Newsgroups: alt.etext From: (N.R. Coombs) Subject: EASI Moved Its Email Discussion List Message-ID: <> Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1993 10:54:13 GMT Lines: 43 EASI" Equal Access to Software and Information EASI has moved its email discussion list to the listserve machine at St. Johns University. It is now open to public subscriptions. To join send email to listserv@sjuvm.bitnet or Leave the subject blank and for the text input: sub easi "Yourfirstname Yourlastname" So what is EASI and why might you want to be on its public email discussion list? Our mission is to serve as a resource primarily to the education community by providing information and guidance in the area of access- to-information technologies by persons with disabilities. We are dedicated to staying informed about developments and advancements within the adaptive computer technology field and to spreading that information to schools, colleges, universities and into the workplace. Our membership is comprised of people from a wide range of schools, colleges, universities, businesses and other institutions. They include computing staff, disabled student services staff, faculty, administrators, vendors, representatives of professional associations, private consultants, heads of both non-profit and profit organizations and companies for people with disabilities. Students are also encouraged to join EASI EASI has created a number of useful publications related to disability access to computing and information technology. They can be found by anonymous ftp at or by gopher from the St. Johns gopher menu. Any major gopher that lists most New York State gophers will get you into St. Johns. We want to be a place where knowledgeable people on adaptive computing can serve to reach others and where anyone with questions can write and see if someone on the list has info or experience relevant to that question. There is a lot we do not know, but we are eager to learn and equally eager to share. Norman Coombs