Michael Voris and his site, are really controversial. Voris and CM are known mostly as the ultra- conservative branch of Catholocism. I really like how Voris and his crew preach the teachings of our Church. Their adherance and defense of Catholic orthodoxy is outstanding. But what I don't like about Voris and CM is their whole hog association with the Republican Party of the US, and their defense of the "party of stupid". For example, Voris thinks that human-caused global warming is fake. It is really hard for me to take someone seriously when then deny basic facts, logic, and science. They also take the view that helping others, caring for others, is a sign of weakness, of being overly feminized. I think if Voris were to finally admit that human caused global warming is a real problem, I'd be able to support him and his ministry. As it stands, his ministry seems to me to be a Republican operation to infiltrate the Catholic Church. And there is so much about the wretched Republican agenda that is against the intellectual history of Catholicism. Modern science owes a huge debt of gratitude to the Roman Catholic Church. You wouldn't know that, however, by listening to Voris and CM. I wish he'd rethink his views and quit mixing modern American politics with the eternal truth of the Catholic Church. .