you have an early printing of the book you may wonder why two otherwise intelligent people claim that looking up "" in DNS involves a query for the nameservers for the "com" domain. Obviously we search-and-replaced the original .com hostname, without also searching for the string "com" by itself. Because there's no equivalent in host names to the reserved address ranges, we didn't have a lot of options to keep from colliding with real names. (There is one test domain, but that doesn't go very far in examples...) We avoided names that were registered at the time, but at least one of our dummy names ("") has now been registered. In some cases, we used top-level domains that we felt were probably not going to fill up soon, leading me to locate dummy machines in Cape Verde (.cv), Cameroon (.cm), the British Indian Ocean Territory (.io), and the British Virgin Islands (.vg). This isn't terribly satisfactory, as the resulting machine names look unsettlingly odd. When we edited the main text, we replaced names with completely different ones, but when I edited the log entries, I amused myself by creating what is effectively a roman a clef; the first component of the machine name has been changed, and either the top-level domain or the second-level domain has been changed, but the intermediate components have been left the same. I am glad to say that the people at the machine very casually disguised as have not complained. (Although, just in case either they or in the inhabitants of Cameroon are upset, I take full responsibility.) As long as you're willing to distract people with odd host names, the British Indian Ocean Territory appears to be a safe bet; unlike .cv, .cm, and .vg, there is still no name service for .io, making it ripe for fictional hosts. According to my almanac, it contains the Chagos Archipelago, with a surface area of 23 square miles and no civilian population whatsoever, although both the UK and the US "maintain a military presence". Presumably any computers it contains will be in .mil or .uk. Elizabeth Zwicky ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 20:42:30 -0500 From: Stephen Sprunk Subject: Re: Risks of dummy addresses (RISKS-19.32) The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority holds EXAMPLE.COM in the public trust so that authors will have a domain to use in instructional and other texts. There are no legal risks to using; however, there are risks if the author uses their own domain in a text: misconfigurations by a reader attempting to duplicate the author's work may render the author's own domain unusable! The risks of using any other domain in a text (ie one registered to any other party) are obvious. Stephen [Although we almost always remove irrelevant trailers from RISKS contributions, PGN thought this one is quite interesting:] Unsolicited commercial/propaganda e-mail subject to legal action. Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(a)(2)(B), Sec.227(b)(1)(C), and Sec.227(b)(3)(C), a State may impose a fine of not less than $500 per message. Read the full text of Title 47 Sec 227 at ------------------------------ Date: 21 Aug 97 14:59:50 +0000 From: "William B. Henry" Subject: Re: No Surfing on the Senate Floor (Spainhower, RISKS-19.29) If cellular phones, pagers, and notebook computers are prohibited, shouldn't teleprompters also be prohibited? Bill Henry [But Senators can read, you know. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: 1 Apr 1997 (LAST-MODIFIED) From: Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks) The RISKS Forum is a MODERATED digest. Its Usenet equivalent is comp.risks. => SUBSCRIPTIONS: PLEASE read RISKS as a newsgroup (comp.risks or equivalent) if possible and convenient for you. Or use Bitnet LISTSERV. Alternatively, (via majordomo) DIRECT REQUESTS to with one-line, SUBSCRIBE (or UNSUBSCRIBE) [with net address if different from FROM:] or INFO [for unabridged version of RISKS information] => The INFO file (submissions, default disclaimers, archive sites, .mil/.uk subscribers, copyright policy, PRIVACY digests, etc.) is also obtainable from The full info file will appear now and then in future issues. *** All contributors are assumed to have read the full info file for guidelines. *** => SUBMISSIONS: to with meaningful SUBJECT: line. => ARCHIVES are available: or ftp ftp.sri.comlogin anonymous[YourNetAddress]cd risks [volume-summary issues are in risks-*.00] [back volumes have their own subdirectories, e.g., "cd 18" for volume 18] or [i.e., VoLume, ISsue]. The site risks directory also contains the most recent PostScript copy of PGN's comprehensive historical summary of one liners: get illustrative.PS ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 19.33 ************************