Welcome to PSY 3153, Sensation and Perception! Please be sure to read all bullet points here and read the entire syllabus! 1. Course content o All course content is accessible via Canvas or on this site. o All exams are on Canvas! 2. Go over the syllabus o Get a copy of the syllabus from this content site. o Please go over it and note especially the section on what your grade is based on, and also when each exam is due. 3. Textbook and Lecture Videos o The correct textbook title and edition is listed in the syllabus. It is REQUIRED for this course! o The book publisher's online tools are NOT required for this course. o Lectures are presented as YouTube videos, one for each book chapter. o Link to the YouTube playlist of lectures is on this content site. 4. Grading o Your grade is based upon the average of all exams. See syllabus for details. o Late exams are NOT accepted (but see below for Technical Problems with Exams). Enter all the due dates for the exams in your planner! 5. Exam Calendar o The course calendar in the syllabus contains due dates for all exams! o Late exams are NOT accepted. Enter all the due dates for the exams in your planner! 6. Taking Exams o Each exam consists of multiple choice questions only. o Make note of the time limits for each test! o You will have only ONE chance to take the test! o Once you start the exam you MUST finish it. Make sure you are on a desktop or laptop computer on a reliable internet connection prior to starting each exam 7. Technical Problems with Exams o Due to the nature of computers, the internet, and Canvas, some of you will experience technical problems with an exam. o If you can't complete an exam due to technical problems: 1. Do not freak out! 2. Do NOT contact the Department of Psychology! 3. Contact me via email (ray.lopez@utsa.edu) as soon as possible and let me know what happened. 4. I will verify your story and if it wasn't your fault, I can reset your exam so you can start again. 5. No points will be deducted from your exam if it is late. 8. Contact Dr. Lopez o Please note office hours in the syllabus. o If the office hours are not good for you let me know and we can set up another time. o For any questions or concerns please contact me via email at ray.lopez@utsa.edu. 9. What do I do now? o Note when Exam 1 is due o Start reading the first chapter for Exam 1 o Watch the lecture videos for the first chapter. o Study the rest of the chapters and videos for Exam 1. GOOD LUCK!! <-- USE BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO COURSE CONTENT .