precedence: bulk Subject: RISKS DIGEST 19.62 RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest Monday 9 March 1998 Volume 19 : Issue 62 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS (comp.risks) ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator ***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. ***** Contents: New HDTV signal shuts down Baylor heart monitors (John P McGraw) The anti-crypto rhetoric ratchets up (Carl Ellison) Atlantic Monthly article on "The Lessons of ValueJet 592" (Andrew Patrick) RISKS of reverse telephone lookup systems (Matt Welsh) Re: CyberAttack on the Pentagon (Mike Perry) NAB accidentally spams its membership list (Ed Fischer) Update on Windows NT denial-of-service attacks (Matt Welsh) Re: Auckland power outage recovery risks (R.J. Burkhart) Newspaper spelling checker forgets Europe (Scott Ruthfield) Re: Year 2100 compliance? (Jonathan de Boyne Pollard) The Deception ToolKit (Fred Cohen) 5th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security final CFP (Gene Tsudik) Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, CFP (Diego Latella) Telecommunications Policy Research Conference 98, CFP (Juan F. Riveros) Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 11:26:43 -0600 From: "Mcgraw, John P" Subject: New HDTV signal shuts down Baylor heart monitors On 26 Feb 1998, WFAA TV (Channel 8) in Dallas turned on their new digital HDTV signal. As a result, 12 heart monitors stopped working in a Baylor University Medical Center heart surgery recovery unit; they happened to be on the same frequency. The monitors were made in the mid-1980s, and were slated for replacement. [But the patients weren't?] In the interim, WFAA has stopped transmitting -- because there are no commercial receivers yet anyway. [Source: * Dallas Morning News*, 5 Mar 1998. PGN Abstracting] John P. McGraw, CISSP, EDS Security, Technology Planning 5400 Legacy Drive, Plano, TX 75024 [Also noted by many others. TNX to all of you. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 20:21:26 -0500 From: Carl Ellison Subject: The anti-crypto rhetoric ratchets up An excerpt from a transcript of Louis Freeh, addressing Congress: > ENCRYPTION > > ONE OF THE MOST DIFFICULT CHALLENGES FACING ALL OF LAW ENFORCEMENT IS HOW > RAPIDLY TERRORISTS AND CRIMINALS ADOPT ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES TO THWART LAW > ENFORCEMENT'S ABILITY TO INVESTIGATE THOSE WHO WISH TO DO HARM TO OUR > NATION AND ITS CITIZENS. THAT IS WHY ENCRYPTION IS ONE OF THE MOST > IMPORTANT ISSUES CONFRONTING LAW ENFORCEMENT. Really, Louis? Rum runners used strong crypto in the 1920's, hiring their own cryptographers to create codes and ciphers stronger than those in use by governments of the day -- in order to communicate with their ships at sea and tell them when/where to land to avoid the cops. That's a major head start. With all this rapid adoption, all criminals in the world should be using strong crypto of their own invention by now. How come Dorothy Denning didn't find any significant use of crypto by criminals in her survey of law enforcement officers? Modern criminals are too lazy to roll their own, maybe? They could have bought encrypting telephones in the 1980's from Crypto AG in Switzerland. They were expensive, but they were reasonable. They were too expensive for us honest citizens, but if a criminal doesn't have money to throw around, he's not very interesting to you either, right? They could have bought even stronger encrypting cellular telephones for a few thousand dollars from Cylink, in the early 1990's. Did they? Dorothy didn't find it. They could have started using PGPFone for free when it came out years ago. Did they? This is only one source of inaccuracy in your presentation, but it hits me especially strongly since it seems designed to create an impression of impending doom, perhaps to justify emergency powers as one might have when starting a war. The civilians of this world have invented and used strong cryptography for over 3000 years, and the citizens of this country have had the right to use that strong cryptography in order to attempt to keep secrets from the government for the entire history of this country. Trying to change that is a major change in the balance of power. [See for details.] I realize that we voted to give you the gun to carry and we thank you in law enforcement for risking to be shot. However, the fact that you carry the gun does not mean that we citizens need to obey you or even to give you extra powers. If anything, the fact that you are empowered to carry guns means that you should have fewer powers than normal, unarmed citizens, IMHO. Carl M. Ellison, CyberCash, Inc., 207 Grindall Street, Baltimore MD 21230-4103 (410) 727-4288 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 11:09:33 -0500 From: "Andrew Patrick" Subject: Atlantic Monthly article on "The Lessons of ValueJet 592" There is an interesting article in the March issue of Atlantic Monthly called "The Lessons of ValueJet 592" by William Langewiesche. SUMMARY: "As a reconstruction of this terrible crash suggests, in complex systems some accidents may be "normal" -- and trying to prevent them all could even make operations more dangerous." The author makes an interesting distinction between "procedural" (something was done wrong), "engineered" (something was built wrong), and "system" accidents. He argues that system accidents arise from increasingly complex organizations and activities, such as commercial airlines, and may be difficult or impossible to prevent. Andrew Patrick, Ph.D., Communications Research Centre, Ottawa CANADA 1-613-990-4675 ------------------------------ Date: 6 Mar 1998 21:41:23 GMT From: mdw@now.CS.Berkeley.EDU (Matt Welsh) Subject: RISKS of reverse telephone lookup systems Two sites, AT&T Lab's AnyWho ( and (, now provide reverse telephone lookup searches for US numbers on the Web. The AnyWho service is somewhat more powerful than not only is exact telephone number lookup available, but _inexact_ searches as well (you can search on telephone number substrings as prefix or suffix - e.g., all numbers of the form 510-644-xxxx). [WILL THAT GET CENSORED? PGN] A typical telephone lookup on AnyWho will consist of the name and street address of the person/business owning the number, a link to a map of the address, and (in some cases) the ability to click on the street name and return a list of all names, addresses, and telephone numbers of other people living on the same street! Talk about "there goes the neighborhood..." There is also a link which allows you to update or remove the entry -- in order to confirm the change, you must call the 1-800 number provided from the telephone corresponding to the entry, and enter a confirmation number listed on the web page. Changes to the database are immediate. One may also send in a signed update request via U.S. Mail. It's not clear whether a "change of number" request must be phoned in from the new number of the old number -- the former means that virtually anyone can redirect listings to their number, and the latter makes it difficult to change a listing after the fact (as well as allows the owner of a recycled number to update someone else's listing). The RISKS? Well, privacy risks are obvious -- this system appears to be a real boon to prank callers, stalkers, and anyone with a Caller ID device or 1-800 number. In the latter case geographic data could be collected on every caller, and more advanced searches could correlate this information with other data available on the Net about the caller. M. Welsh,, UC Berkeley Computer Science Division ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 21:01:56 est From: Subject: Re: CyberAttack on the Pentagon (Murray, RISKS-19.61) >That not only will secure products not be favored in the market >place, they are often punished. [...] This doesn't just apply to computer systems. Try buying a car that has even a remotely decent security system as standard - in consumer tests most new cars can be broken into and started by a 'thief' in times measured in seconds, not minutes. Nor does safety sell - the car I drive, (which won the European Car Of The Year award in 1996) comes as standard with goodies like alloy wheels and aircon, but antilock brakes are an optional extra. Just as legislation was needed to force car makers to fit, and then drivers to use, safety devices, so legislation will be needed to force makers and users of computer systems to fit and use good security. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 15:52:29 EST From: Ed Fischer Subject: NAB accidentally spams its membership list Through an apparently misconfigured mailing list server, the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) this week created an e-mail nightmare for more than a thousand of its members. On 3 Mar 1998, the Convention department sent out -- unsolicited -- advertising messages for its upcoming annual meeting to about 1,100 members. Included in the mailing were instructions for being removed from the list. However, the address given in those instructions merely remailed the "remove" request back to all of the other addresses on the list. Early responders are now being deluged with responses from confused recipients, as well as with "bounce" messages from another approximately 800 invalid addresses which were on the NAB's list. The NAB's Tom Adamson said the list server has been turned off, although he acknowledged that the damage has already been done. Ed Fischer, Director, Information Systems Post-Newsweek Stations, Inc., Hartford, Connecticut ------------------------------ Date: 5 Mar 1998 19:13:55 GMT From: mdw@now.CS.Berkeley.EDU (Matt Welsh) Subject: Update on Windows NT denial-of-service attacks Last night, Microsoft posted a security bulletin at describing the network denial-of-service attacks on Windows NT and 95 systems, which is commonly referred to as the "New Tear", "Bonk", or "Boink" attacks. The fix to the problem released in NT 4.0 Service Pack 3, and patches for Windows 95 are available. From the