From: (Jon Noring) Subject: AESOP'S FABLES - Hypertext Windows 3.1 Help File Available Message-ID: Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1993 02:29:53 GMT Lines: 22 Hello, A Windows 3.1 Help File of Aesop's Fables is now available. It was converted from a Public Domain ASCII text that is available on the net. You can retrieve this file via anonymous ftp from: /pub/noring/ Please let me know what you think of it - criticisms, kudos, recommended improvements, etc. Thanks. Jon Noring -- If you are an INFJ, then join the INFJ mailing list - ask me for more details. If you don't know what INFJ means, ask me, and I'll send more info (46Kb file). ============================================================================= | Jon Noring | | | | JKN International | IP : | FRED'S GOURMET CHOCOLATE | | 1312 Carlton Place | Phone : (510) 294-8153 | CHIPS - World's Best! | | Livermore, CA 94550 | V-Mail: (510) 417-4101 | | ============================================================================= Read alt.psychology.personality! That's where the action is.