3-Jun-87 20:44:46-PDT,14577;000000000000 Mail-From: NEUMANN created at 3-Jun-87 20:43:28 Date: Wed 3 Jun 87 20:43:28-PDT From: RISKS FORUM (Peter G. Neumann -- Coordinator) Subject: RISKS DIGEST 4.95 Sender: NEUMANN@CSL.SRI.COM To: RISKS-LIST@CSL.SRI.COM RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Wednesday, 3 June 1987 Volume 4 : Issue 95 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTER SYSTEMS ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator Contents: COMPASS '87, of particular interest to the RISKS audience (Stan Rifkin) Re: Run-time checks (Jerome H. Saltzer) Risks of Inappropriate Technology to Prevent Password Overwrites (Michael Robinson) Clarification of PL/I array checking (Michael Wagner) Risks for computer junkies (Robert Hartman) Re: When Computers Ruled the Earth (Bank Stupidity) (Ed Sachs) Clarification on CHAPPARAL and VULCAN (Bill Gunshannon) The RISKS Forum is moderated. Contributions should be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, coherent, concise, nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome. (Contributions to RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM, Requests to RISKS-Request@CSL.SRI.COM) (Back issues Vol i Issue j available in CSL.SRI.COM:RISKS-i.j. MAXj: Summary Contents Vol 1: RISKS-1.46; Vol 2: RISKS-2.57; Vol 3: RISKS-3.92.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 3 Jun 87 17:48:42 EDT From: Stan Rifkin To: RISKS@csl.sri.com Subject: COMPASS '87, of particular interest to the RISKS audience COMPASS '87 will be held in Washington DC the week of 29 June - 3 July 1987 at Georgetown University. COMPASS stands for COMPuter ASSurance and is concerned with software safety and process security. "Our safety, health, and welfare are increasingly dependent on the safe and correct use of computers. Despite advances in software engineering and system design, it is common to find major bugs and untrustworthy performance in critical computer-controlled systems. Existing approaches to computer assurance need to be refined technically and economically, and brand new approaches need to be explored." The keynote speaker is Harlan Mills, IBM Fellow. Dr. Mills will speak about his quiet revolution at IBM, his "cleanroom" approach to software development. Dr. Mills is trying to convince the DoD and NASA not to acquire debugged software, rather to buy only software that didn't have any bugs in the first place! And he is receiving a receptive audience. The keynote address and formal papers will be given on 30 June and 1 July. The other days include special-interest group meetings and a tutorial (2 July) by Nancy Leveson on software safety. COMPASS is sponsored by the IEEE Washington DC Section, NASA, Computer Sciences Corp., and George Mason University. The Proceedings contain some sure-to-be classic papers: Mills on how to acquire software, Neumann on the N best (or worst) computer risks and the implications, several surveys of trustworthy systems and tools, and lessons learned from the NASA Shuttle disaster and other real-world systems. There are panel sessions on software safety, on the role of high-level programming languages, and on legal implications. In addition, there is a banquet talk by Henry Petroski ("To Engineer is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design"), and a luncheon talk by John Shore. For further information on the program or registration, please contact Al Friend in Washington DC either over the network at friend@nrl-csr.arpa or by telephone at 202/692-7235. Many people are staying the weekend after to enjoy the Fourth of July in the Nation's Capital. Stan Rifkin, Publications Chairman [I hope that in early July RISKS will have some relevant comments on Harlan's talks and other COMPASS topics. (Last year's COMPASS program featured a rousing talk by David Parnas as Keynote Speaker.) PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 3 Jun 87 13:16:41 EDT To: RISKS FORUM Subject: Re: run-time checks (RISKS DIGEST 4.94) From: Jerome H. Saltzer Henry Spencer mentions on the subject of run-time checks, > The distinguishing feature here is that both Multics and MCP > are running on special hardware... > ... many people will trade off safety for performance any day... That comment was widely accepted as the dominating concern in the 1970's, when people were actively debating whether or not to carry forward the hardware features that were required to support Multics and MCP. At the time, hardware features were still quite expensive. But with 1980's technology available, those concerns somehow look diminished. With moderately clever implementation, hardware run-time checks can usually be done in parallel with the main stream of computation, so they don't directly impede performance that much. At most they have the indirect effect of using up silicon that might have been invested in performance enhancements. They also use up chip design time, but one would expect that cost to be repaid many times in applications development time savings. It seems to me that there remain two real barriers to introduction of hardware run-time checks: 1. Developing a conviction that they are a good idea. Those of us who have developed programs on Multics or MCP are easily convinced, but those of us who haven't are in a majority. 