2003-08-28 J. Tang * Looks like Weather Underground changed the format of their pages slightly. Release 1.12 compensates for this. 2002-10-31 J. Tang * Fixed problems using the external browser feature. This is release 1.11. 2002-09-25 J. Tang * Three months now without any problems. Thus TclWeather 1.10 release. * left clicking ticker now spawns a browser that points to the Weather Underground page for the location 2002-06-26 * fixed incorrect initial title for main window * Tk on Unix uses a larger font, so if TclWeather is running under Unix increase the height of the configuration dialog 2002-06-24 J. Tang * rewrote README a bit 2002-06-24 * TclWeather 1.0 release. Woot! 2002-05-24 * added standalone mode to program * placed lib/configuration.tcl into its own namespace 2002-04-19 * fixed Makefiles to be more gnu-friendly 2002-04-18 * fixed bug in which weather scanner would incorrectly scan the 'conditions' within downloaded METAR data 2002-04-03 * cosmetic changes to the 'Colors' tab in the configuration window * changed right click behavior on ticker to raise the configuration window, if it already exists 2001-10-23 * fixed bug in which after a condition was no longer in effect, it still stuck around within the data display 2001-10-16 * fixed bug in which update_data() incorrectly determined when new METAR data arrived 2001-10-15 * fixed potential bug, to force setting the 'filename' field within load_settings() upon success * NEW FEATURE: tracks old data, to indicate increasing/decreasing values; added checkbox option to toggle this * fixed bug in which window geometry data saved to rc file twice 2001-10-04 * inverted logic in ok_format_page, to correctly determine if ticker data needs to be reformatted 2001-10-04 * Fixes / Changes in version 0.94: * further modularized entire tclweather gui; it should be [theoretically] easy to add this component to another Tk widget * added enter/raise and leave/lower options * corrected Makefiles to handle the new directory structure * cosmetic changes to configuration dialog * added ability to toggle 12-hour and 24-hour system * added ability to toggle local time and UTC time * added additional color settings: 'button foreground', 'button background', 'server messages' and 'other texts' * fixed spacing issues on the ticker * changed 'mostly sunny' to be 'mostly clear skies' ("mostly sunny" at night?) * fixed miscalculation of air pressure; should be accurate now