Microsoft Knowledge Base information on this problem: "The modified teardrop attack works by sending pairs of deliberately constructed IP fragments which are reassembled into an invalid UDP datagram. Overlapping offsets cause the second packet to overwrite data in the middle of the UDP header contained in the first packet in such a way that the datagrams are left incomplete." Interestingly, the information on Microsoft's web pages seems to be somewhat conflicting, and it's difficult to tell exactly which of the multiple known NT TCP/IP stack bugs are being addressed here, and which patches are needed to prevent them. M. Welsh,, UC Berkeley [For the CERT special edition of summary reports on denial of service attacks, see . PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 19:04:14 -0500 From: "RJBurkhart[ECip]" Subject: Re: Auckland power outage recovery risks (Gutmann, RISKS-19.61) After almost two weeks, attempts to restore power on 3 Mar 1998 failed again, with officials predicting downtown Auckland will be blacked out for another 10 weeks. At least 2,000 businesses are affected. [PGN Abstracting from various articles, including, which has power.] R.J. (Bob) Burkhart : Management Support Solutions, Inc. Twin Cities, MN 55431-1774 : ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 02:02:48 -0600 (CST) From: Scott Ruthfield Subject: Newspaper spelling checker forgets Europe While the follies of spelling checkers is well-known, I thought this deserved special mention. File this one in the irony department: in the 3/9 _Houston Chronicle_, in an article with the headline "Panel to confront math, science woes of children," the following phrase appears: "... 21-nation study, in which U.S. 12th-graders ranked 19th in math, outperforming only Cypress and South Africa." (If the problem isn't clear, note the fourth-from-last word.) The risks here are multifold, including just looking foolish. One would assume that a newspaper's spelling checker would include foreign countries (assuming the editors got it right, of course). Note that the byline on this article is the Los Angeles Times, so this problem could have originated there and propagated. Scott Ruthfield, Rice University, Graduate Student, Computer Science ------------------------------ Date: 09 Mar 98 11:02:56 +0000 From: Jonathan de Boyne Pollard Subject: Re: Year 2100 compliance? (Shimomura, RISKS-19.60) Tsutomu Shimomura quoted the information on the Y2K firmware fix for the IBM PC RTC from American Megatrends ( and noted that the documentation implies that there will be a Year 2100 Problem. However, it should be noted in order to keep this in perspective that the windowing fix employed by many BIOS vendors (and also by some operating systems vendors -- IBM's OS/2 Warp includes this same windowing fix in its CLOCK01.SYS and CLOCK02.SYS device drivers, for example) is quite capable of being modified after the year 2000 and before the year 2100, substituting "21" for "20". Sliding the window like this every 100 years should thus be possible. Given the turnover in BIOS code, it also seems to be likely. It is also important to consider the possible variations on the windowing fix used. If the algorithm is "if the year byte is less than 80, write the value 20 to the century byte", then it will fail in 2100, as suggested. However, an alternative, and equally valid, scheme is "if the year byte is less than 80, write the value 20 to the century byte, otherwise write the value 19". This scheme fails 20 years earlier, in 2080. Although the former algorithm may seem the one wanted, the latter algorithm is a more likely one for two reasons. First, it is easy and intuitive to code in C and C++ ("century = (year < 80) ? 20 : 19"). Second, it allows for the century to go backwards. This second point may seem bizarre, until one realises that the BIOS testing methodologies for "Year 2000 correctness" almost always do *not* reflect exactly what will happen in the year 2000. When the year 2000 comes around, the calendar time will only go forward. But the testing procedures employed *now*, *before* the year 2000, involve setting the clock forward and *then* resetting it *back* to the current date and time once the test is over. Obviously, whilst a BIOS which works in the forward direction is acceptable, and will quite acceptably deal with what will actually happen in the PC's RTC come the year 2000; if the machine ends up with the current date and time stuck in the 21st century after a program that tests the BIOS for year 2000 compliance has been run, the BIOS will be *perceived* by many as *not* dealing properly with the year 2000 problem in the PC's RTC chip. IBM's CLOCK02.SYS in OS/2 Warp is one piece of software that I can verify *does* use the latter algorithm, and thus as predicted both (1) applies the fix to the century byte in the PC RTC's NVRAM in both directions and (2) breaks down in the year 2080. This highlights, incidentally, one of the more ironic requirements for testing one's BIOS for the presence of an RTC fix: one