2. It is hard to sell a new architecture. Life is more rewarding for people who do improved, compatible implementations of old ones. Jerry Saltzer [Jerry has put his finger on one of the stumbling blocks in trying to attain systems with critical requirements for security, reliability, safety, etc. There are obvious incentives to use available hardware, software, programming languages, network facilities, etc., even if atrociously malsuited to the application. [For you old Don Marquis fans, we have a clear-cut case of Archi(tecture) and Compatibel. PGN]] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 03 Jun 87 09:33:50 EDT From: Michael Robinson Subject: Risks of Inappropriate Technology to Prevent Password Overwrites To: "Peter G. Neumann" A very thorough bounds test could be performed millions of times in the time that it has taken you to read this sentence. The test has done nothing to further the purposes of the program, but it has given you that much more cause to believe that the program is working properly. If something IS wrong, you know that you will know about it before it completely wrecks your program. Dependability, serviceability, future expansion, and the need for defensive posturing are basic engineering concerns -- whether you're building a footbridge or a computer program. They do nothing for the bridge, but they do help to guarantee that something infinitely more expensive than the bridge, namely a human being or his payroll record, won't fall into the waters below. If you can't be sure of that, then the cost of failure has completely eaten up any cost that you "saved" by not anticipating the possibility. The computer is the least expensive part of the whole scenario. You can always buy a bigger one. If you "waste" a few milliseconds being very sure that you don't have a problem, then it's time well spent. If and when a problem does crop up, then the defensive code kills two birds with one stone: alerting you to the fact that you have a problem, and giving you a clear(er) picture of exactly when, what, where, and why the problem has occurred. These are some of the ideas that went into the design of the newer languages. It doesn't take much effort to become proficient in any one of them and it behooves us very much to take advantage of them when we can. Bounds tests, "inefficiencies," and all. It's just plain good sense. Michael Robinson, Univ. Tennessee at Chattanooga, CECA - 413 Hunter Hall 615 McCallie Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37403, BellNet: (615) 755-4003 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 03 Jun 87 14:45 CET To: RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM From: Michael Wagner +49 228 303 245 Subject: Clarification of PL/I array checking (re: RISKS DIGEST 4.94) > > The particular error ... could not have happened in a > > language such as PL/I ... where over-running the bounds of an > > array is a required run-time check... I winced when I read this, because 'required' is such an ambiguous word (on whom is the requirement placed), but assumed that people would know enough PL/I to understand. Then came Henry's comment ... > ... my recollection is that every PL/I compiler I've ever seen > has a turn-checks-off option, and usually it's the default. I have experience with only 3 PL/I compilers. Subscript checking defaults to on for two of them (PL/C from Cornell and PL/I Checkout from IBM), and to off for one (PL/I Optimizer from IBM). > The reason is clear: such checks are expensive, particularly > with a naive compiler that can't eliminate many of them at > compile time, and the overrun condition is rare. We may disagree about what 'expensive' means, but I have examined the output from the PL/I Optimizer with full subscript checking turned on and estimated the cost of run-time subscript checking to be less than a few percent of the total. I ran a production subsystem with checking on for a few weeks, and this