Capt Richard N. Jensen was a fine boy. Loyal, unselfish, and efficient. I am terribly sorry. There are no coffins here since there is no wood. We will have a trumpeter and an honor guard, but we will not fire the volleys as it will make people think an air raid is on. I enclosed a lock of Dick's hair in a letter to his mother. He was a fine man, and a fine officer, and he had no vices. At ease. I thought I would stand up here and let you people see if I am as big a son of a bitch as some of you think I am. I assure you I had no intention in being either harsh or cruel in my treatment of the soldier in question. My sole purpose was to try and restore in him some appreciation of his obligations as a man, and as a soldier. If one can shame a coward, I felt, one might help him to gain his self respect. This was on my mind. Now, I freely admit that my method was wrong, but I hope you can understand my motive, and will accept this explanation, and this apology. Dismissed. .