needs an operating system that *isn't* Year 2000 compliant itself. One cannot run programs for testing the BIOS on OS/2 Warp, because by the time that the operating system has booted and the test programs are run, the RTC fix in OS/2's clock device driver has overridden whatever RTC fix was applied by the BIOS. Which brings us back to American Megatrends, and its claim that its BIOS RTC fix will work correctly until the year 2099. Would any RISKS readers with a Year 2000 compliant AMI BIOS, and an operating system that *isn't* Year 2000 compliant, care to check what AMI BIOS does come the year 2080 ? > JdeBP < ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 05:52:28 -0800 (PST) From: Fred Cohen Subject: The Deception ToolKit I would like to announce and introduce a new security tool available for free from over the Internet - The Deception ToolKit - available from The Deception ToolKit (DTK) is a toolkit designed to give defenders a couple of orders of magnitude advantage over attackers. The basic idea is not new. We use deception to counter attacks. In the case of DTK, the deception is intended to make it appear to attackers as if the system running DTK has a large number of widely known vulnerabilities. DTK's deception is programmable, but it is typically limited to producing output in response to attacker input in such a way as to simulate the behavior of a system which is vulnerable to the attackers method. This has a few interesting side effects: It increases the attacker's workload because they can't easily tell which of their attack attempts works and which fail. For example, if an attack produces what appears to be a Unix password file, the attacker would normally run "Crack" to try to break into the system. But if the password file is a fake, it consumes the attackers time and effort to no result. It allows us to track attacker attempts at entry and respond before they come across a vulnerability we are susceptible to. For example, when the attacker tries to use a known Sendmail attack against our site, we record all of their entries to track their techniques. With this deception in place, we have no problem picking up port scans, password guessing, and all manner of other attack attempts as they happen. It sours the milk - so to speak. If one person uses DTK, they can see attacks coming well ahead of time. If a few others start using it, we will probably exhaust the attackers and they will go somewhere else to run their attacks. If a lot of people use DTK, the attackers will find that they need to spend 100 times the effort to break into systems and that they have a high risk of detection well before their attempts succeed. If enough people adopt DTK and work together to keep it's deceptions up to date, we will eliminate all but the most sophisticated attackers, and all the copy-cat attacks will be detected soon after they are released to the wide hacking community. This will not only sour the milk, it will also up the ante for would-be copy-cat attackers and, as a side effect, reduce the "noise" level of attacks to allow us to more clearly see the more serious attackers and track them down. If DTK becomes very widespread, one of DTK's key deceptions will become very effective. This deception is port 507 - which we have staked a claim for as the deception port. Port 507 indicates whether the machine you are attempting to connect to is running a deception defense. Naturally, attackers who wish to avoid deceptive defenses will check there first, and eventually, simply running the deceptive defense notifier will be adequate to eliminate many of the attackers. Of course some of us defenders will not turn on the deception announcement message so we can track new attack attempts by those who avoid deceptive defenses, so... the attacker's level of uncertainty rises, and the information world becomes a safer place to work. Your positive and helpful comments are appreciated. FC Fred Cohen & Associates: - - tel/fax:510-454-0171 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 09:05:09 -0800 (PST) From: Gene Tsudik Subject: 5th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security final CFP Final Call for Papers Fifth ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security San Francisco, California November 3-5, 1998 Sponsored by ACM SIGSAC Papers offering novel research contributions in any aspect of computer security are solicited for submission to the Fifth ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. Papers may present theory, technique, applications, or practical experience on topics including but not limited to access control authentication accounting and audit mobile code security applied cryptography data/system integrity cryptographic electronic commerce intrusion detection protocols key management privacy and anonymity intellectual property protection information warfare secure networking secure operating systems viruses and worms security management distributed systems security database security smart-cards and secure security