yielded a number in concert with my estimates. In the end, I turned subscript checking off, but if the output of the system had mattered in any real sense, I would have considered it false economy. Michael ------------------------------ To: seismo!comp-risks@seismo.CSS.GOV From: sun!rdh@seismo.CSS.GOV (Robert Hartman) Subject: Risks for computer junkies Date: 3 Jun 87 22:38:28 GMT Regarding Steve Thompson's article about gambling addicts (RISKS-4.94), the drug involved is ... adrenalin! This may also be true for computer junkies. There is indeed cause for worry about the dangers of addiction to a "response-pattern generator" that seems to be so emotionally neutral (giving no feedback whatsoever about the user's habits or characteristics), and as intellectually absorbing as the computer's user interface. (Although the shell isn't the most exciting person to spend time with, it never calls you a jerk either.) An emotionally vulnerable person can indeed be sucked in, and can tend to lose sight of the fact that dealing with people isn't as straightforward as dealing with computers. One cannot usually "correct a relationship malfunction" with an "abort/restart sequence" and "different inputs." Because the addict may feel incompetent to deal with people anyway, spending increasing amounts of time on the machine tends to compound his feeling of isolation. This can lead to a vicious circle in which he returns to the relatively "safe" (if emotionally stultifying) environment of the computer, after increasingly disappointing experiences with people that he is less and less able to cope with. As interfaces get better, this risk gets worse. -bob. Sun Microsystems, Mt. View ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Jun 87 20:56:49 EDT Originally-From: Ed Sachs [From misc.consumers.house... Forwarded-From: bzs@bu-cs.bu.edu (Barry Shein)] Subject: Re: When Computers Ruled the Earth (Bank Stupidity) Summary: Two cents worth of bank stupidity The ultimate case of bank stupidity came when we bought our house eleven years ago. At that time, they offered us the option of an automatic payment plan, where we gave them the authorization to write a check on our checking account (at a different bank, we're not stupid) for the monthly mortgage payment. As a side bonus, they were willing to do it twice a month for half-payments, which was convenient as I was getting payed twice monthly at the time (not to mention the postage savings). About a week after we signed all the papers, I got a call from the nice lady at the bank saying that could not put us on the automatic payment plan. The reason? Our monthly payment amount was odd, and the two half-payments had to be equal. A few minutes on the phone and the nice lady checking with her supervisor determined that we were allowed to make a greater payment with the extra money going toward the loan principal, so we increased the monthly payment amount by $0.01 to make the two half-payments equal. And so we thought we had it licked. Act III: Bank statement arrived at end of month. Two automatic payment checks to mortgage had cleared, each for $0.01!!! Ed Sachs, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Naperville, IL, ihnp4!ihlpa!essachs ------------------------------ Date: 3 Jun 87 15:30:31 GMT From: bill@westpt.usma.edu (Bill Gunshannon) [No longer RISKS related] Subject: Clarification on CHAPPARAL and VULCAN [but for the record] Organization: US Military Academy, West Point, NY >From: Iglesias%UCIVMSA.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu >To: RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM >Subject: Re: Phalanx Schmalanx [For the record] > > > Years ago, the US Army had a weapon called the "Chapparal", which > > was a 20mm gatling mounted on an armored personnel carrier.... > >You may be confusing the Chapparal with something else... The weapon they are trying to identify was called the VULCAN. It was a sister to the CHAPPARAL and was used to shoot down low-altitude aircraft. I served in Europe with 2/60th ADA C/V which was one of the first CHAPPARAL/VULCAN units to be deployed over there. They were the last thing the enemy had to get past before hitting something important like an airbase or equipment depot. That's assuming they made it past the NIKE and HAWK batteries. I believe from what I have seen in the news photos that the PHALANX is merely a sea-going VULCAN. bill gunshannon UUCP: {philabs,phri}!westpt!bill PHONE: (914)446-7747 Martin Marietta Data Systems, USMA, Bldg 600, Room 26, West Point, NY 10996 ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest ************************ -------