verification PDAs Paper submissions due: April 3, 1998 Panel proposals due: May 1, 1998 General chair: Li Gong, JavaSoft Program chair: Mike Reiter, AT&T Labs, Room A269, 180 Park Avenue Florham Park, NJ 07932-0971 USA, phone: +973-360-8349 For more information, visit or ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 16:06:52 +0100 (MET) From: Diego Latella Subject: Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, CFP Journal of Science of Computer Programming Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Michel Sintzoff SPECIAL ISSUE ON Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems Guest Editors: Jorge Cuellar, Stefania Gnesi, Diego Latella >>>> C A L L F O R P A P E R S <<<< The Journal of Science of Computing Programming has planned a special issue on the use of formal methods in the industry for the development of critical systems. This special issue is promoted by the Working Group on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems of the European Research Consortium on Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM - Guest Editors: Jorge Cuellar (Siemens), Stefania Gnesi (CNR-IEI,FMICS), Diego Latella (CNR-CNUCE,FMICS) IMPORTANT DATE: Deadline for submission : April 30th, 1998 For guidelines, contact S. Gnesi, CNR - Ist. Elaborazione dell'Informazione, Via S. Maria 46, I56126 Pisa - ITALY phone: +39-50-593489, fax : +39-50-554342 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 12:53:31 -0500 (EST) From: "Juan F. Riveros" Subject: Telecommunications Policy Research Conference 98, CFP CALL FOR PAPERS The Twenty-Sixth Annual TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY RESEARCH CONFERENCE 3-5 October 1998, Radisson Mark Plaza, Alexandria, Virginia The Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC) is an annual forum for dialogue among scholars and decision-makers from the public and private sectors engaged in communication and information policy. The purpose of the conference is to acquaint policymakers with the best of recent research and to familiarize researchers with the knowledge needs of policymakers and industry. The TPRC program is assembled from submitted abstracts, invited papers and proposals for complete sessions. TPRC is now soliciting research papers or session proposals for presentation at its 1998 conference. Papers should be based on current theoretical and/or empirical research relevant to the making of communication and information policy, and may be from any disciplinary perspective. TPRC welcomes national, international, or comparative studies. Subject areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to: * 1996 Telecom Act * Universal Service * Wireless Services * Unintended Consequences of Regulation * Unbundling the Local Loop * State Regulation * Convergence: Technological Developments and Regulatory Implications * Privacy (Crypto, Anonymity, Personal Data) * Intellectual Property * Content Control * Information Infrastructure Security * Taxation of Internet Services * Antitrust, Concentration and Mergers * Household Information Environments * Internet and Telephone Numbers and Names * Internet Jurisdiction * Software Competition * Internet/Intranet Effects on Organizations * Electronic Commerce * Communication Reform in Developing Countries * Spectrum Allocation and Auctions * New Satellite Systems * Infrastructure Investment * Pirate Broadcasting * Transition to Digital TV * Competitive Models of Mass Media [Lots of RISKS issues there! Check their Web site for instructions on submissions. Sorry, I don't seem to have the due date. PGN] Inquiries to Dawn Higgins, Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, P.O. Box 19203, Washington, DC 20036 1-202-452-9033 ------------------------------ Date: 1 Apr 1997 (LAST-MODIFIED) From: Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks) The RISKS Forum is a MODERATED digest. Its Usenet equivalent is comp.risks. => SUBSCRIPTIONS: PLEASE read RISKS as a newsgroup (comp.risks or equivalent) if possible and convenient for you. Or use Bitnet LISTSERV. Alternatively, (via majordomo) DIRECT REQUESTS to with one-line, SUBSCRIBE (or UNSUBSCRIBE) [with net address if different from FROM:] or INFO [for unabridged version of RISKS information] => The INFO file (submissions, default disclaimers, archive sites, .mil/.uk subscribers, copyright policy, PRIVACY digests, etc.) is also obtainable from The full info file will appear now and then in future issues. *** All contributors are assumed to have read the full info file for guidelines. *** => SUBMISSIONS: to with meaningful SUBJECT: line. => ARCHIVES are available: or ftp ftp.sri.comlogin anonymous[YourNetAddress]cd risks [volume-summary issues are in risks-*.00] [back volumes have their own subdirectories, e.g., "cd 18" for volume 18] or [i.e., VoLume, ISsue]. The site risks directory also contains the most recent PostScript copy of PGN's comprehensive historical summary of one liners: get illustrative.PS ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 19.62 ************************